
Army Personnel and the Black Berret

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True it is who you are, not what you wear that is important

That is very very true. It just happens that these Berrets where ment to show everyone just exactly who you are. It used to be when you had a Berret (with the right wings and tabs) there was no question about what type of person you are. Not only a hard working, dedicated and a professional soldier, but well above the everyday standard set for the everyday soldier! That is what Special Op's units are about. Anyone can join the service and make it through Basic and AIT if they just try a little bit, but to go to Airborne School, Ranger School or the Q-course. It takes someone much more then the everyday soldier.

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I believe he also came with the cheesy "Army of One" bullshit....

Speaking of "Army of One"...
I can't remember where this was from - I think from Leatherneck a few years ago but it was funny as shit....

I agree with the rest though...get rid of the beret - if you didn't earn it, don't wear it.
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Having served in the Marine Corps, I really "don't have a dog in this fight" so to speak, therefore, I voted no opinion. Probably the best way I could have handled it.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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Hey, I used to run into strange fellows like you all the time.

It was always funny to here all the new privates ask, "SGT........ Why aren't those guys in uniform and why don't they shave?

I would always aks who they where talking about. After they would point out the person or 2. I would once again ask "Who are you talking about?" Then just walk away.

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I think you mean Maroon unless you are Air Force

Lou...No "Red" Berets in the Air Force either. Maroon for PJ's, "Scarlet"(Yeah I know....looks red to me too) for CCT, and Black for TACP. Then you also have blue for cops and Grey for "Combat" Weather. ;)

PS. The black beret for all the Army is shitty. I got out of the Air Force before they made that crazy change. Not sure if TACP wears their's anymore. Most people just wore PC's anyway. It was helpful in combatting the FNG Army guys impulse to salute enlisted guys with large shiny crests on their Beret. "At ease.....I'll be in the Air Force all day." :D

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FNG Army guys impulse to salute enlisted guys with large shiny crests on their Beret. "At ease.....I'll be in the Air Force all day."

My favorite afternoons during AIT were spent in front of the PX at Ft. Gordon seeing how many FNG LT's we could get to salute with their left hands! You would be surprised. :D:D

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FNG Army guys impulse to salute enlisted guys with large shiny crests on their Beret. "At ease.....I'll be in the Air Force all day."

My favorite afternoons during AIT were spent in front of the PX at Ft. Gordon seeing how many FNG LT's we could get to salute with their left hands! You would be surprised. :D:D

Left hand?? Sorry, I don't get it...[:/] ??
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I haven't been in the military, but while I was in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, I did that to a few butterbars walking around in uniform (they were there for the ROTC/NROTC departments and thought their shit didn't stink).

A nice crisp left hand salute, and would laugh my ass off when they did it back. Although a Marine Corps Gunny chewed my ass for it once. After the butter bar (navy guy) left, he told me he thought it was funny...

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Oh, Ok AggieDave...so you saluted with your left hand and they did it back? Doesn't make sense to me...saluting was ingrained in my mind...like an automatic response...even if someone tried that, I'd still automatically raise my right hand...would be like trying to reach with your left hand to pull...:S:P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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YOu salute with your right hand. The Lt's where brand new in the Army. They always catch shit for being new and nobody respects them until they earn it. Especially if you are in a high speed unit where the lower ranking enlisted soldiers have more medals and awards then most lifers in a regular unit.

After I left Ft. Bragg and was stationed in Germany. My squad leader hated me because I already had three full rows of medals an airborne badge and my choice of two combat patches I could wear. He didn't like me showing him up during inspections and such.

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personally, I don't like that they took a special symbol and gave it to everyone. Its like taking a black belt and giving it to every single martial artist. Its there for the taking, but it ought to be EARNED.

That said, it doesn't matter who's wearing what. Everyone knows who's got the skill and the training and the balls to do what needs to be done, and that's whats important. It isn't in the clothes, its in the person.

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...my hubby wears his reserve uniform bare...no combat scroll, no Ranger scroll, no wings...and I think maybe 4 medals. He's never been a glory kind of guy, he just lays low...if people ask him, he'll say, but otherwise you'd never know. He's probably one of the most laid back guys you'd ever meet, but man did his soldiers love him...I can't say how many guys in Ranger Batt told me that he was an amazing guy (like I didn't know that! ;)). -Not that anything is wrong with showing what you earned...I mean crimany, I wore EVERYTHING on my uniforms, because I felt I earned them! (Well, what little I did earn anyhow...)

I think it has something to do with going from Ranger Batt to a reserve unit...it just isn't the same to him. And the beret thing had a lot to do with that unfortunately. [:/]
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You know, green berret, black berret, maroon berret or Raspberry berret. I think the Army issues berret's to keep attention off of the fact that they can't blouse their trouser legs over their boots properly.:P

Seriously though, issuing Black Berret's to everyone is a slap in the face to those of you who earned it. I know if they just started passin out Scuba Bubbels and Gold Wings to every boot graduate in the Corps I would be enfuriated. Why not just issue CMH,s too[:/].

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As a Marine I hold myself with great dignity and pride and feel no need to retaliate for your infantile jokes. It is enough for me to know that you are just jealous that you could not hack the Corps and that as a younger brother looks up to his older, and sometimes cracks jokes to boost his self esteem so must you.

Just remember, the Germans were terrified of Marines. They called us "Hounds From Hell." And lets not forget Admiral Nimitz saying about Marines on Iwo Jima, "Uncommon Valour was a Common Virtue."

What is a Marine?

The United States Marine Corps is over two hundred and twenty years of death
and destruction.
We are the finest fighting force this world has ever known.
I was born in a foxhole. My mother is anger and my father is pain.
Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I'm a
rough-looking, tough-talking warrior of the sea.
I'm cocky, self-centered, overbearing, and I do not know the meaning of fear,
for I am fear itself.
I am a green amphibious monster made of blood and guts, who arose from the sea
to prey upon enemies across the globe.
I feed upon anti-Americanism whenever it may arise - my hate makes me grow
And when my time comes, I will die a glorious death on the battlefield, giving
my life to Mom, the Corps, and the American flag.
We live like warriors, talk like sailors, and slap the crap out of both.
We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy, and the rope
from the Army.
On the seventh day, while God rested, we overran His perimeter, "borrowed" the
globe, and we've been running the show ever since.
Killer by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice,


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