
Let it SNOW

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Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I brought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

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some say when it snows,
it just really blows
but just find a hoe
one that wont say no

hump all night
hope all day
when the snow goes away
you can start to play

but be sure
you keep that hoe
next winter's a commin
an' u gana need her some mo

when it snow, when it snow, when it snow

:Pi tried...

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Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It doesn't show signs of stopping
And I brought some corn for popping
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

And now for some couplets to chime in with Jeanne's stuff:

It didn't really snow
It did that two weeks ago

Today I went cross-country skiing
Apalled by all the wrecks I was seeing.

Traffic was stalled at Snoqualmie Pass
Probably caused by an SUV ass

On the trail I stuttered and stammered
Now I'm just sitting here getting hammered


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Snow and Ice was my love and exhistance for all my life but....
I'm moving to FLA 1st job offer that covers the mortgage.
Skiing since I was 3
Bobsled & Skeleton 6 years
Good by Lake Placid, now I want good by PA, Hello Z-Hills. (Hi Volt shock=meds.=thin blooded now[:/])
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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okay it is snowing here in utah now to..... i want it to stop.. because of some stupid people in my unit i have to go along with 100 of my cowoerkers nd march in our dres uniforms to the wing comanders office and stand OUTSIDE while the offending indvidual gets yelled at... at 6am!!!!! i just want it to atleast stop snowing so i don't freez my feet of in 6 inches of new snow.. already got about 1.5 inches........and it's only been snowing like 4 hours....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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After spending almost a week in Minnesota, I will not be complaining of COLD weather. I wished they could have had more snow for me though. Most places had a thin cover of snow, but I wanted to see lots of snow. The cold temps, now that wasn't too much fun. It is kewl to 'walk on water' though. (even if it's frozen water!! Ha!)


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Now imagine what that is going to be like for the women in dress blues

well in my section there are no women and there was only one in the other sectin that had a f@ck up... she seemed to be just fine..... a skirt was not worn by her....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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