
How do you like your coffee?

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I'm from New Orleans so I'm used to coffee with chicory, strong and a little bitter. Hehehe, like I like my men? okay, that's just odd...

Anyway, my way of choice....pick a strong coffee, make it so that it's practically concentrated, then add hot milk, similar to a cafe au lait, and sugar. It's like dessert in a glass. And the caffeine boost is just a friendly way of saying...slow down, who me? :P
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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what's chicory??

It's the tap root from a plant called "chicory" that is related to lettuces. You roast the root and use it in place of coffee beans. People did this during WWII when coffee bean import was scarce. Folks in New Orleans still drink Chicory coffee but now we just blend the chicory in with the coffee beans. It's strong shiznit.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Your poll puzzles me since you have black and without milk or sugar as 2 seperate options.

Black = nothing at all in the coffee. No cream, no sugar, no milk, no half&half,no sweet&low. NOTHING! Nada. Zilch,

Thats how I drink it. All those other ingredients are for folks that dont like coffee.

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what's chicory??

Chicory is a blue-flowered herb with a long white root from the endive family. There's no caffeine in it, but it adds flavor and body to coffee.

New Orleans started using it to stretch scarce coffee supplies during the civil war and the tradition continued until it became a well-loved addition to coffee. Personally, I prefer my coffee with it, always. If it isn't strong, it's not worth my time! :P
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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I can't drink it any of those ways!

I can drink Lattes and Mochas, but not just black coffee. I like it, but since I have acid reflux, straight coffee makes me sick, so my doctor says I can't have it anymore. :(

How do you figure? I have acid reflux like a mf'er, and take Prevacid daily. I drink about 1/2 gallon of straight black coffee every morning.

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