
Wow, this MyDoom virus is really raging tonight

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And here I am, feeling as if I suddenly became very popular as the new mail tone rings out every two minutes.
Guys, just in case anyone needs to be warned, don't open weird attachments. This one comes in the form of a .pif file, with some sort of error message (undelivered mail, unreadable charcters...)
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WAAAAHHH I never get any of those mails...

Want me to forward them to you? I got two in my Dz.com mail box already. I'm sure another one will show up soon.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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And here I am, feeling as if I suddenly became very popular as the new mail tone rings out every two minutes.
Guys, just in case anyone needs to be warned, don't open weird attachments. This one comes in the form of a .pif file, with some sort of error message (undelivered mail, unreadable charcters...)
More here.

Yep, My mail server is catching about 5 Mydooms/minute right now. Get an ISP that virus scans ALL mail and you won't have to deal with it on your end.

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Linux... the best anti-virus package/service pack/update winblowz has ever seen! ;)

No more crashes, no more constant updates, no more worrying about the latest virus... best of all the shits free and ya can't beat that.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain
a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty
nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

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I don't get how we're getting them...we DON'T open attachments, and we've got 4 on our computer that are 'unremovable' but in quarantine...just sucks. Something about one that came in and brought in the others...crap I don't know.These computer nerds need to get a f*&@ing life...-
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Linux... the best anti-virus package/service pack/update winblowz has ever seen! ;)

No more crashes, no more constant updates, no more worrying about the latest virus... best of all the shits free and ya can't beat that.


fundamentalism in any form is offensive. nothing is free. most normal people find being productive more valuable than being cool.

have a nice day.
namaste, motherfucker.

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I checked my email earlier... at that time it was the usual I dunno Very Many spam emails.

(Kitten got named Spam.)

So this has been a real problem for a long time. Dan put Spam Assassin on our web server and it catches about everything. Right now after emptying it earlier it has 538 things to review due to suspicious content. Three of those 538 were actually to me from a real person.

Most of the time, my real person emails are directed into the -"IMPORTANT - friends" file.

I have 24 assorted files, skydivers, read later, dog stuff, family, newsletters, .... and it works fine.

But the file for Check it Out and Review is the one where I sent all the Spam Assassin stuff... and its always loaded.

I refuse to change my email address - I have had it so long.... I could change it to [email protected]... I havent finished/started on that website yet, but it wouldnt be the same as me @ airann.


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if you don't know what you're doing you can set up any operating system incorrectly or write software for it that will make it crash. Microsoft is a victim of it's own success in this regard. Make a product that anyone can use, and less than savvy people will display error dialogues on billboards.

On the other hand, some people also like using their computers to do something other than recompile their kernal every time they change their wallpaper.

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Sadly NOT true. We just implemented a so called 'free' Linux mail server with Nutscrape (oops, sorry that fantastic, 'free' software Netscape mail) for a international logistics firm's head office here in NZ. Their centralised IT dept insisted they have Linux/nutscrape, even though our recommendation was for MS Exchange & Outlook (they were already using Outlook 2002 & were very happy with it).

By the time we had built the server, migrated mail from Outlook to Nutscrape, resolved problems etc the total cost of the project was significantly MORE than it would have been if we had simply put Exchange in. Plus there are 'hidden' costs waiting for them as well: they only have limited on-site IT support, so they will either have to spend yet More money on Linux courses training the guy who looks after it, or pay a supplier (us) to manage it for them. Would have been relatively easy for him to look after Exchange as he already knows how to create/delete Windows user accounts and so on. Their staff hate Nutscrape - after using Outlook for so long they consider it a downgrade as nutscrape has no calendar/scheduling functions. Plus there is the unquantifiable cost of wasted time/lost productivity as staff learn how to use the new system.

There is NO such thing as 'free' software as this client found out to their considerable expense.


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Linux... the best anti-virus package/service pack/update winblowz has ever seen! ;)

No more crashes, no more constant updates, no more worrying about the latest virus... best of all the shits free and ya can't beat that.


Preaching to the choir son. I've been running Linux since '92 and in a production environment since '94. I have about 20 Linux servers in production now. All of my mail & web hosting is done on Linux. Personally, I have a Mac on my lap which I use for normal desktop stuff. Gotta love OS X :)

PS. There are plenty of Linux viruses out there. The average time to live for an unprotected, fresh installed box on the Internet is 15 minutes. Doesn't matter if it is *BSD, Linux or Windblows. Everything is insecure. It is easier IMHO to make Linux secure but it doesn't come out of the box that way.

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There is NO such thing as 'free' software as this client found out to their considerable expense.


Linux is free as in beer. Everyone can have the recipe for beer, but most people still pay for it. Long term the TCO for Linux is about the same for MS products. I run both, I have run Linux for over 10 years now. I use Linux in production because I'm skilled in doing so. I also use Linux in production because I can resolve problems quite a bit faster than a closed system. I honestly don't think I'm saving any money by running Linux, I do feel that I'm more productive and more responsive to my customers needs. Anyone who uses Linux for the 'chic' factor is an idiot. It does require an entirely different skill set than the normal MCSE 'next, next, next, finish' type of systems administrator.

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(note; already posted under Beagle Virus)
"Like an idiot I opened the .txt file..
realized mistake...
deleted emails-restarted..
fire wall asks for server permission for ie..
pull up fire wall ctl panel..
find task mon..
go to startup-find task mon..
restore to last thurs..
task mon gone (both)
seems ok"
Question; is my pc compromised/infected?

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article on the worm.


MyDoom More Bad News for SCO
By Larry Seltzer
January 27, 2004

The rapidly spreading MyDoom worm (a k a Novarg.A by Symantec Corp. and MiMail.R by Trend Micro Inc.) has performed a denial of service (DOS) attack against The SCO Group Inc.'s Web site (www.sco.com).


The new worm has many of the standard malware worm behaviors of recent attacks in addition to the DOS attack, and this is not the only recent DOS attack against SCO's Web site. As is shown by performance monitoring of access to the Web site by the British security analysis firm Netcraft Ltd., the recent performance problems at the site may or may not be related to the worm, and we had no trouble getting to the site. MyDoom also opens TCP ports in the range of 3127 to 3198 to create an open proxy server for remote access by attackers.

Symantec's analysis of the worm says it "can perform a Denial of Service against www.sco.com using a direct connection to port 80. Creates 64 threads which send GET requests. The DoS is active between February 1, 2004 and February 12, 2004." This indicates that the sporadic attacks so far are indicative of clock errors in some systems, and the real attack is set to begin Sunday.

Unless a defense is in place by then, the attack could be significant. According to Ken Dunham, director of malicious code at iDefense Inc., "MyDoom is spreading at a very high rate, reminiscent of SoBig.F in August of 2004. MyDoom is going to be one of the more notable worms for all of 2004."

if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
my site

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Linux... the best anti-virus package/service pack/update winblowz has ever seen! ;)

No more crashes, no more constant updates, no more worrying about the latest virus... best of all the shits free and ya can't beat that.


Don't tell that to SCO
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I don't get how we're getting them...we DON'T open attachments, and we've got 4 on our computer that are 'unremovable' but in quarantine...just sucks. Something about one that came in and brought in the others...crap I don't know.These computer nerds need to get a f*&@ing life...-

I had this happen to me a year or so ago. One thing that can happen is a virus will find your e-mail address in someone else's address book and send itself to someone else putting your address in the sender field. After changing my e-mail address the undeliverable message notices stopped.

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fundamentalism in any form is offensive. nothing is free. most normal people find being productive more valuable than being cool.

I don't ever recall going up to a girl in a bar and saying "hi I run linux, wanna screw?". I run linux because I believe it to be a far better OS than windows. I don't take very kindly to being limited by my OS, power and flexibility are key. Here is an exercise for ya: 1. Put together a text file with a list of every user on your windows box. 2. Now create a new text file with a list of every open file on your system, what user has that file open, and the size of that file. I could have made both of these in linux in less time than it took me to write that section of this reply, let me know how many hours it takes in windows. But hey you may have a point, if MS Office can do all you need to do in order to be considered productive, then windows is probably best for you.


On the other hand, some people also like using their computers to do something other than recompile their kernal every time they change their wallpaper.

If you're having to do that I pray you never get a job in IT. Well maybe you could handle an all MS shop... something goes wrong all you do is reinstall the software/system right? At least thats what seems to be the fix for the majority of problems in windows...not that doing so should really be considered a fix.


By the time we had built the server, migrated mail from Outlook to Nutscrape, resolved problems etc the total cost of the project was significantly MORE than it would have been if we had simply put Exchange in.

Wow, sorry to hear that... maybe the company should have went with someone else for their implementation? As for the choice of netscape, I agree that that is a bad choice... the company could have continued to use Outlook with the linux based mail server. Now as for spending money on training their IT to manage the server... is the guy an ape? useradd, userdel, reboot, and rpm are the only things I can think of that this guy will need to use on a regular basis and there is plenty of documentation online on how to handle mail server configuration. An email server isn't rocket science.



They who can give up essential liberty to obtain
a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty
nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

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