
Peachy jumper needs VIBES

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Ah...but you haven't heard the latest...there is a slight possibility (although her doctor is going to verify) that it might only be a deep bruise. So...let's keep the vibes going for a deep bruise instead of a break.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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for Peachsouthern to get well soon!
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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Awhh guys...this is sweet!!!! Yah i found out today I'll be out for 6-8 weeks with micro-fractures to my talus bone in my foot. Kinda sucks, but i guess it could be much worse! If i kept waling on it, I could have damaged it enough never to walk on it again.

Yah not so much a trooper as being stubborn!:P I was so hoping nothing was wrong, but my body told me otherwise. Then again it was partically (mostly) my fault. I was jumping at a .85:1 wing load and when i was coming down hit some turbulance around 100ft (grounds 5-8 and wind gust about 40 mins prior 14). I got caught in one of the gust i guess and my canopy starting dipping to the left, so i pulled down on my right side to try and plane out, but ended up flaring late. Needless to say I landed completely on my left foot (cause i reached with it instead of getting ready to PLF) and stood up my landing, until the pain was so bad and i fell.

This is were the stubborness comes in, and since i could move my ankle and walk on it, I thought "how bad could it be??" , and did another jump. Then to top it off, the following weekend the dance team I coach was competing in Disney and I walked on it for 4 days through every park in Disney. I was told originally it was just a bruise.

So long story short, I will always PLF and never under estimate an injury. So if anyone is in NY and wants to keep a gimp company, or any good video ideas.....PLEASE pass them on. And thanks for the vibes!!!!! :):P

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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I would say you flared a bit early and came in straight down and PLF definitely could have helped, but that is beside point now. You just need to get better. We will drag you out and get you drunk sometime soon. Maybe we should put you on stage like that other time...

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