
Can you name one good thing about Bush and Kerry?

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They're both not living in Denmark.

Seriously, let's see. Bush is a Yeehaaw Cowboy American. They're sorta charming because they're so odd.

Kerry is a war hero with enough sense to loathe war.

Santa Von GrossenArsch
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HA! I change my post to:

"Hey, at least Kerry hasn't royally fucked thousands of injured Vets."

Like I said, this is a choice between new crap and old crap.
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They both support Nafta ... Oh Back up, that's not good.

Ahh, They both sound like they have a magic wand that can create jobs without actually explaining how.

Nope, that's not good either

It's by me, I can't think of anything good about them.

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Bush at least says he will be fiscally conservative.

Kerry will never have the opportunity fulfill his campaign promises.

POLITICAL NOTE: I have never been a fan of tax and spend Democrats. I have never been a fan of "just spend" Republicans. Why oh why oh why do the Libertarians have to have a naive foreign policy that guarantees that none of them will ever be elected to major national offices?



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POLITICAL NOTE: I have never been a fan of tax and spend Democrats. I have never been a fan of "just spend" Republicans. Why oh why oh why do the Libertarians have to have a naive foreign policy that guarantees that none of them will ever be elected to major national offices?

Now that is a good statement of the crappy fiscal situation/choice we are facing in Nov - damned if we do, damned if we don't

Is that mainly Harry Browne's influence? <>Stupid isolationist wierdos.....

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Bush pushed through new diesel emissions laws
Bush pledged $15 billion to fight AIDS in Africa

Sorry - I just can't help taking the bait. Please tell me this is sarcasm? Coming from someone with your brains, it has to be, right?

1) Since Bush took office, there has been a devastating and sustained assault on the environment, in almost every way imaginable. There is truly no shame in this administration regarding the environment.

2) Pledge, yes - very nice, very compassionate - he's a reformer with results, a truly compassionate conservative. Yeah, and he's also restored honesty and integrity to the White House.

Please. Do you not know about the actual FUNDING for this pledge? About how what little money that has actually been produced has come mostly from CUTTING other aid by hundreds of millions of dollars, most notably child health and vaccination programs?

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>1) Since Bush took office, there has been a devastating and
> sustained assault on the environment, in almost every way
> imaginable.

His record may be dark on the environment, but the diesel emissions law was a bright spot. If fully implemented it stands to save around 9500 lives a year, people who would have otherwise died prematurely due to particulate emissions.

>Do you not know about the actual FUNDING for this pledge?

Yeah, Congress is not fully funding it, and he's not pushing hard, with all his other budget problems. Nevertheless, I'm glad he made the effort, and if even 25% of the money makes it to Africa, it will have been worth it.

The original poster asked for one good thing about both candidates. People can do good things even if they also do bad things.

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