
What needs to change at WFFC?

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OK, I have to run to an appt., but I wanted to say that it was AWESOME meeting you, Rev! :)

My lesson this year? Never go by first impressions. Especially when they are first formed on-line! ;)

Counting down the days to the next big family reunion. !!!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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2. More garbage cans and more frequent service on them. Trash was overflowing on a daily basis


Party till 1 or 2 a.m.
Get up by 7.
Haul trash till 1 or 2 p.m.
Eat, rest, and/or get a single jump in.
Haul trash again, around 5.
Eat (maybe)
Party till 1 or 2 a.m.

I tried man. Really, I did.
More cans next year, sure, but I'm NOT working all day.
Late pickup is gonna get pushed back to dusk too, so I can get more than one hand's worth of jumps in.

[email protected]

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Late pickup is gonna get pushed back to dusk too, so I can get more than one hand's worth of jumps in.

Seems like we need to pick up earlier. Gotta get a jump on dinner trash
Sorry, we'll see what we can do about getting more cans, and/or more people to empty them.
Don has an idea for more convenient pickup, we'll give it a shot.
[email protected]

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Late pickup is gonna get pushed back to dusk too, so I can get more than one hand's worth of jumps in.

Seems like we need to pick up earlier. Gotta get a jump on dinner trash
Sorry, we'll see what we can do about getting more cans, and/or more people to empty them.
Don has an idea for more convenient pickup, we'll give it a shot.

Opposite, Beth. At 5 o'clock, most cans in the dinner area were half to 3/4 full.
An hour after dark, they were half to 3/4 full again (after being emptied at 5). Theyt were then overflowing by midnight.

Push back the second trip to dusk, when they are all closer to being full (or over full, even), and they will last much longer into the night.

Second pickup was just plain to early. It was on average started 3 hours after the last morning pickup.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I think the trash cans filled up so fast is because of a lack of them. Think about it. If you only have four cans they will fill faster. If you have eight, the trash gets spread out more even.

One trash can at the LO tent, and none could be found near manifest.

What about those cardboard trash cans. Spaced out every few yards?

Same thought on the porta potties. Need more of them spread out. I noticed there were two of them near the LO tents, and two next to the King Air loading tent. What is wrong with that picture? There are a lot more people in the LO area then at the King Air loading tent.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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What was amazing to me was, every morning I would go to clean the entertainment tent, and the floor would be knee high in garbage, but the dumpsters were only 1/3 to 1/2 full. Seems that if someone put a full beer on top of a toter to use it as a table, the next 300 people would throw their beer cups on the floor instead of asking him to move his one beer. Next year, topless toters. After all, it IS only fitting....
[email protected]

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I would really like to see either "Day-Glo Pink" or "Damn, There is a Golf Cart--Red" color added to the line-up of Golf Carts for next year!!! ;)

Also, I will have to agree with the "No bands in tent city AND how bout some port-a-potties in the middle of tent row. Damn, that was hell going to the bathroom at 4 in the am with crutches!!! :( Oh yeah, the Jet would be really nice too.
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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>Done but not paid for.

Hmm. I counted around 16 showerheads in the men's showers, say another 16 in the women's. And it's going to take two years to pay for them? That's like $1000 per showerhead. You'd think we'd at least get those cheezy little hotel bottles of shampoo to go with the $1000 showers.

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>The whole refusing to give go-rounds when the spot runs like is

But it's part of the WFFC. When you have 9 aircraft sharing 3 jump runs, and aircraft X has to be on the north jump run because they have wingsuits, and aircraft Y can only climb at 500fpm, and aircraft Z has a schedule for the next 20,000 foot jumps - goarounds are not at all a given. If they can do it they will; I've been on more than one goaround, and have gotten a refund a few times when I had to land with the plane. But that's the exception. If you do not want to be forced to take a long spot or lose your $20, go to a smaller boogie. If you do want to go to the WFFC - accept that that can happen BEFORE you plunk down the registration fee.

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That's like $1000 per showerhead

rmenants of the old military base........ rmeber those are still 300 dollar toilette seats..... things justhave to match don't cha know....:P

"i have no reader's digest version"

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>Done but not paid for.

Hmm. I counted around 16 showerheads in the men's showers, say another 16 in the women's. And it's going to take two years to pay for them? That's like $1000 per showerhead. You'd think we'd at least get those cheezy little hotel bottles of shampoo to go with the $1000 showers.

Oh. I'll bring some of those cheezy hotel bottles of shampoo for you next year.

Being married to a Pilot, it seems we have quite the collection. :S

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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>rmeber those are still 300 dollar toilette seats . . .

We should get there a week early next year and build a set of showers under a tent. Go to Home Depot, get a bunch of propane fired heaters, a tank, some piping, valves and showerheads, and build simple stalls out of plywood and 2x4's. Let it drain into the grass. We could do it for the rock-bottom price of $500 a showerhead! Put in 20 and only charge $10,000.

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>Done but not paid for.

Hmm. I counted around 16 showerheads in the men's showers, say another 16 in the women's. And it's going to take two years to pay for them? That's like $1000 per showerhead. You'd think we'd at least get those cheezy little hotel bottles of shampoo to go with the $1000 showers.

Don't forget the infrastructure to get the water (hot and cold) to the shower head. I do not believe that Grissom hall had any shower facilities in it during its military days and everything in the showers to make it all happen is new.

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There used to be a water fountain near manifest.

There should be a water fountain/tap in 3 or 4 places.

There was also a shortage of porta-potties this year. I had to walk quite some distance (in the middle of the night) to cop a squat this year.

More water sources would be FANTASTIC. We were very fortunate to be able to score a freshwater tank refill from the fire truck about half-way through the convention for our camper on vendor row.

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I added my thoughts on garbage, though in the end I'll just do what Don says....

I must say I agree with the porta pottys though.

I can't comment on last year, as I was only there the final weekend, but I can comment on '02 and '04.

'02 had quite a few more porta's than '04, and they were in better locations. They were not cleaned nearly enough though.
'04 had portas that seemed to be always clean, at least the ones I found. Yes, they were hard to find.

In '05 we need more, and they NEED to be better located. Can anyone tell me why it took so long to get them by manifest? And those were just moved from the gold cart area, they weren't new.

Food tent/entertainment area? There were 2 practically hidden (VERY hidden in the dark) on the corner of Front and Main streets. The sun goes down and you get hundreds of people eating. Where do they go to 'relieve themselves'? 2 johns that once it got dark you couldn't even see?

LO tent area. I saw ONE. 'nuff said.

Packing areas. Suck it up and get a big tent, put it on the end of the LO tents (closest to manifest if you want 'em to spend more money on jump tix), and label it "Free Packing Tent".

I could think of more, but my brain is still on overload.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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How about a requirement for lights on golf carts and other wheeled vehicles at night. A night light over the most used porta potties (especially near the beer and band tent) would be appreciated.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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