
Virginia Kills Skydiving Bill

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Thank you to all the Virginia DZO's and jumpers that tried so hard...... USPA thank you so much for the time and hard work... One day

On Monday, March 8, the Virginia Senate’s Courts of Justice Committee finally considered and voted on House Bill 584. Despite forceful advocacy by Delegate Bill Janis (the bill’s sponsor) and testimony by USPA staff, the committee voted to “PBI” (Pass By Indefinitely) the bill. This effectively kills the bill for this year. The leading senate voice against the bill was very concerned that approval of such a bill for skydiving would begin the “slippery slope” for other outdoor activities to request the same treatment from the general assembly. Delegate Janis argued that our bill was modeled on an equine bill that was passed by the general assembly 15 years ago, with no other similar requests in the interim. Another senator questioned why skydiving businesses could not get insurance coverage and questioned why the state should assist a “dangerous activity.” USPA’s Director of Government Relations gamely responded with statistics and a description of skydiving safety standards and practices. Finally, a motion to PBI was made, seconded and voted.

USPA deeply appreciates its Virginia members who contacted their Virginia delegates and state senators over the past several weeks. Without the support of concerned skydivers, the bill would not have proceeded as far as it did.


Larry Pennington
Teach by the way you live

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This is very disheartening. Incidentally, my Senator is on the committe in question, and my husband & I both wrote very eloquent (well, at least we used spell-check ;) ) e-mails expressing our interest in the bill. We received back a letter which in part said the following:


I will keep your suggestion in mind as I consider what is best for all of my constituents as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia.

So, when I heard this news, I fired off an e-mail back at him:


I understand that HB 584 failed your committee with a unanimous vote. I will keep your vote in mind as I consider what is best for our district as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia the next time I have the opportunity to visit the polls. Thanks for your time.

Maybe I shouldn't be inflammatory, but frankly it pissed me off.

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This is very disheartening. Incidentally, my Senator is on the committe in question, and my husband & I both wrote very eloquent (well, at least we used spell-check ;) ) e-mails expressing our interest in the bill. We received back a letter which in part said the following:


I will keep your suggestion in mind as I consider what is best for all of my constituents as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia.

So, when I heard this news, I fired off an e-mail back at him:


I understand that HB 584 failed your committee with a unanimous vote. I will keep your vote in mind as I consider what is best for our district as well as the Commonwealth of Virginia the next time I have the opportunity to visit the polls. Thanks for your time.

Maybe I shouldn't be inflammatory, but frankly it pissed me off.

Since there are very few people in his district who care about the bill, the Senator does not care about your concerns. Politics as usual.


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Hmmm. How many of the legislators who voted to shit can this bill are attorneys?

Exactly! Why would lawyers make a law that says they get less work? When I reported for Jury Duty yesterday, 8 of the 16 potential jurors questioned were in, or had been in, a personal injury lawsuit. Gotta keep those lawyers employed!
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Am I the only who read the subject and thought "Who's Skydiving Bill? And why did Virginia kill him? Must have done something terrible." :S:D

But seriously, that sucks. It sounds like whuffo senators who had their minds already made up before anyone testified. :|

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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Another senator questioned why skydiving businesses could not get insurance coverage and questioned why the state should assist a “dangerous activity.”

This is how bureaucrats see things: "If we're not phuck'in ya with our insurance schemes then we are assist'in ya in this here activity!"

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Since there are very few people in his district who care about the bill, the Senator does not care about your concerns. Politics as usual.

No...we skydivers in VA are a political force to be reckoned with...really...
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Thanks Kate Sometimes you the bug and sometimes you the windshield. I was hoping to get this thru so all the DZ's in the US could use the bill as a guide line for their state USPA and Ed Scott did a outstanding job It would not gotten as far as it did without him. He DA man ............ Next time

Larry Pennington
Skydive Suffolk Inc

Larry Pennington
Teach by the way you live

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