
I gotta post this!

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I wasn't going to make a big deal out of this but it has been driving me nuts. A few weeks ago a few things started happening to me that are really cool.

1. Standing around the DZ and Dan B.C. walks up and tells me he wants me to start LO'ing! Bonus! Very stoked about that. So come and jump with me at Perris on the weekends!

2. 8 way team formed and ready to start training for Nationals. Dan B.C. as the coach! (starting to notice a theme here) Peoplefrom all over the U.S. and one from England. Our first camp will be even more exciting because most of us will be meeting for the 1st time! WATCH OUT NATIONALS HERE WE COME!

3. I was invited on a 10 way team for nationals as well. Guess who is on the team? DAN B.C.

I am so stoked! This guy has been a hero to me for well over 10 years. Basically ever since I put on my first sport rig. Some of my dreams are starting to come true. This is going to be the best year I have had in a long time! Wish me luck!

Now I just have to sell everything to afford the training![:/]:):)

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I heard yo where a rock star the other night. Or at least partied like one.

Yeah, and did you read my post the next day about having a nice little hangover? B| That Robbie boy is a BAD influence! :o:):D

Ask him if he ended up with his thingy dyed green. :ph34r:

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That Robbie boy is a BAD influence!

Ask him if he ended up with his thingy dyed green.

He is like my red headed step child! I love the guy but most of the time I just wanna smack him across the mouth and make him sit in the closet until he can behave!:S:D

I don't know (and don't want) to know if his thingy got dyed green. I do know that if he keeps messing with one girl in particular his thingy will just turn green and fall off! :SB|

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Flite Suits! Tony suits are nice but I love my Flite Suite. Plus I got it in 6 day! Already got Kelly working on the Patches!:D;)

Yeah, Flite Suits!!!! I received my new one a couple of weeks ago. That's my fifth. When I had placed rush orders on the others I was wearing them within 7 days.B| Unfortunately, those burned up.>:( Also, I love the new grips on them.;)

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Top skydivers like this are class acts. I lived in Phoenix in 1990 and jumped at Coolidge (Skydive AZ just before the Eloy move).

And if you are relatively new, it means even more - My example - With only 350 jumps at the time, one of my best memories is of Jim Hotze (Coolidge Fource - pre Airspeed, BC was on that team) walked up and put me in a 4-way with him and a couple others - I was the newbie in the group. One jump and I learned a ton, we did Star-Star and a couple randoms. It's still a pretty decent memory after all this time. That and 20 way team..

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I was the newbie in the group. One jump and I learned a ton, we did Star-Star and a couple randoms. It's still a pretty decent memory after all this time.

I know exactley what you mean. For me it was Stardian-Stardian and a few randoms. I have over 100 jumps with B.C at this point, but the first few where the best as far as learning goes. I posted about this in the RW forum as well. He talks so much about the little things, eye contact, stopping and such that you think the guy is just giving you the short version of the dirt dive. Then you get in the air and it works. Everything else just starts to come together. Of course I am simplifing the entire process but that is about it.

ALso the confidence he gives to every jumper that he jumps with is amazing to watch. People that normally won't even try doing blocks, let alone verticals, go out and kill it just because he said they can do it! It's creepy mind control or something. I hope to learn as much from this guy in the next few years as I can. If I can be half the man and skydiver he is I will be alright as far as I am concerned.

If you guys haven't meet Dan or haven't jumped with him. Get off your ass and get to Perris! He will jump with anybody and I bet you go home 5 times better then when you got here. All with a smile on your face that won't stop for weeks. Cough up the money for video and show your friends what he is all about and how he made you better. Take what you can from him and take it back to your home DZ and help the sport grow. That is what Dan is all about. Did I mention he LO's everyday and doesn't charge a thing for the impromptu coaching. Even if he isn't jumping with you that day he will coach ya for every jump as long as you keep your jumps in line with his schedule.

I am not usually into hero worship, but this guy is what I wanna grow up to be like!

Ok, I am ok again.

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