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So you think the President of the United States should stop everything and go out and personally join in the search?

Even if you disagree with his stance on gay marriage, you can see how silly it sounds for him to totally focus on one thing. I would fear a leader who could ONLY get one thing done at a time.

Just my 2 cents...

Ok...so what exactly has he done? Maybe he should at least try and keep some of his campaign promises before taking on this issue.

Here are a few of his campaign promises that have not been met. When he takes care of these things, than start looking for new issues to take up.

Bush said his tax cut would not cause deficits, even in a bad economy.

Bush said Social Security Trust Fund would remain in a lockbox.

Bush promised to pay down a record amount of the national debt.

As part of the bipartisan education reform, Bush promised to spend more money on education.

Bush promised to increase the maximum Pell Grant award, thereby increasing access to higher education.

Bush promised to "fully fund" LIHEAP (the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program).

Bush pledged to provide Medicare prescription drug coverage for all seniors.

Bush promised to listen to sound science and local officials before deciding to bury the nation's nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain.

Bush promised to make higher education more accessible by helping students with high costs.

Bush was asked on ABC News whether he would veto the McCain-Feingold bill, and he replied, "Yes, I would."

The administration imposed duties averaging 29 percent on Canadian "softwood" lumber. During the campaign, Bush talked about establishing "free trade from northernmost Canada to the tip of Cape Horn."

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This whole thing just brought me to the realization today that the government should completely separate itself from the business of "marrying" anyone, whether it be man and man, woman and woman, or man and woman. Issue certifications of contractual partnership and that's it. "No, you're not married, go to your priest, rabbi, sheik, whathave you for that, this is the government."

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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You cannot just go changing the definitions of words to suit a certain lifestyle, or political Correct warm and fuzzy feeling.

Oh but they can, and they have, and it's all about manipulating the language to encourage society's view of homosexuality as being perfectly acceptable and normal.

"Gay" . . . "Homophobe" . . . and now . . . "Marriage" . . .

. . =(_8^(1)

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You cannot just go changing the definitions of words to suit a certain lifestyle, or political Correct warm and fuzzy feeling.

Oh but they can, and they have, and it's all about manipulating the language to encourage society's view of homosexuality as being perfectly acceptable and normal.

"Gay" . . . "Homophobe" . . . and now . . . "Marriage" . . .

Personally I've never understood what normal heterosexual guys have against homosexuality. From my perspective anyway, I don't want a girl who likes chicks in reality so I'd rather her be free from pressure to choose a male. As far as guys are concerned, the more gay guys, the less competition for me. It's got nothing to do with natural or not. we jump out of airplanes, that's certainly not natural.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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You cannot just go changing the definitions of words to suit a certain lifestyle, or political Correct warm and fuzzy feeling.

Oh but they can, and they have, and it's all about manipulating the language to encourage society's view of homosexuality as being perfectly acceptable and normal.

"Gay" . . . "Homophobe" . . . and now . . . "Marriage" . . .

They are trying to gain acceptability by hiding behind an acceptable institution. Most people don't disagree with the idea of some sort of contract that allows for equal rights. They object to the institution of marriage being hijacked.

never pull low......unless you are

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oh boy. TS, I have something ofr you to read. read it all before you judge, please.:

This is from a recent rally in Tucson.

The rally was the kick-off to a new coalition of community members who are 1) fighting to defeat Federal Marriage Amendment and 2) building a grassroots movement of Arizonans to secure the Freedom to Marry for same-sex couples in Arizona.


Kelly Frieders

I was a little surprised when I was asked to speak today, because, well, I have some confessions to make.

Confession 1: I’m straight.

Yep. I like men. I’ve been happily married to one for 11 years now. I’m a stay-home mom to our three lovely children. Triplets. (I like to sneak that in there whenever I can to impress people. And in this case, I want you all thinking warm fuzzy thoughts when I make my other confessions. So keep thinking: “Triplet mom. Awwww.”)

Confession 2: I’m a Christian.

Yes, I believe in the same God as Jerry Falwell. In theory, anyway. I love the Bible, though I usually prefer it as daily reading and not as a weapon to bludgeon people with.

But here’s my really deep dark confession. And just remember, I have triplets. Warm fuzzy thoughts.

Confession 3: I’m a Republican.

Yeah, I know. But before you boo me off the podium, you might be curious as to what a straight, married, stay-home mom, Christian Republican is doing here.

Well, as a married woman, I am a firm advocate of the institution of marriage. Before we got married, my husband and I spent a lot of time in pre-marital counseling to prepare for marriage. And I’ll confess, we also spent a lot of time planning our wedding. My husband’s brother-in-law once said that Ben Hur was a smaller production than our wedding.

But what we didn’t spend any time at all thinking about were the legal issues. I vaguely remember getting a license, having it signed by the minister, and filing it with the county, and that was that. I never thought twice about it because I never HAD to.

I have two lesbian friends who are engaged. One of them is from New Zealand and is having trouble getting a green card to come here, so they will be forced to live in New Zealand instead, even though they both want to be here. But if one of them were a man, a green card would be automatic when they married. I am infuriated that this kind of discrimination is not only acceptable, but deemed necessary to “protect marriage.” How on earth could supporting people who want to make a lifetime commitment harm marriage? People who choose to make permanent, binding commitments to each other despite the fact that they're told it means nothing in the eyes of the law, in a culture where the divorce rate is so high and commitment is taken so lightly (cough-BRITANY-cough) sounds like a shot in the arm for marriage if you ask me.

As a Christian, I’m here because my faith DEMANDS that I speak out against injustice.
To follow Jesus, who never said a word in anger to anyone but the religious elite that liked to think themselves better than everyone else, who never said a single word at all about homosexuality, who wondered who among us could cast the first stone and why we were so concerned with specks in our brothers’ and sisters’ eyes when there are logs in our own, to follow this Jesus I MUST not be silent when one group of people is being marginalized or ostracized or told they’re beneath the rest of us because they’re different.

And yes, I’m even here as a Republican, because an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that seeks to dictate to the private lives of individuals and the legal decisions of the states is not CONSERVATIVE, and laws that discriminate and create second-class citizens are not COMPASSIONATE. Yes, I’m a Republican, but I know when this November comes, I will not be voting for anyone who thinks discrimination is a good conservative value.

Thank you for letting me speak and God bless all of you who are working so hard to make a lifelong commitment when the law says you can’t. Thank you for reminding me how precious marriage is and to not take mine for granted.

She pretty much sums it up. That's the kind of Christian I hope to be.

[louder applause]

You rock!

Blog Clicky

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You cannot just go changing the definitions of words to suit a certain lifestyle, or political Correct warm and fuzzy feeling.

Oh but they can, and they have, and it's all about manipulating the language to encourage society's view of homosexuality as being perfectly acceptable and normal.

"Gay" . . . "Homophobe" . . . and now . . . "Marriage" . . .

They are trying to gain acceptability by hiding behind an acceptable institution. Most people don't disagree with the idea of some sort of contract that allows for equal rights. They object to the institution of marriage being hijacked.

Excellent point.

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It's just like my dad's old hand-me-down rifle

I mean my hunting rifle.

I mean my weapon.

I mean my assault weapon.

I mean my evil tool designed to kill.

I mean my implement of death.

I mean my horrible invention designed to pump round after round into cops and daughters everywhere.

Get the idea?
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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They object to the institution of marriage being hijacked.

Ya know, GWB referred to marriage the same way, but what I can't figure out is what institution are you and he talking about?

You mean the one in where 50% of all of them fail?

Wouldn't the most obvious solution be to have an Amendment barring divorce first?

I'm so unclear on what exactly it is he's trying to protect. Well, maybe not. I don't think he's trying to protect anything, I think he's just using this issue as a wedge -- a very badly thought out strategy.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm so unclear on what exactly it is he's trying to protect. Well, maybe not. I don't think he's trying to protect anything, I think he's just using this issue as a wedge -- a very badly thought out strategy.

He's trying to protect the sanctity of an institution that 22 year old pop stars can enter into and get out of in 55 hours. An institution that comes with pre-nups to protect assets after the "till death do us part" vow is tossed aside. To protect a servicwe that is often performed bu a "celibate" priest who in incresing numbers are being accused of sexual misconduct... not with consenting adults, but, get this, CHILDREN!

Where is the "sanctity" of this GREAT institution? Maybe some heteros can care less, but a new right is cherished. People fought, lobbied and died for the right to vote, and millions of eligible voters don't.
I don't see any homosexual drive through divorce courts opening up soon... Plenty of "$49.99" divorce specials in the paper for heteros though!

Blog Clicky

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I mean my horrible invention designed to pump round after round into cops and daughters everywhere.

Get the idea?

Yea, I told your sad story to my crippled friend.

I mean my handicapped friend.

No, I mean my disabled friend.

Oh no, I meant my "handicapable" friend. :D

. . =(_8^(1)

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That is a compassionate, well-thought out viewpoint and I wish more people with faith shared it.

Unfortunately it seems like there are also a lot of people out there who pick and choose elements from their faith to suit the attitudes they've already formed - the tail wagging the dog, so to speak.


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someone must standup for whats right.. and who better than our leaders? Like it or not GWB is in charge and will win the next election unless jesus himself runs...

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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someone must standup for whats right.. and who better than our leaders? Like it or not GWB is in charge and will win the next election unless jesus himself runs...

ROFL...Thanks...lol I needed that. Hey, mabey I should run!
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
-Eric Hoffer -
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Yea, I told your sad story to my crippled friend.

I mean my handicapped friend.

No, I mean my disabled friend.

You mean your differently-abled friend?

You mean your specially-abled friend?


Oh no, I meant my "handicapable" friend.

He's a gambler? :P

edit: why do I always see the misspellings just after I hit post reply?
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Like it or not GWB is in charge and will win the next election unless jesus himself runs...

Are you kidding? Jesus wouldn't have a chance!

(1) He was Jewish. Only Protestants and JFK win here.

(2) He was blue collar. Only blue blood wins here.

(3) He flip flops on the issues. First his dad says eye for an eye, then he says turn the other cheek. [he is his dad]

(4) He will be ignored as another child of priviledge. His father does run the universe after all.

(5) He favors white men in his cabinet [see apostles]

and the list could go on. :D
[yeah, I just made that up. mom would be so proud]
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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It's been suggested by a few posters in this thread that the bible explicitly condemns homosexuality.

It isn't nearly as clear as they would have you believe.
I'm not going to rehash it all here but if you're interested check out this link:


In the not too distant future, I think our society is going to look back on this the way we presently look back on segregation.

That is, an injustice and an embarassment to a country that supposedly values personal freedom.

If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me*
*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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