
Gay Marriage Debate...

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I did understand your point. I just don't think it holds water.

As much as people piss and moan about the "definition" of marriage, maybe they should look around at the people who do get married every day, and ask themselves if every one of those is up to snuff in terms of producing kids, or being "beneficial to the social fabric," or whatever.

The answer is twofold: no, and it doesn't matter, because it's none of our business.


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I don't think you understood my point.
How would you feel if a group of people suddenly started calling themselves skydivers because they jumped of the highboard at the local swimming pool. You would argue that's not skydiving.
A man and a woman get married, gays do something else.

Which is why all of the exact same rights that are given to married people need to be given to gays as well. Personally, I think that civil union should be the legal term that takes the place of marriage. Anyone should be able to get a civil union and have th exact same rights which are now only accessible through a marriage. Then I think that marriage should be changed into a purely religious ceremony. It would be along the lines of a baptism and confirmation. I wouldn't give a flip about getting "married" but I would want to obtain a civil union. However, the act of getting married in the church would be important for those who are religious, they would just also have to apply for a civil union liscense in addition to this ceremony.

I think that this benefits the church too. It would cut down on hypocrisy.

If people want to jump off their houses and call themselves skydivers thats fine with me. If they want to flap their arms, jump and run around their yard chirping they can go ahead and tell people they are an experienced bird man pilot. Whatever, it doesn't affect the fact that I AM a skydiver.

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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How would you feel if a group of people suddenly started calling themselves skydivers because they jumped of the highboard at the local swimming pool.

Wow! That's your argument?!?! Honestly, I don't care what people call themselves. It doesn't change who I am. I am very secure with who I am and what others call themselves doesn't challenge that.

I don't usually agree with King Daley, but he made a great point by saying something like, "Gay marriage doesn't destroy the institution. Divorce does."

People need to put their energy into fighting worthy battles. Same sex couples do not infringe on anyone's rights.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Ok. I'll try for a swing on this one.

If we in the US are going to truly have a separation of Church and State then "Marriage" should be abolished as a legal concept. Never happen though as too many people would loose "economicaly".

By your argument I see no reason why siblings should not "marry". Of course I see major problems with them reproducing.

Speaking of the ban agains siblings, where does it end? Bother and Sister? Cousins? Once removed cousins?

Lot's of questions. Which ones are moral, ethical, legal, or scientific?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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>How would you feel if a group of people suddenly started calling
> themselves skydivers because they jumped of the highboard at the
>local swimming pool.

Would you suddenly start to really suck at RW if that happened? Would the local DZ fall apart? Would spots get worse? Do you think you would suddenly be forced to jump off the scary board at the pool?

Who cares what people call themselves? Tandem passengers call themselves skydivers all the time; doesn't bother me. I've even heard tunnel rats who have never jumped call themselves that. Who cares? Does it really bother you that much?

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I do not think that the concept of marriage should be abandoned. I think that the legal rights that are given to a spouse are important for a significant other to have. I do think that we should have a legal definition of marriage that does not include religious bias.

But then when you remove all religious aspects when defining who gets to marry, things like siblings and polygamy are a little fuzzy...

hmm.. just not quite sure where to go from there..

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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I just want to know IF (or how much) legal gay marriage will cost me (in terms of dollars, not subjective "social costs" - I think (opinion) that's true junk science). I doubt anyone has quantified that - since both sides of most all social issues are violently opposed to any hard data. Shouldn't that be part of picking a position? Which I haven't yet.

Heterosexual marriage costs me plenty. You don't hear me bitching. I pay for your tax breaks for being married. I pay to put your kids through public school. I pay higher health care costs so you can get your family discount. You don't hear me bitching because I know it's for the greater good.

edited to add: My response isn't aimed at you, but society in general.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Hi, Karen. I'm going to give you my opinion - and that's all it is, opinion. Take it for what it's worth (worthless). And it's not a flame, although it may come across as one. It's really not.


Siblings shouldn't marry because they should not inbreed. However, I suppose that they could adopt healthy children and elliminate that issue.

So, if you are willing to let siblings marry but not have children, isn't that discriminatory? Weren't the same arguments made about black and white reproduction? Mules are sterile; mixed race children are sometimes called "mulatto"....sure, we know better, but that's one of the problems, isn't it?

So if you say sure, marry, but don't have kids, then you are abridging their right to pursuit of happiness. What if they want their own children? Who's to say they can't have them? The genetics issue is interesting. Are you suggesting that people who have a recessive gene for something can't marry, because maybe they will produce a child with a deformity?

But what about those folks who carry a recessive gene, and marry outside their "bloodline"? What if their child is "deformed"? Should all people undergo a genetic test to determine if they're allowed to reproduce? See the problems? 'Cause if you discriminate against siblings reproducing on the grounds of genetics, then you are discriminating. Period. That breeds (pun intended) more problems down the line...

I mean, the risk of a woman having a down's syndrome child increases drastically the older she gets. Should we prevent her from having a child in her 30's, because of that? It's genetic....


I personally feel that its immoral for siblings to marry

Why? Why is it immoral? Who told you that, and where did you come up with that position?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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>Maybe not, but it can and does lead to AIDS and other nsty things.

"Women are biologically more vulnerable than men to HIV infection. Studies have found that male to female transmission appears to be 2 to 4 times more efficient than female to male transmission, in part because semen contains a far higher concentration of HIV than vaginal fluid."

"Although HIV transmission through unprotected oral sex—cunnilingus (oral-vulva contact) or fellatio (oral-penile contact)—can occur, the risk is much lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. "

Which means that two women who marry, one of whom has HIV, are less likely to spread HIV than a man and a woman who marry. From the viewpoint of preventing the spread of HIV, a monogamous married female couple presents less risk of HIV spread than a "traditional" marriage.

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I don't have time to read the whole thread, but here's the traditional reason:

Marriage between closely related people can cause genetic problems with offspring due to the prevalance of the same recessive genes. (example: both brother and sister are carriers for sickle cell and hemophilia. They both have one recessive gene for the diseases, passed to them by their mother. If they have a child, they have a 1/4 chance of having a child with one or both of those diseases, as opposed to if they had children with someone not genetically related to them, as the chances of meeting someone with the same genetic defect is remote).

However, now, with the technology we have, there really is no reason other than moral "squickiness" to forbid it.

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Heterosexual marriage costs me plenty. You don't hear me bitching. I pay for your tax breaks for being married. I pay to put your kids through public school. I pay higher health care costs so you can get your family discount. You don't hear me bitching because I know it's for the greater good.

edited to add: My response isn't aimed at you, but society in general.

Keith - THANKS. This is about as close to a good answer so far and I very much appreciate a real attempt. But none of these seems to apply, though.

1 - Married tax breaks - We don't get tax breaks, I end up behind, not ahead, when comparing separate unmarried tax forms. But I bet there are services that only married can use which could be quantified so that isn't too bad, I'd like to know those breaks, though and what we pay for them. It would be no more right to have those special breaks/programs for marriage as it would be for income level, race, sex, etc....

2 - Education - Eliminate public schooling and let me pay my own way to private school my daughter. But that's a digression: You pay for kids of non-married people also. It doesn't tie to marriage, it ties to those people having kids. No dice here for a marriage discussion. (But I agree not fair)

3 - Health care discount for families - I can't speak to this. But private companies like insurance companies should be allowed to defined cost vs risk based on real actuarial stats, if that provides a discount to a certain group at least it's based on statistical data and not subjective/discriminatory feelings..... So they should be allowed do just that. Married people could also state they are paying for your insurance since you are a higher risk they pay more...... No Dice. Is higher insurance rates mandated by federal government for single people? Doubt it. It's off issue also.

4 - I don't know if marriage is for the greater good of society, it's just a theory by people with social study degrees or religious bias or whatever. Subjective 'science' sucks and leads us to bad decisions.

I like Karen's thoughts. Create a general term for governmental/contractual partnership and apply that across the board. Leave "marriage" as a sacrament or whatever. Let the social/subjective issues sort themselves out as those are people issues, not government issues.

We'll find out real quick if the increase in social security payouts, foreign spouse (green card immigration due to gay contractual marriage), etc ends up costing the average guy enough to change those rules. But then maybe they would be change in a more even handed manner since they would affect all, not just specific groups.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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If people want to jump off their houses and call themselves skydivers thats fine with me. If they want to flap their arms, jump and run around their yard chirping they can go ahead and tell people they are an experienced bird man pilot. Whatever, it doesn't affect the fact that I AM a skydiver.

Yes, but everyone would think that you flap your arms, jump and run around the yard chirping, when you tell people that you are a skydiver.

never pull low......unless you are

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Maybe not, but it can and does lead to AIDS and other nsty things. There is what a doctor called an epidemic in Gay syphillus going on right now, but it is being kept reasonably quiet.

What is next .

you've got to be kidding me . . . oh that's right straight sex prevents AIDS and syphilis, look at al the people in Africa

so because gay sex leads to STD's we should discriminate. Oh, I’ve got an idea we should start colonies to put these people in . . .

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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I do not think that the concept of marriage should be abandoned. I think that the legal rights that are given to a spouse are important for a significant other to have. I do think that we should have a legal definition of marriage that does not include religious bias.

So you want to change the definition of the word, marriage?

never pull low......unless you are

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If people want to jump off their houses and call themselves skydivers thats fine with me. If they want to flap their arms, jump and run around their yard chirping they can go ahead and tell people they are an experienced bird man pilot. Whatever, it doesn't affect the fact that I AM a skydiver.

Yes, but everyone would think that you flap your arms, jump and run around the yard chirping, when you tell people that you are a skydiver.

But don't a lot of people, when they suck at RW, go and do a couple solos and call themselves Freeflyers? How do real Freeflyers feel about that?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I like Karen's thoughts. Create a general term for governmental/contractual partnership and apply that across the board. Leave "marriage" as a sacrament or whatever. Let the social/subjective issues sort themselves out as those are people issues, not government issues.

We'll find out real quick if the increase in social security payouts, foreign spouse (green card immigration due to gay contractual marriage), etc ends up costing the average guy enough to change those rules. But then maybe they would be change in a more even handed manner since they would affect all, not just specific groups.

These are things we can both agree on. I don't need to be married. What I need is the ability for my partner to be able to make decisions for me should something horrible happen. Call it what you want but allow me the same rights as everyone else.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Consenting adult siblings who want to sleep together, can.

Consenting adult homosexuals who want to sleep together, can.

Marriage, however, is a union for the purpose of building functional families. In functional families, non-consenting, non-adult people (children) are brought into the picture. Non-consenting non-adults do not have a say in who their parents are. This is why the law must enter the picture. It is up to adults who have the ability to think analytically to determine who can and can't raise a child, thus creating a family. Truthfully, the answer is so obvious it's painful. Regardless of how much anyone hates the "procreation" argument, our biology makes it very clear who is fit to raise a family. A fertile man an woman. There are all sorts of exceptions to the rule: infertile couples, adoption, artificial insemination. I don't think those are relevant to the core of the argument.

Biological ability to produce a family is not the only reason for my belief. It is my belief based on my experience in life, that a child needs a mother and a father to develop, grow up, and mature. Children build their core values based on their parents. To provide a child with two mothers or two fathers would be giving them an incomplete set, and in my opinion would be teaching them that something wrong is acceptable (though society does a fairly good job of that today). To provide a child with sibling parents (even if they adopted the child and he was not deformed) would be again teaching the child that something wrong is acceptable (I'm thinking everyone agrees with me on this one).

This is why sibling and gay marriages should not be valid. Which means, in short, that in my opinion, neither sibling couples nor gay couples should be allowed legally to raise a non-consenting non-adult (which they couldn't produce on their own anyway) and call themselves a family. Though can can fuck or co-habit all they want.

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