
Older women dating younger guys?

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I'm only 10 months older than her. She's just a kid! ;)

...my husband Joe is only 3 months older than I am, but I LOVE it when he calls me 'kid' or 'little girl'...I've always been attracted to guys that were older, more 'experienced' in life, and kind of protective...I guess when he calls me 'kiddo' it kind of fulfills that for me...:$:)
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After divorcing my boring, same-age-as-me husband, I told my daughters the next guy I go out with will be half my age (my oldest shudders.. that would mean dating guys Her age ;))

Guys my age are married with kids, losing their hair, with a spare tire around the middle for the most part.

I look at guys my age and see the same thing.
I'm Not interested :S[:/]

earthbound misfit

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And Casie - you may think you are at your peak now - but it just keeps getting better.

...I soooo agree...I just turned 30, and each year has been better than the last for...well...10 years I'd say! :P;):)

Agreed here, as well. I'm 32...:$

I'm 36 and I'm proud to say"....I think I have my Mother's ass:$"
Which would explain why she never sat down to a hot meal as we grew up=no ass >'cause I had it;)
....did I ever tell ya I got my Dad's eyes? (in a jar:ph34r:)
-Grant. ( Grantastic!)
p.s. notice how l-o-v-e- is typed.....real love, you always give someone the BIG-"O":)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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All these women dating younger men for the hard bodies. Why is it that when I date younger women, older women call me superficial and immature? (I am, but they shouldn't call me that. ;) )

When older guys are bald or have a spare tire, you just can't hide it. Women have a mixed advantage here. On their back, it's like a little facelift. All the sags fall back. Unfortunately, so do the boobies which end up under their arms. :o

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I'm 25 and usually date older guys, simply because most guys my age are still living with their parents

:owhich world do you live in? in DK most people move out arround 18years,myself moved as 14(not to the street)which might were too early:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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;) )

> Women have a mixed advantage here. On their >back, it's like a little facelift. All the sags fall >back. Unfortunately, so do the boobies which end >up under their arms. :o

Well my wife is 10 years younger than me a has a rack at 50 DD so I ahave a bit of time to buy my own "Jaws-Of_Life" so when the day comes that they drop back, I can save her from a cetain death:ph34r:
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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"You should feel lucky to have me, I used to be a Playboy model." "How did boys look at the pictures at night before electricity?" :o

Yeah, right Bill, whatever. I'll post pics as soon as I get them scanned :)
edited to add: Actually, if you're my age you probably have the issue :)

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of course the 47 year old I'm dating right now is an ex Playboy model :)

About 7 years ago, I was a guest at the Playboy mansion for a New Year's party. I went for the novelty of it, but I never returned. He was married at the time, so his party was actually very boring. I have to say that I was a little surprised at how the Playmates and ex-Playmates seemed to be much less attractive in real life. (I don't mean your girlfriend, JSaxton...I've never met her.)

Anyway, I purposely stayed away from meeting Hefner that night, but I wouldn't say "no" to maybe seeing what his parties are like now. I remember Pamela Anderson was soooo happy to be there with Tommy Lee (although in the news, they had just broken up). She said "hi" to me as if she knew me :oas I walked by to look at Hefner's zoo animals. I had a cold, so it was probably also my cold that made me feel bored to be there. I'm still grateful that I had the experience...still an interesting night. :)
Edited: It was for the New Year of 1997, I believe.

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Oh yes, I'm your age and then some. The ones looking for money and looks tend to avoid eye contact with the middle-aged broke skydiver.

It works out though, I don't have the time to keep a houseplant alive, much less a relationship. It leaves me more time to raise discontent among the populace. :ph34r:

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After divorcing my boring, same-age-as-me husband, I told my daughters the next guy I go out with will be half my age (my oldest shudders.. that would mean dating guys Her age ;))


Guys my age are married with kids, losing their hair, with a spare tire around the middle for the most part.

I look at guys my age and see the same thing.
I'm Not interested :S[:/]

Well, it's good to know you girls and guys go for in depth relationships, rather than shallow, casual short term stuff based on appearance :P

Am 28 years old, and I don't give a shit about age one way or the other. It simply isn't a matter of concern - either you like someone or ya don't. Gross stereotyping cannot be applied to each individual case

Oh yeah - cranky because of insomnia, so apologies if I come across as a jerk. Just yaking a few chains

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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Well, it's good to know you girls and guys go for in depth relationships, rather than shallow, casual short term stuff based on appearance

I guess after being married for 25 years I feel entiled to be a little Shallow :P

Heh, you could have been BOTH at the same time, thus optimizing the time spent. B|. It seems the end result wouldn't have been worse.

Oh and I am not, nope, in noway whatsoever, encouraging immoral behaviour. Not me :)

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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I gotta tell you hon, I don't know how the last year is for you, but I'm havin a hell of a time. More than anything convincin someone of the obvious!!!

I didn't make the comment to make you smile!

I am so incapable of a casual LAY!!!!

Jeez Oh PEEZ.

Two things, one? The comment was supposed to make you smile... Cuz I think you kick butt.


It wasn't charity, I would drive great distances, and give up much to get to you.

You do rock you know?

Either A, I'm seriously fucking up my posts, or b, people just cannot handle a straight on full compliment?

I mean shit, this isn't fucking Columbus discovering America here? It's a simple, straight forward, you kick butt, your a cutie, damnit please smile some more kinda post....


Kill me now, I don't know how to be single.

blue skies,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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