
Get your wisdom teeth out! (Don't be dumb like me!)

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I have 3 wisdom teeth, and one is impacted. They all grew in years ago. Sure, they hurt while growing in, and the impacted one has given me problems twice now, but those problems went away rather quickly.

I've been putting off getting the impacted one removed because I'm lazy. Nobody likes to have to sit out for a weekend doing nothing, so I just haven't done anything about my wisdom tooth.

This was very very stupid of me. A week ago the gum around my wisdom tooth got really swollen. It hurt so much, and I couldn't close my teeth together (As of this morning, I can finally close them together!) I couldn't do anything about it while I was in Spain or on the flight home. Two days after it started hurting, it got much worse, so I called my dentist. She put me on an antibiotic, and that helped with the gum around my wisdom tooth.

Unfortunately, the infection is spreading everywhere else. I have a swollen lymph-node, my bottom lip has blisters and is completely swollen, my tongue is getting blisters and is swollen, my ear is starting to hurt, and my gums in other areas of my mouth are becoming swollen. This really sucks.

I'm okay and all, but being lazy and procrastinating really kicked my butt in. I just wanted to send a warning to anyone who has their wisdom teeth (especially if they're impacted) that the pain you'll go through for one weekend definitely beats the pain that'll last me well over a week!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Hi Vallerina, {{{{{VIBES}}}}} to you for your pain and suffering. My hubby did the same thing. Put it off until it dang near kicked his butt. He is better now too, and I had my wisdom teeth actually shift one of my adult teeth, so I got those puppies out at 13, while still on momie and daddys' insurance. As a dental tech, I've seen some very ugly results for putting that off. I hope your post saves some people from making that mistake.-Caress
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I had all my wisdom teeth pulled when I was still in High School. Yes, you go through hell for about a week, but it's worth it in the end. My older son, Luke had his pulled right before Christmas. He was down for a week, and mad at me, but now he's glad it was done. He had worn braces for a while, and we didn't want the wisdom teeth coming in a destroying all the hard work that had been done with the braces.
BTW, why do we even have wisdom teeth? Is it to check us to make sure we are really wise enough to get them taken out?
Hope your feeling better soon.
Big hugs to you,
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Yes, I too suffered for a week when I had three wisdom teeth removed, but it was worth it. Aside from impacting, one of my wisdom teeth was so badly infected that my lower jaw was only half its original depth!
Best to have wisdom teeth removed while you still have insurance.

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I'm thinking maybe I should heed your advice. My wisdom teeth have slowly been coming in for the past year or so and so far, I've only felt the growing pains.

I don't think I have any impacted, but I don't know because I never go to the dentist. Maybe I should start that practice. Hmmm..........maybe it will be fun to be pampered for a weekend. ;)
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P.M.S. #102

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what is "impacted"? I haven't gotten mine out yet mainly because I don't have dental insurance and I'm chicken... but I kinda thought the only problems would come from moving my braces-straightened teeth around.

"If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?" --Steven Wright

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Oh, girl! I hope you're feeling better soon! I waited until the last possible minute to get mine removed, as well. They were hurting so bad that I refused to leave the dentist's chair until he took at least one of them out. Atleast it's January... careful with those painkillers, killer... ;)

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Luckily, good teeth run in my family. My dad still has all his wisdom teeth, so hopefully the same thing will happen to me.

When I used to go to the dentist, they would tell me that I had more than enough room for my wisdom teeth when they grew in. So I'm taking that as a good sign. I guess we'll just have to see what happens.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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I had mine out in december. Never had taken pain killers in my life. Took what they gave me (loritab) and tripped for a few hours. Ever since then pain killers will not work on me. Doc. made me take double doses of everything they could legally give me(vikaprofin, vikadin, all types of codeine) and nothing worked. Had to wait out the week of pain on my own. It has been a few months and I realize teeth move! All my teeth are shifting into the now empty space. It is weird to bite down and not feel the same leggo effect you are used to. It is also not cool that I do not remember 5 hours of my life while I was under the effects of the I.V. meds. My mom drove me home from dentist and said I drove the car from the passengers seat all the way home while screaming at all the other drivers fro not letting me over even tho I had my blinker on!

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Ugh, I need to do this - and after reading your post today I am starting to wonder if this sore neck, swollen glands, sore throat, and sore ear are from my impacted tooth. However, I have a serious dental phobia and can't seem to call the dentist or oral surgeon.

How long does this take to recover? I am in sales and can't afford any time off the phone or conducting appointments.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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How long does this take to recover? I am in sales and can't afford any time off the phone or conducting appointments.

Eek, it will be quite difficult to conduct business appts. I had mine out from an oral surgeon cause all 4 were impacted. They were growing under my back molars. Was difficult to talk for about 4-5 days. After that, things were fine. When they remove an impacted tooth, you have a big hole in your gum that you need to take care of until it heals...it can easily get infected if you don't clean it properly.


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Well, did something a little pro active on this. Sent am email to a good friend of mine that is a DDS and asked him to recommend an oral surgeon that works with phobias. Will see what happens.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Well, did something a little pro active on this. Sent am email to a good friend of mine that is a DDS and asked him to recommend an oral surgeon that works with phobias. Will see what happens.

If you need someone to go with you and heather can't make it, lemme know.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Luckily, good teeth run in my family. My dad still has all his wisdom teeth, so hopefully the same thing will happen to me.

When I used to go to the dentist, they would tell me that I had more than enough room for my wisdom teeth when they grew in. So I'm taking that as a good sign. I guess we'll just have to see what happens.

It's a combination between what your father's side of the family passes on, and what your mother's side of the family passes on. Good teeth has nothing to do with it. It's all about the size of the teeth and the size of the jaw. For example, you get your mom's teeth, maybe bigger, and you get your dad's jaw, maybe smaller. Wisdom teeth aren't going to fit.
If the dentist is telling you it looks like you'll have enough room, then you are one of the lucky ones.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Ouch Val! I hope you feel much better soon.

I am having to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth out in April/May:| and although I am dreading it, your story shows that it has to be done. :S


It doesn't have to be done at all. Some people have perfectly good wisdom teeth. I'm 58, and I have 4 good wisdom teeth, chew with them every day. They've not given me one day of trouble in my life.

Just because some people get appendicitis, does that show that we should all have our appendices removed?

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It doesn't have to be done at all.

My big swollen lip is telling me that mine sure does! :D Yeah, if they're not impacted nor have cavities, then there's no real reason to take them out. I'll probably keep my top two in, actually. They're in fine.

However, if anyone has impacted wisdom teeth, I strongly suggest getting them ripped out!!! Thanks for the vibes and all, but I don't really want/need them! I'm doing fine, it just sucks that everything is really infected right now. I'm going to the dentist in a few hours to find out why the antibiotics aren't working.

I used to think my procrastination was a good quality to have....I'll rethink that.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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