
Lost And Loved, Than Have Never to Have Loved At All...

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love is something a parent gives to their child, it also defines what the parents means to the child!
people use the word love to explain their own insecurities and need to not be alone! the word is mearly a crutch to lean on!

~~~~Green grass and high clouds forever~~~~
no matter where you go, there you are!

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True love lasts forever. Even when someone changes and you are not in love with the person they have become, you will still love the person that they were, forever. Love freezes time. Being in love marks your life, like bouys in the sea.

Think back on your life, and you will remember best those times when your heart ached to be with the person you were most in love with at the time.

I have been blessed to be in love with many people. I haven't lost them, but distance, complication, and the needs of other people's love have removed them from the foremost part of my thoughts.

But thinking of them is like stepping into the sunlight.

It is better to love.

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True love lasts forever.

Love freezes time. Being in love marks your life, like bouys in the sea.


I have been blessed to be in love with many people. I haven't lost them, but distance, complication, and the needs of other people's love have removed them from the foremost part of my thoughts.

But thinking of them is like stepping into the sunlight.


It is better to love.

Oh JP, all these lines are so beautiful. I may be overly emotional today, but your post made me cry and filled my heart with even more love and respect for you as my friend. I hope that you know how much I adore you, JP. I wish that I had spoken more to you when you were out here for the Memorial Day Boogie. You have such a wonderful understanding of what is most important in life. Your family is very lucky.

Love your wife today and always. Know that while you are lucky to have her, she is equally lucky to have someone as beautiful as you to love her. You make women like me swoon.
With the highest and fondest admiration,

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"Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something."

It wouldn't hurt so much if it hadn't been so good. I take that to mean the pain of loss shows how much I was enjoying things.

Boy, I hope I never have to stop skydiving. That would hurt worst of all.


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Boy, I hope I never have to stop skydiving. That would hurt worst of all.

Nah doesnt hurt at all.. you find other diversions in life.. new experiences... just like people you move on...Life is a smorgasbord.. try all the tastes in life you can. For some skydiving becomes work and mundane...so keep it interesting.

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Sunny, the pain may be great but when you do find the one, t will be worth every bit of it

Thanks squeak. I hope you're right. :)

AAAAAGGHHH!!! (t still running... thinking of some place to hide..:D)

It's the year of the Pig.

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It depends.

If you love someone who is a truly amazing person, but they are just not right for you, then it is much better to have loved and lost. Getting to know someone who is absolutely incredible on such a different level teaches you so much. Even if it hurts that you are not right for each other, the time spent with them is invaluable.

However, if the person that you loved is just a piece of crap, and they are not the person you thought they were, then it is definitely better to have never have loved at all. Pain stinks. If you're going to be in pain, it should at least be over someone who is worth it. If you're in pain over a liar, cheat, etc, then that just sucks.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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If you're going to be in pain, it should at least be over someone who is worth it. If you're in pain over a liar, cheat, etc, then that just sucks.
Yes, he was/is worth it. I wouldn't trade the past 2 years for anything.

As for the liars and the cheats and the etc., they get nothing but a refresher course from that other thread 'Where to Hide the Bodies' ;)~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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