President Bush admits intelligence error

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Also, your assumption about humping the flight line was way off. I got to load and unload those pretty, shiny nukes

With a name like SKYCOP I would have figured that maybe you would have been one of the guys who found themselves in that hallowed position with the little lines that we had to be careful not to cross on the way to the aircraft.B|


The goose stepping thing was a bit much, and a draft, well not yet.

Believe it or not.. there are a LOT of people in the world that are worried that we are headed that way. Right or wrong the perception is out there.. Just look at ANY of the threads where some of our international skydivers have dared to tell us how they REALLLY feel. They are worried.. and if you piss on people long enough.. they will find a way to smack you down. We may have nukes but just as we developed that weapon out of fear... I am sure with enough desire.. something new can and will be developed... its just human nature.

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Hey Amazon - I saw the spending post up above. I think the better metric here is spending as a percentage of GDP to put it into perspective. Not just straight dollars.

1 - I still think the current exec/legis will come out bad.

2 - I disagree with a bunch of the items (prescription drugs for seniors, the immigration bill, the steel tariffs, the boost to the arts, etc.)

3 - Still think it would be worse if the Dems had been in charge since they see the spending increases and argue, typically, 'it should be more'.

With either party trying to constantly buy votes at the expense of the rest of us, it just doesn't work anymore to have the same parties in control of both branches at the same time......

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Thanks to the Bush Administration's and Congress's refusal to approve increases in the budget for the Veterans Administration, veterans now have to wait an average of six months to be seen.

Uh, I called today and got an appointment for next week.

So at least in this case..thats bullshit.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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As opposed to Clinton just flat out dogging the draft.

I fail to understand what that has to do with Bush.

I saw the excerpts of the interview and have to say that I thought Bush looked weak. I think Bush is lucky that Tim did not push him more on many issues and I wonder if there were some pre-determined limits on the interview.

Right now more people would vote for Kerry than for Bush, it will be interesting to see how this develops.

I am sure the democrats will jump all over Bush's statement that he will open all documents pertaining to his service in the National Guard. It will once again be interesting to see where that leads.

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I fail to understand what that has to do with Bush.

It has to do with folks bashing Bush for his way out of the Draft...(Which BTW was not a way out..He DID serve) But seem to ignore that others did the same or worse to avoid it.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I fail to understand what that has to do with Bush.

It has to do with folks bashing Bush for his way out of the Draft...(Which BTW was not a way out..He DID serve) But seem to ignore that others did the same or worse to avoid it.

What is "worse" about a legal deferment?

Had they had deferments during WWI we wouldn't have lost geniuses like Henry Moseley. Would we have been better off in WWII if Richard Feynman had been sent to Guadalcanal instead of Los Alamos, or Alan Turing to Singapore instead of Bletchley Park?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It has to do with folks bashing Bush for his way out of the Draft...(Which BTW was not a way out..He DID serve) But seem to ignore that others did the same or worse to avoid it.

True, others were worse. Just like other people who drove drunk hit people in stead of garbage cans, that however does not make his DUI any better.

Yes, Clinton dodged the draft, no doubt about it.

No, what does that have to do with the current situation with Bush?

I am sure your mother at least once in your life told you that just because other people did it, does not make it right.

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>To begin with, we knew Hussein had WMDs at one point because he
> used them on the Kurds.

True - in fact we sold them to him hoping he would use them against Iranians.

>Hussein wasn't asked to prove he didn't have them, he was asked
> what he did with them and he refused to provide the information.


He provided thousands of pages of data to show what had become of them per the UN requirements. We didn't believe him. He claimed that he didn't have them; again, we didn't believe him. UN arms inspectors in Iraq said they could find no traces of WMD's. We didn't believe them.

Neither did the UN nor anyone else IIRC. Did you?

Incorrect - the UN security council did not take a position and did not sanction the invasion on the basis of the inspector's reports. The UN inspectors clearly reported that they found no WMD, and asked for more time. GWB forced the issue based on his superior intelligence and would not give them the time they requested.

(It sort of reminds me of Nixon's "secret plan" to end the Vietnam War.)

Go back 13 months in the dz.com archives and see what the positions taken by various posters were.

The positions taken by those you label "lefties" or "liberals" have been very consistent. The story from the right has changed out of all recognition.

And since someone brought up the deficit, lets also recall that three years ago GWB said the deficit would be small and short lived. It is now an all-time record, and his own budget director projects it will not even be halved until 2009.

How long are you going to continue to apologize for this guy?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Define "dodging". Did he do anything illegal?

Don't we first have to define what IS is?

And then what Sex is?

Then maybe we can try PERJURY?

My whole point was that maybe he did "pull strings" but that is not any worse than the others that did it other ways.

At least he did do something.....And he knew how to inhale....I could not vote for a guy that could not even smoke a joint right.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Yes, Clinton dodged the draft, no doubt about it.

No, what does that have to do with the current situation with Bush?

The same people that try to say Bush did wrong by going the national guard instead of to war....Are the same folks that defend Clinton...

There are two sides to the story...most times both are correct in some way.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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My whole point was that maybe he did "pull strings" but that is not any worse than the others that did it other ways.

So - which is worse? To avoid combat by having your wealthy and well connected father pull strings on your behalf, or by being sufficiently smart/clever/intelligent to be granted a legal deferment by the government.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>And we have to ask the question then.. who have REALLLLLY been the biggest spenders in history????


Now, available for the first time - the republican personal financial advisor service! This service, provided to any registered republican at a low low cost of only $299 a month, can help you avoid creditors, get your personal finances back on track and live like a king!

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And don't neglect your personal security. Once you have that 60" plasma screen TV, you'll need a brand new, top of the line security system. Fortunately, credit cards are readily available through our referral service.

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Act today! If you act today we'll throw in a set of Ginsu knives. Sure, they cost $999, but once you start our plan you'll never have to pay for them!

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So - which is worse? To avoid combat by having your wealthy and well connected father pull strings on your behalf, or by being sufficiently smart/clever/intelligent to be granted a legal deferment by the government

I don't think either was really "better". At least Bush jr. DID serve...even if it might have been fishy.

But like I have said before..prove I served... Then prove I served well, or poorly....I was told by one guy here that he had heard I was kicked out. Which was not true. Rumors run faster than a guy with the trots. And some folks will dig up, or make up shit just to be the one that "outs" a famous person.

If Clinton went to school just to go to school, and not dodge the draft....I would be fine..But a large part of his "studies" was "Not go to War 101".

Hell I was in the Army, and I didn't really want to go to war....But I WOULD if called...something both of these jackasses would not do.

If I had to choose on this alone....At least Bush served....
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Now available for the first time...

The Democratic plan to wealth.

1. Kick back and let someone else pay for your stuff.

Don't worry about the cost...We have programs to pay for all of it. Don't worry about making something of yourself, let others do it for themselves AND you.

Act now, and we will throw in a set of steak knives made in America at 4 times the cost..Unlike other plans where they want to have you pay $999.00 for set like this we will charge you $4,000.00...sure they cost more and are not as good, but we have to get more money so our companies can pay high taxes so we can just give it away.

Both sides have issues.

I'd rather have folks work to make a better life for themselves....Not others.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Incorrect - the UN security council did not take a position and did not sanction the invasion on the basis of the inspector's reports. The UN inspectors clearly reported that they found no WMD, and asked for more time. GWB forced the issue based on his superior intelligence and would not give them the time they requested.

Partially correct. The UN put Iraq on notice that the data they provided was not sufficient but did stop short of declaring them in material breach of 1441.


Go back 13 months in the dz.com archives and see what the positions taken by various posters were.

The positions taken by those you label "lefties" or "liberals" have been very consistent. The story from the right has changed out of all recognition.

Oh, please Kallend, give it a rest will you? To suggest you had some kind of inside information that SH DIDN'T have WMDs is about as dumb as picking both teams to win the Super Bowl and then declaring you superior abilities to pick a winner.


And since someone brought up the deficit, lets also recall that three years ago GWB said the deficit would be small and short lived. It is now an all-time record, and his own budget director projects it will not even be halved until 2009.

Again, Kallend, give it a rest. Predictions like this are made based on the economic information available at that time. Who was to know Sept 11 would happen? Who would know that because Clinton's Justice Dept was run by a corrupt Janet Reno that companies like Enron, Global Crossing etc would create the economic impact they did and be allowed to get away with it for 8 years? Get real.


How long are you going to continue to apologize for this guy?

I don't apologize for GWB, I call them as I see them. I'm on record with major criticism of this massive amount of spending going on by both political parties and also for calling for an investigation into how our intelligence apparently failed because of 8 years of Clinton decimating the CIAs ability to gather inteligence.

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I fail to understand what that has to do with Bush.

It has to do with folks bashing Bush for his way out of the Draft...(Which BTW was not a way out..He DID serve) But seem to ignore that others did the same or worse to avoid it.

It's not ignoring that others did the same. It's totally different when someone avoids the draft and then continues to display pacifist tendencies from when someone (ok he DID serve, great job, you protected us well Georgie) who takes a, ahem, cushy job guaranteed to never see combat duty to fulfill the draft. Then becomes Mr six Guns a blazin' when he's a political official and it's other young men and women's asses on the line.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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