
Shaved, trimmed, or au naturel?

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How do you avoid getting red razor bumps that look contageous! Once I shaved. It was great for about 6 hours then it looked like I had a disease and itched like Hell for weeks! One of the most traumatic experiences of my life!

WAX and when it grows back in its softer and easier to remove the next time:)

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Wondering why you're not snuggling and talking about how much you love her? ;)

I'm not very romantic, just an over-worked Civil Engineer. She can't complain though; she doesn't have to work, has a new house, new car, trips to Europe...to visit her family, $500 monthly for incidentals, etc., but only one glitch. We live in the Pacific Northwest rather than California; just could keep up with the expenses there.

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That's right, you're the dude from Ephrata...
You know my whole thread about Shawn Gloyer dying in Hawaii somehow vanished! That's sensorship! I thought we were all about telling the truth here?!
You know I lived in Seattle for a spell. I couldn't take the rain! But it does make you want to snuggle more! I'll bet she would love it if you did that more!
Hey, you wanna adopt me and put me on an allowance?
Where do you jump, weather providing
Did you ever do Dav3e Ruckert's chute camps jumping all over the North West? I did Cute camp 2 & 3- spectacular!

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Then you take some good painkillers and just lay back and the the professionals do their job..
there are some strip things you can buy that you stick on and pull off but .. do the salon....trust me on this Tinkerbelle

There is an alternative to wax here . They work very effectively and I've heard they're not as "painful" as some may imagine.

As for the original question....shaved...no doubt. Of course I would examine sample pics to confirm my opinion.;)


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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I likes em smooth. Trimmed at the least. Mainly cuz I dont wanna floss when Im sittin at dinner at the 'y'.

Me? keep it trimmed for sure, and once in a rare while it gets to start from scratch. Mostly for looks I guess. and I do like things neat and tidy... :D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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