
Any bass players in the house?

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YO! Bass player right here.

This has come up on a few occassions where discussions on music came up... there are (were) actually quite a few bass players on here.

Been playing bass for a bit over 15 years now. B|

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Well, I don't sight read music, but I do sit playing in front of the speakers a lot... and I am about to do more (see link here).

http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=914924;#914924 ;)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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I play the Doube Bass in the Kansas State University Orchestra, and upright in A Jazz band and two Combo's. I used to play the Electric Bass, but after playing the upright for over 8 years, I just can't stand the Bass Guitar --

BTW, I make most of my Money playing my Double Bass at weddings with my String Ensemble. Had one last weekend - puts a tidy sum in my pocket...

Edited for grammatical reason....
=========Shaun ==========

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I used to play in a metal band. I mostly just tinker around to cds nowadays. Here is my baby that I bought back in 1980 listening to Chris Squire and Geddy Lee, I've had it ever since.

peace out, Hixxx
death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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yes, I'm another Basser;) I've been playing for 12 yrs or so, Some years more than others. I would love for nothing more than to be in an origional band of skydivers who play at boogies.. Dream hobby right there:)
Ps.. Rock on!

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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I took up the bass in 1997. I was a guitarist and I started a band with a couple of other lieutenants in Virginia. The other LT was like Van Halen. I took the bass.

I hated it. It was boring. Then one day about 3 weeks later I was fed up and went a little crazy on it. The song was over, and the guitarist said, "What the hell were you doing?" I said, "Sorry. Just decided to fucking go crazy for once." Drummer said, "Sounded AWESOME! Why haven't you been doing that before?" Guitarist said, "Yeah! Keep doing that. With all the songs." I now love the bass!

The bass player is the coolest guy in the band, unless I'm on bass.[:/]

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Streaker was a trumpet major when I met him. Accepted into the Air Force Band (read that, HE WAS REALLY GOOD) Then a couple of our big black Newfoundland dogs took him for a walk in 2 different directions, pulling his mouth into a metal fence post. Broke off a bunch of teeth, split his lip in many places. Lots of stitches. VERY BAD for trumpet players.
so he took up guitar and started playing that with the band he was in, in order to give his mouth a rest. Every other weekend or so, someone would call my music shop looking for a bass player, so he switched to THAT and has been playing ever since. He had a couple of weekend bands that played EVERY DAMNED Friday and Saturday for years. We never got to go anywhere except his band jobs. He quit the band gig thing about 5 years ago, it's been nice to have him back again....
[email protected]

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Been playing for 2 years and wish longer! I just started lessons and doing really well. In fact the teacher is a little shocked! I started with a video and a book called EADG4(check it out on the net!). Today was my 3rd lesson and he jumped on the piano and we played blues riffs for the entire session! I only messed up when I stepped too far out of pocket, but for the most part it sounded like a Double Trouble jam! Here is a pic of my bass 62 Fender replica jazz!B|

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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I've played drums professionally off and on for many years, and I took up bass last year to help round me out musically and maybe improve my drumming.

So far, I still suck on bass, but it is helping my drumming as I hoped.

If you all aren't familiar with it, http://www.activebass.com is a great site, especially for beginners.

. . =(_8^(1)

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i tinker with bass but am a hard coe drummer at heart. lived for music at one point. had a deaal with geffen records in the early 90's. the closer i got oo making it the more i hated the industry.....any one up for a sky diver band to jam out at boogies and shit? make some col diving vids with our music?[reply

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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