
have u ever been in jail?

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Just once......for various things.....one of them being a couple cops and I came within miliseconds of being in a shoot out. Ya know....bad neighborhood.....two guys with guns drawn are flanking your car. Next thing you know a .45 is within inches of your head....I'm sitting there thinking..."I can whack this guy no problem but his partner is going to cut me in half." Then I saw the badge in his hand. :o Ended up with a city code violation and had to pay impound fee on a car. Got the car and weapon back the next day. Fuckin Red Dog!!!!

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Um...yes. Right after I got my drivers license, at 16 yrs old. My grandparents heard the state trooper talking on the scanner and called my parents. After a hunch punch party, ran a blinking light, guess it wasn't blinking bright enough:S My parents met me at jail. Mom told them to keep me there, my dad laughed and took the ticket, framed it and showed everyone to embarrass me for the rest of my high school years. I had to do community service, picking up trash on the side of the road for a month after school. As the school buses went by, the kids yelled "DU-IE" at me. It was the ultimate punishment for a 16 yr old. My dad still thinks it's funny..I don't.:$


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Got 13 days in the hole while serving in the swiss army... The longest 13 fucking days of my life...
Try being locked up in a cell "alcatraz size", with a knob less door, no window, a bed screwed to the ground, with nothing but my underwear and my t shirt for a few days! >:(
Let me tell you... I did a kitten genocide during these 13 days!!! :D:D:D

"We see the world just the way we are...

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hunch punch party????? wuzzat?

he he he...I'm dating myself..or my origin:S A Hunch Punch Party is when everyone brings a bottle of rum, bourbon, vodka, or whatever hard liquor they like...and we have a very large insulated container wherein we mix all of the liquors with Hawaiian punch mix and after awhile, toy cars, tomatos, potatoes, barbie doll, and anything else is thrown in..just for funB| Tastes sort of like a fruity Long Island Iced Tea. It was the "thing" we did back then..out in the boonies; we had nothing "else" to do:P


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Poll: have u ever been in jail?
yes 28 / 39%
no 38 / 53%
no comment 3 / 4%
i'm there now! 3 / 4%

and if you answered "yes" to the above....Did you drop the soap??:o

Come ON!!! I don't think everyone is being "honest" here!:P:):o


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I'm one of the only people in my family that could answer NO to this question.

Although, seriously, I understand that marine boot camp has its similarities. But then again, it is only 13 weeks long as opposed to a sentence of several years.

You never know what may happen though. Perhaps I'll get the chance to have the experience someday.


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The first one was for 12 hours over a fight with my brother, Called it a "cool Down" period of 12 hours.

2nd was for 8 hours on a suspicion of DUI, that later was dropped.

NOT fun at all. Ill Never go back.

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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Lots of times...for many things (and I was always guilty!) That's jail mind you not the pen. Thank god for good lawyers! If justice wasn't for sale in this country...hell planet, I wouldn't be here today!
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
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Doesn't really count as I was only there long enough to remove my boot laces. Sergeant major was being a dick and doubled me off the square but he'd had second thoughts by the time I'd been beasted to the guardroom.
A year later he jailed an entire parade when I was on duty and we had them 20 to a cell for 15 minutes then he wanted them all released. Not sure wht he was up to.


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