
Need help with Interview

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Allright, so I got a fe interviews lined up, and I want to know what you al think is some good answers to the "strengths and weaknesses" question.

Here is what I thoguht for strengths....

1. My ability to adapt to certain situations and people.
2. My ability to co-operate with others, to manage the task at hand and succesfully doing what needs to be done as a team.
3. My biceps.

For weaknesses, I dont know? I dont have any.... help me out so I can answer them!

edit to add: my biceps

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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Just wear a blonde wig and some big boobs.. then it wont matter what you say.. :D:D

(I can't believe I went there..)

Personal experiance?
Are you a developer of personal growth?:P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Just wear a blonde wig and some big boobs.. then it wont matter what you say.. :D:D

(I can't believe I went there..)

Personal experiance?
Are you a developer of personal growth?:P

Well.. I can't remember the last time I interviewed for a job and didn't get it. But its not like I work at hooters so I'm guessing there was a little more to it.. :)
No.. I'm a software developer.. personal growth is a ... personal thing.. so you tell me! ha! :P

I stand by my sig line...

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I dunno if I'd post Arnold as yourself.. all the ladies have seen the naked pics of him and hes got a teeny little... :$

So you're saying that he has no personal growth????:D:D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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For weaknesses, I dont know? I dont have any.... help me out so I can answer them!

If you claim to have no weaknesses you're either ignorant or arrogant.

Some things can be construed as negative or positive

"I work too much"
"I'm too detail oriented"
"I'm not content with projects that don't challenge me"

You can also look at a place where you're improving

"I am still improving my ability to mentor junior people"

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Should they ask you what position you desire say, "Missionary." Tell 'em that what interests them fascinates you and that you don't care what the pay is, you would just want to "hang with them 'cause they're cool."
When it comes to weaknesses:
You can't stand imperfection in your work so you may take longer to get it just right.
or... slam your fist down on the table and say, "I hate weakness!"
or... say, "I am like Yin and Yang, my weakness and strength balance in harmony to produce unstoppable worker." Then perform Tai Chi;
or... tell them your weakness is you don't mind working off the clock;
or... tell them you have a weakness for warm milk late at night, wearing socks to bed, applying underarm deodorant before going night-night in case you're physically active in your dreams and lastly, the only weakness you feel comes in the form of pain, because when you exercise, pain is weakness leaving the body. Oh, Good Luck!

You're always the starter in your own life!

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For weaknesses, I dont know? I dont have any.... help me out so I can answer them!

At one interview, I said "I'm a perfectionist; I won't quit doing something until it's absolutely perfect." The HR lady laughed and asked for a different one. So now I just say I can't stand authority and tend not to listen to what my manager tells me to do. Granted, the times I did say that I didn't get the job.
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