
Does it still make your heart pound?

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When the plain goes on jump run the beat picks up. When the door opens, it speeds up a bit more. When I hit the wind, feel the cool on my face, my heart rate drops back down and all it good in the world. And I hope it never changes.

Except when you're trying to recover a funneled exit with me in tow (who happened to funnel it....:S). I'll bet that it then skyrockets! LOL!!

In answer to the original question:
Heart pounding, cottonmouthed, leg shaking adventure no doubt. I love it...sometimes I forget how much I love it, and then I'm back in the door, looking out into the sky, and I remember....


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Except when you're trying to recover a funneled exit with me in tow (who happened to funnel it....). I'll bet that it then skyrockets! LOL!!

That was a great jump. The light in your face made my heart all warm and fuzzy. Lets do it again. You had better get your ass to Elsinore.>:(
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I was just having this conversation with some friends.

Not every time, but sometimes, on the ride to altitude I still get a little nervous. Sometimes it is more like stage fright and I am thinking of the Shepherd's prayer (Alan Shepherd's) "Lord, please don't let me screw this up!"

Othertimes I am thinking "Please do not let me have a mal, and if I do, please let me not freeze."

And every once in a while, very rarely mind you, (as rare as can be said for having 68 jumps:S) I think, "ARE YOU STUPID?!" But then I remember that I am and I am okay with that:D.

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Depends on how long its been since I jumped more than anything else. My heart sometimes will get to really beating if I'm on a high pressure dive and I don't want to screw up. And if I've made a lot of jumps in a day, the less likely I am to get my heart rate up.

Now most AFF instructor dives cause my heart to beat...cuz they're just like a box of chocolates;)

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Jump run? Shit, my heart pounds as I drive down the road on the way to the dz. B| I LOVE this stuff! I attached a pic from my first jump (tandem) and from a jump last summer. I still can't seem to wipe that smile off my face! It's like that EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. :D

Fall in dove.

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When we get to altitude the air has a unique smell to it(you all know what im talking about)

One day I was hiking up a nice little mountain and smelled that smell. . .when I got down I wanted to drive to the DZ and jump. . .mmmmmm.

I can remember quite vividly the day I realized I was no longer afraid of the door. . .jump 16, student solo, diving exit. Standing in the door waiting to jump, it hits me. . .I LOVE THIS. . .that fear had been replaced with absolute awe and amazement. Yep, the heart pounds, the blood pumps. . .I love the feeling and cannot wait to get out there. It is simply the most amazing experience ever.

Dang, now I gotta go jump. . .well, at least I am on vacation for most of this week. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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When we get to altitude the air has a unique smell to it(you all know what im talking about)

Cool, I thought I was the only one who smelled that. Does anyone know why that is?

There is the theorie of gases expanding in higher altitudes and then finding their ways through the jumpsuit to everybodys nose... I think this effect is called "exit farting". Because when you smell those stinky things it's almost time to exit! Been there, smelled that...

Feet up!


I konw that smell too...but I really think the air has a different smell to it at altitude!


Jump run? Shit, my heart pounds as I drive down the road on the way to the dz. I LOVE this stuff! I attached a pic from my first jump (tandem) and from a jump last summer. I still can't seem to wipe that smile off my face! It's like that EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Dove...that is the most awesome smile I've ever seen! I hope you never lose it and I someday get the chance to see it in person!

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Dove...that is the most awesome smile I've ever seen! I hope you never lose it and I someday get the chance to see it in person!

Thanks! No chance of losing it - it just gets bigger and bigger! I get shit for it all the time but I can't help it. Skydiving just floats my boat like you wouldn't believe. B| I hope we get to jump together someday too. Don't forget to wear shades so I don't blind you!:)

Fall in dove.

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Actually, I don't feel any different then on the get it on call - headed torward the plane. I realized recently I have totally forgotten I was jumping out of an airplane.

I had to take the time to do a solo to appreciate the aspect again. I still love it as much as the next person... but my excitement is mostly performance driven. I LOVE to learn new things... and every time we try something new -- My heart beat is off the charts! I love this sport! B|

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