
When positive thoughts don't work...

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Anger works for me most of the time. If I can't be happy, I can be very destructive and angry. :)

-Were you looking for a productive kind of solution?? Oh hell no go ask someone else...:S:P

Seriously though it has been discussed in this and on the Women's forums. do a search for 'depression' or 'depressed' and you'll get some results back that might help.

Actually here I'll save you some time: CLCIKY :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I'm with you, right now, tricky. But, I can't complain, either, b/c there are MANY who are WAY worse off than me. I have a lot to be thankful for, but I also worked my ass to be where I'm at.

So, then I'm even more sad, b/c I'm sad, but I can't say I'm sad, b/c then I just sound like an ungrateful whiner.

I don't have any answer for you except to let you know you're not alone. For me, my boy-toy is my only "up" in the day these days. Things will get better, I know that, but I can not seem to focus on that. My boy-toy knows me so well, that he seems to know exactly what to do to make my situation easier. I know I'm being very vague, but I don't often get personal.

Anywho....if the following helps, GREAT!:

I do well for myself, but whenever I pass that beautiful house on the beach, with the nice landscaping, great view, nice car and the woman always outside walking, or laying out, or whatever, I can't help but think, "It's not fair. I want to lay around all day and enjoy the ocean view." That's what I USED to think...until I just closed a loan for a guy who lives in a VERY similiar house, with a really nice car and beautiful wife. Turns out, they have NO SAVINGS, they're 100% mortgaged out on all their properties and have an additional $100k in debts. So, they're basking in the sun for now...but we all know that won't last much longer.

That's why the saying "the grass isn't always greener" really is so true. You just NEVER know someone's history, situation, or anything, so it's best just to worry about only yourself and trying to make things better for you and not give a RATS ASS about anybody else's thoughts or opinions about it.

A while back I made the decision not to give a shit about what other people think and it has made a HUGE difference. I'm myself, for better or worse.;):P

Just remember to hang in there...the only place to go from here is UP, right? :P;):)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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What do you do when you are depressed/sad and 'positive thoughts' just don't cut it?:(

I can usually talk my way into a better mood... but this time it's not working...

Your thoughts?

Tantric aerobics. Other exercise. Jump off a bridge or cliff (a parachute helps here). When all that fails I eat anti-depressants until I find how much of what works.

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Sex. Or chocolate. Either one, in large doses.

Find something to immerse yourself in, something that takes your mind away from what's bothering you - a book, a movie, call a friend for a long conversation that doesn't include your problems/worries.

Remember that tomorrow is another day. It may be just as bad or worse but you never know, it might turn out to be okay.

At least this is what I keep telling myself. :S

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Nice empty roads in the middle of nowhere (so as not to endanger anyone else; I try to be thoughtful) and enough speed so as I have to concentrate fully on the car, leaves me no room for sad/bad thoughts about anything else. Until I have to buy more fuel and I remember how much it costs here in the UK>:(.

Experience is a series of non-fatal errors.

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