
I hate humans.

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Feeling ok today Seth?

Yeah, just fell out of my chair looking at t-shirt hell :D
If you think New Jersey smells bad.... :D:D:D

Maybe its just because I am sick - but was that an inside joke? If not it went right over my sniffly head.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Feeling ok today Seth?

Yeah, just fell out of my chair looking at t-shirt hell :D
If you think New Jersey smells bad.... :D:D:D

Maybe its just because I am sick - but was that an inside joke? If not it went right over my sniffly head.

T-Shirt Hell
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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All of them. :|

Is that a personal attack?

I think generalized attacks are ok, sometimes. Kinda like how some WMDs are ok to use, but others aren't. Like, if I said "Democrates are stupid, and can't argue a point" - that would be ok. But if I said "People who post in 'vibes' threads are stupid, and just attention seeking whore" that would get my shit jumped. And you really have to stay away from sex, race, and religion.... like "arrest black babies before they become criminals" would not be tolerated at all.

Somebody shoulda arrested you when you were a baby. B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Seems a little bit ironic to me that these comments are being made, considering the activity that most of us, on this forum, have in common and how enviromentally unfriendly it is.

Ironic that we recognize we're efing up mother earth? I suppose the right thing to do woud be deny we're harming the environment. :S

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Ok... I'm sorry. I'm just being a naughty girl. :)

You can do other things to accomplish that! B|:$:P

Oh I already do plenty of other things to accomplish that! ;):)

And KEITH: What the hell are jelly babies??? (Or am I gonna regret asking that???) :$

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INTRANSITIVE VERB: Inflected forms: de·gen·er·at·ed, de·gen·er·at·ing, de·gen·er·ates
(--rt)1. To fall below a normal or desirable state, especially functionally or morally; deteriorate.
2. To decline in quality.
3. To undergo degeneration.


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You hate humans? Today........for the 3rd time in 2 weeks......I saw someone that had NO SOCKS OR SHOES ON........put their nasty ass feet all over the bulk head of the 1st CLASS section of the airplane. I didn't say much the first 2 times but today I had had it. I loudly proclaimed to my friend sitting just behind the no calss idiot..."Does this dumb MOTHER FUCKER think he's in his living room or what? I mean.....JESUS H CHRIST!" You should have seen the look on the guy's face that was sitting just across from me. PRICELESS. :D Oh....and apparently hillbilly boy got the hint and put his shoes back on. :S WTF is wrong with people?

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