
Superbowl Demo Jumps

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I wish they had shown the whole jump, because they had closed the roof, so that had to be BASE jumps from within the stadium. Damn, why didn't they show the whole jump? That fuckin' ROCKS! I'd love to know who did it too!

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Are you sure they BASEd? I'm not doubting that, but the roof was opened back up, so they coulda jumped in.

They were pretty big canopies, so I guess they mighta been BASE rigs.

Either way, it was awesome to watch.



Aerosmith will play "Dream-On" as it's finally, and on the last note, the five jumpers will launch, sequentially, from the rafters of Houston’s Reliant Stadium. In order it will be Marta, Jimmy, Tim, Jeb, and Anne. When Anne lands the National Anthem will play and the Super Bowl will begin.

That's from the link Tom gave, my bad.

Cool stuff, glad it went okay. I think it's pretty neat that the NFL let them do that.



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I hope they got paid -very- well for that.

Too bad the TV coverage of it was so mediocre. No POV cameras (which would have been bad-ass) and no tight shots of the landings (which would have been so easy it's stupid they didn't do them).

F'in awesome job though.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's your thread . . . hijack away. And not to sound Anti-American, but Beyonce doesn't do it for me. But I do love the national anthem.

Now Josh Groban's tribute to the astronauts was beautiful . . . he has the most amazing voice. Did you know he's only 20?:)

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jimmy & marta...way to go!!!!

Yes, it was them alright! We were all cheering for them in the Bombshelter. :)
Too bad about the tv broadcast view. Hope they got an independent source to video it for them!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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