
Worst Beers

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The most horrid beer I have ever had the misfortune of sampling: Aspen Edge (Coors). I felt violated! First time in my life I have dumped out a 12-pack of beer.

Speaking of beer...one of the mechanics at the FBO in Thief River Falls, MN has started brewing his own beer. (This is the same mechanic who took me up for a jump from a Super Cub last year...good guy!) He didn't like his last batch of beer, but I loved it! So he gave me the whole batch! Sometimes life is good.


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I don't concern myself with too much the beer snobes have to say. Whens the last time you bought a of any the top top 50 beers to go fishing or partying. But for now I'll stick with the greens ones they make me happy enough : )

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Whens the last time you bought a of any the top top 50 beers to go fishing or partying.

On my 21st birthday, the first beer I purchased was Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout, #15 on the list. I had that planned for a couple of years. It was worth the wait! And I'm sure it would taste even better in a bass boat. ;)

But as far as snobbery...this is what the same site had to say about another of my favorites...

Light to moderate body, nice even crispness with a somewhat effervescent carbonation. The smooth mouth feel rides on the tail of the carbonation, thin malt palate. Kiss of hops, bitterness peaks after the crispness subsides and the dryness kicks in. Trace of alcohol hit the tongue and warms the mouth and throat. Hops stick to bitterness and provide no flavour other than a faint grassiness. Some corn grit flavour in the middle, not cooked grits but rather fresh milled grits. Clean palate throughout with a great wrap-up of dryness in the finish.

Notes: This is a great premium American lager, hands down beats the big three. About the same in the bottle but obviously better on tap. A perfect change up when things get a bit tedious and want to drink a simple beer.

You gotta love Pabst Blue Ribbon!!!


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I agree with their worst beer list. I would reprioritize their TOP 100 list, though. Deschutes Brewery was pretty far down and Orkney and New Belgium Breweries didn't even make the list. And Arrogant Bastard should be on the bottom 100.

There's a Rolling Rock Light? How the fuck does it get any lighter?
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Beer is like pussy.

When it's bad it's still good.

I have to disagree. I've gone many-a-night without a beer because all that was available some of the piss mentioned on the above list. I'd rather have no beer than piss beer. Just my preference.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Happy to see that what I would consider the worst beer ever is right there at No. 19 - Koch's Golden Anniversary Beer. Going back to the summer after high school though - didn't matter how bad it was - any beer that you could buy on sale for less than $7.50 a case was the best beer on the shelf to us. Probably the only beer you could ever actually afford by recycling for can deposits.

Someone mentioned the taste of beer on a bass boat. Anyone heard Ralphie May's stand up routine? If so you know what I'm talking about. I'll find my dvd and see if I can recap here in a later post.
Killing threads since 2004.

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Why isn't Schmidt beer on that list??? That is just a step better than Moose Piss...

They may know better than to sample it. :D

Right you are...same reason Jamaica's "Red Stripe" isn't on there I'm sure...:P:S "Ewwwww!!"
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That's a big part of his act, but not the whole thing. Had never heard of him before, but heard him on the radio while taking someone to the airport a couple weeks ago and just about wet myself I was laughing so hard. Found out he was in town and went to see him that night. I know a couple people that didn't really like him, but everyone I was with was on the floor. I guess he was on Last Comic Standing last year, or something like that. Never saw it. Not trying to hijack the thread...I'll find that DVD with the part of the act that pertains to beer. Would hate to stray too far from such an important topic.
Killing threads since 2004.

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I don't normally drink beer, I like wine. But when I went to Costa Rica I was a little worried about drinking the water so drank beer instead and actually learned to like the local beer, but I can't remember the name. It was really light, easy to drink.

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I can remember some real crap beer I had in the Phillipines..outside Clark AB... yucka pucka...nasty shit.

Ah, good old San Miguel... and the concurrent San Miguel squirts (tm).... ;)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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