
what would you have done if asked this...

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There will always be politics between competing DZs. They will inevitably do things to get as large a share of the market as they each can, and the “other guy” at some point will not like what their competition did. That said the DZOs should also keep it between DZOs and leave the fun jumpers out of it! I am a DZO, and compete with another DZ in the metro area, we both have one 182. When I’m going to be busy with tandems, I actually send out an email to my regulars letting them know. The idea is that if they don’t want to wait around because I’m tying the airplane up with tandems, they might choose to take their business over to Acme.
I had a New Years Eve party at the DZ a couple of years ago, and a non skydiving friend asked me “so, these people are your customers?” I thought about it a second, and told him that these people were my friends, and that the tandem/students were my customers. I hadn’t been DZO very long at that time, and I’m sure a few of the up-jumpers at this point would disagree as to whether they’re my “customers”. Some think I shouldn’t lighten up, and not worry about making money. Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do; I actually became a DZO so I could have the tandem concession. I set the price for up-jumpers at what I calculate to be my break even point. I figure that if at some point in the future one of my discontented skydiving friends/customers would like to buy me out so they can work a 40 hour week at their day job then spend another 40 or so running a DZ to break even then as I guess “Everybody goes home in a limo!”

Sorry for what turned into a rant! Didn’t intend out to hijack your thread.

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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Yes they do! Or rather DZ A will drive THEMSELVES out of business with customer support plan like theirs. The just have to sting enough of the right bunch of customers and they will go across the street. Bigger aircraft, if needed, are just a phone call away.
Let the word get out. This is how they treat people.

If that were true, then a lot of DZ's would have gone out of business.

Truth is if the DZ screws a jumper, other jumpers, even if they care, won't actually do anything about it. Staff is cheap and abundant. Up-jumpers are a dime a dozen. Once the jumpers get ‘stung’ and go across the street, there is no-one to warn the newer jumpers about how they got ‘stung’ and the cycle continues.


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That is absolutely rediculous!! I can't believe DZ A did that.

Here in the close to Chicago area there are 3 thriving dz & one new tandem factory dz in near Wisconsin area.

We all share & share alike, tandem masters, course instructors, vidiots...etc. In fact, some of the dzo's of all 4 will go jump @ the other dz if something fun is going on. We pretty much get along. There's never anomosity - well, not amongst most people anyway.:)

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Animosity will always exist between dropzones that are relatively close to each other. The trick for most of these DZ's is to learn to coexist. Perris and Elsinore are 20 minutes apart, and while the relationship among the two dropzones is not perfect, they do both serve a purpose in this area. I don't like ultimatums and if I was given one by either dropzone it would hurt. I love jumping at both places and I love having the choice to do so.

I pretty much agree with everyone else, but wingnut, like the fact that you did not burn too many bridges along the way. That would lower yourself to their level.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Well, like Aggie said, here we have several DZ's and a lot of people travel between them. I jump primarily at SSM, mainly because i love the people there and it is only 40 min. from my house.B| However, when i thought i wanted a tandem rating, i called Skydive Aggieland and the DZO there was more than happy to oblige. I LOVE Aggieland and will continue to jump there regardless of what plane they have at the time.:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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DZ "A's" DZO has it's head up it's ass. I've shot video for multiple DZ's. If you have a rating, or a camera with the camera flying skills, it's certainly not unusual to jump, or work at another DZ sometimes. In fact many people make their living that way.

Heck, we use jumpers from other DZ's if they are on site and willing to work. I've been asked several times to help out at other DZ's as well.

Lets say DZ "A" scheduled too many tandems for the current staff to handle in one day. Would he call in other Tandem Instructors? ... you bet your a** he would.

If my primary DZ had a DZO who played games like that, I'd have a new primary DZ. Of course I'd probably make another jump or 2 and break a bunch of rules before I left;)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Here is my 2cents. I AM FUCKING TIRED OF THE DZ DRAMA THAT IS FUCKING UP OUR GOOD TIMES!!! (Ladies please excuse my vulgarity, as I do not swear in the presence of women or kids.)

I remember there was a time when, weekends were to just have fun, with your extend skydiving family. A time when your brothers and sisters would come together to pay for a jumper if they didnt have the money, or even let you crash at their DZ or place if you were traveling cross country. There were no DZ DRAMA to worry about. You deal with the shit 5 sometimes 6 days a week and when you arrive at the DZ, all you want to do is RELAX and HAVE FUN!!!

Now it seems that either people are jealous, money hungry, or just plane PRICKS, all because of problems that can be solved in ways as to not affect the jumpers. I have lost very close friends who have given up the sport all together because of DZ DRAMA. Its everywhere and we need to at least minimize it so it doesnt affect everyone.

Wingnut I echo AGGIE DAVE's sentiments.

There is enough bullshit on the job and in our personal lives, we shouldnt have to come to the DZ to add to it.

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.......... now it's just 2 of the three........dz B won.......yes i passed on the caravan for a piston cessna dz with barely enough jumpers to send up a load withought a tandem.....

so what would you do?????...................

You could get dz b to convert that piston 207 to a Soloy 207. That would be sweet!! Not only would you be jumping at the DZ of your choice but you guys would have a "mimi" turbine.

It is your sport/hobby, you gotta do what feels right for you. But, I do think you made a wise choice. Though you may have parted on good terms, DZ A made it abundantly clear just how important you aren't to them.


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If you think that DZ politics is a new phenomenon I think you’re misinformed. Ask a few people who have been jumping for 20 or 30 years. As Yogi Bara would have said “It’s like da-ja-vu (spelling?) all over again”. Although, this is a very extreme example
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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There is allot more to this whole story. :( my personal feelings on this are going to stay with me right now but there is a lot more to this and it sucks wingnut got caught in the middle.:(:(:(

Hey wingut lets go make a balloon jump where there ain't no DZ's involved :ph34r: We are going to try to get one on Friday at the Balloon Festival down here in Provo I am hoping to have something lined up before Thursday:)

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Dave I got your message about this on my vioce mail.

since I dont know what hours you are working now, I will tell you what I'd have done.

I would have told the dz who gave me the "ultimatum" to go fuck them selves...

...and I have done so before.
you are the customer/employee. a FREELANCE EMPLOYEE at best. you never signed a contract saying you are their pet. so tell them to take thier polkitics and shove as far up their asses as the arm will allow!

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I've found myself in a somewhat related position in the past, but different roles prompted me to reach a different decision.

I worked at DZ "A". When a jumper couldn't raise the cash to buy DZ "A" he went and opened his own DZ ("B") about 7 miles away. I don't know if it was ever *specifically* stated, but it was common knowledge that the DZO's at "A" did not want us working for (i.e. making money for) the DZO at "B". My roommate at the time said screw it and went to work for DZ "B". Sure enough, he was no longer welcome to work at DZ "A". He could still show up, have fun, pay for fun jumps, etc, but the DZO's were not going to employ someone who was helping their direct competition. For this reason, I never did end up working at DZ "B". I made a few fun jumps there once in awhile, but that was it. DZ "B" went out of business a few months ago leaving only DZ "A" within an 80 mile radius. I'm glad I still work there.

On the other hand we are not only welcome to, but sometimes encouraged to go work at other DZ's that we are not directly competing with. It's not uncommon for us to call in help from other DZ's when we need it, nor for us to offer help to other DZ's when they need it. All in all not a bad deal. And if I had been in your shoes on this one, I think I'd have reached the same conclusion. Stick with your friends...them and their 207 will bring you many more smiles over the years than a strained relationship would regardless of a turbine aircraft.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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If my primary DZ had a DZO who played games like that, I'd have a new primary DZ. Of course I'd probably make another jump or 2 and break a bunch of rules before I left;)

Say it ain't so! Say it ain't so - My image of you is shattered Timmae!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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We are going to try to get one on Friday at the Balloon Festival down here in Provo

dude that would rock... well if i get my new rig in by then so i can jump cuz my mainis in the new rig.......let me know what's up though.. i should have all day off on friday (if work isn't just screwing with me)

as for everyone else..... a few things have been brought up and i'll adress a few of them that i can........ DZ "A" has no problem with me working at another dz (factis i still work at DZ "C" 60 miles away) it's just that he doesn't want me working at the dz down the airport road.....

hookit, i did contemplate that and thought it best to not leave a bad tasest in thier mouths... theyhave a nice grass area set up across from thier hanger.. it's the D lisc landing area... i was thinking of swooping it after i jumped from the other dz's plane but thought no that just wouldn't be right....

dude did you not read were i didn't want any names put here concerning these dz's... any one with half a brain could of got on the dz listings here and found out what dz's i'm talking about.. let people figure it out for themselvs if they reaslly want to.. no need to put up a name here on a public forum... or i would of done so from my very first post in this thread.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Huh, I'd head to dropzone B, plop down a couple hundred bucks for some Jet-A, load everyone up and do a buzz pass over dropzone A with me and my friends' bare asses hanging out the door of the Cessna.

Then fly back to B in time for a sunset jump.

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