
Skydiving Channel

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Beautiful Ladies, and Gentlemen,

Ive notice on cable we have every channel specializing in something EXCEPT Skydiving!!!

My questions to my skydiving family, If a broadcasting network would be willing to start a channel for all aspects of skydiving would you be willing to pledge money to get it started?

This is a very serious question

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The programming would be easy

Skydiving show, beer ads, Skydiving show, beer ads,

Of course they could branch out and do a DZ cooking show "The greatest DZ snack shacks"

Probably wouldn't get much viewership on the weekends.

Hey, I'd watch it.

Let me live in my house by the side of the road and be a friend to man- Sam Walter Foss

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we have an extreme sports channel in canada on bell's expressvu, but i can't say i've seen much skydiving on it. mostly x-games stuff and muay tai kickboxing.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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it would be cool, but like other specialty channels it owuld get repetetive after awhile. on the positive side, there could be informational shows for people considering a first jump to dispell any myths, it would be a good place for videographers to sell their stuff without having to have it sensationalized on real tv, instructional shows, a reality show following someone throguh their progression from whuffo to licensed jumper...
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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The programming would be easy

Skydiving show, beer ads, Skydiving show, beer ads,

and BOOBIES, ads, Skydiving show, beer ads, BOOBIES ... :P

i can see it now, 'WFFC Live! and WFFC Live BeerLight Special Edition, Late Night!'B|
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Put together a prospectus(spelling?) and pitch the Idea some Venture Capitalist. You can be sure that Red Bull and Go Fast will be on board with advertising as I am sure several of the big manufactuers. You have allot of big name sport stars out there. Bob Burnquist, Matt Hoffman etc that can bring in a cross-over audience... hmmm maybe I should shut up now and put it together myself....:S Ok now my brain is going...If anyone is serious and not just a big talker I think it could work.... :)

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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"Skydiver Chicks Gone Wild"....:D


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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the poorman's version is a Tivo that has a wishlist recording anything with Skydiving in the description.

I don't think you have enough viewers or programming to make a viable channel.

Millions golf, only tens of thousands skydive. From a spectator perspective, I suspect skydiving gets a bit repetitive to non jumpers.

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nobody has mentioned that there should be a REGULAR safety seminar for whuffos and skydivers alike.

I mean fun it a definite but lets not forget what got us all in the sky after that last jump. the knowledge to be safe.

of course that is NO substitute for the instructor and buddy check but hey if we're talking a skydive channel we need to see this also.

would I watch it? defineitely, would enough pepo ewatch it to support the advertising it would cost to run the channel? doubt it>:(
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have you seen some of the cable TV channels? I have like 400 of them. I am willing to bet a "SkyDiveTV" Cable channel could work. No one thought an all sports channel would work 20++ years ago either.

With todays "eXtreme" Athletes crossing over into many sports I KNOW that the male 12-28 (or whatever age range marketeers are looking for) would be tuning in. Like I said all it will take is someone will to do it not just talk about it but actually do the research, put the prospectus together and be willing to knock on every Venture capilists door. As a point of reference do any of you have any Idea how much money Venture Capiltalist gave away to Internet affilate/pyramind websites doing the "money" making crazy? I perosnally know of 3 people that got over 5 milling each to start up their companies. They are all gone now but the money is out there if you have a solid, well reserached plan. It is all about the marketing.which as everyone has been noticing, has included a TON of skydiving latley.Don't fool yourself into thinking other people havn't noticed it too. Thats why you are seeing more and more skydiving in ads. People are noticing. Now would be the pertfect time to go after a cable channel.

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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What about putting together a show for one of the public access channels? There is alot of stupid sh*t on the public access channel here in Tampa that noone watches.....maybe, if someone could get a weekly, or even daily show started on one of those channels it would be easier to get the intrest of normal skydiving sponsers (Red Bull, Go Fast, gear manufactures, etc.). It would atleast get more exposure and possibly make it easier to move onto it's own channel. Get some people from the dark side to help with the production....everyone knows they all have cameras :P

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the poorman's version is a Tivo that has a wishlist recording anything with Skydiving in the description.

I don't think you have enough viewers or programming to make a viable channel.

Millions golf, only tens of thousands skydive. From a spectator perspective, I suspect skydiving gets a bit repetitive to non jumpers.

ditto... it would probably be easier to put a show (or a couple shows) together and put it on another channel that aready shows "extreme" sports... information shows would work well, but a tv show actually filming the sport would be tougher i think. you can firlm golf or skateboarding easily for hours at a time... can't do that with skydiving.. you would have to make a bunch of jumps to get the same amount of film.. and then, who is paying for all those jumps? if 'the show' is paying for them, you would have to get enough viewers/advertising dollars to cover all the cost....

-Seth :)

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ESPN just recently showed the h to e world record. Seize on that momentum to get the big guys interested. One hour a week is not much. I'm sure Pepsi would shell out to sell Mountain Dew. Can you imagine the gear companies not getting in on this? Lord knows there's enough skydiving footage to run one hour a week. Get expert skydivers hosting, and you got yerself a show. At the very least you could sell it as "real extreme" because all other sports never get more than 50 feet off the ground... Hell, I'd invest... oh wait a minute, I'm in debt because of this sport...
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sounds like you got the idea. the original post asked if we would toss in some money etc...

all I hear is dreaming. so as of now I would continue to spend my money on jump tixx. anyone got a layout of where the money would come form or go? got connections? etc?

seems to me if it were that easy it would've been done, or be in the process or it
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