
What is the oldest.....

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I am 29. I have always preferred older women to younger when it comes to both sex and relationships. Give me a 40+ woman over an 18 year old teeny bopper any day. Even women 25 and below are a turn off. Never met a mature, intelligent woman under 25.

I knew we were separated at birth - my evil twin tunaplanet. I haven't dated anyone under 25 since I was 22 for that very reason, thought some are intelligent. I just thought most women under 25 not only didn't know what the real world was (then again, I was with the college/law school crowd - not exactly school of hard knocks folks).

But, frankly, most women under 25 have NO IDEA what they are doing in the sack. Younger ones think that skydiving is better than sex. Why? Because they don't know what the hell they're doing in bed. That simple.

Older women? YES, they know PLENTY!!!!;)

I was 27 - she was 39. That was the oldest for me. My parameters were usually 30-35.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I couldn't imagine dating a younger guy, he'd REALLY have to be something special.

When I was 18, I dated a 17 year old. A year difference doesn't seem like a lot when you get older, but then it was huge. I was in college and he was still in high school. It was so weird.

So far, I've dated 2 guys younger than me. I don't think I'll be going down that road again. But you never know what could happen. :P
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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my best guess would be that they're afraid
to expose their surgical operandi.

You and roadrash are freaking hilarious!!! :D I would never have even gone there mentally to think that way about it, but it's a totally funny thought! Thanks for the laughs, you two! :P

Maybe, that's true of the Hollywood "entertainment industry" crowd and such, but I don't know of any close friends of mine who have gone under the knife. B| I'm not going to judge someone if they did, though! That's their own personal decision, but it's not for me...no way! (I think it's a latin thing...to be totally natural.:)
Anyway, the ironic part of your last post was that I was completely NOT talking about California peeps. (Actually, I've found that the people in California are not at all hung up about age at all like people across the country.) I am talking about people from other places...from my travels across the US. For instances, a conversation with someone from Texas (which actually surprised me) or from the east coast, stuff like that. I'm talking about the people who are only like 28 or 29, but who refuse to give out their "old" (lmao) ages! It's hilarious because they think that they're old maids if they don't get married before 30!!! :ph34r:

I just don't get it...the late 20-something chicks. They are always the ones freaking out about their age the most! :S

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Whaaaaaaaaaat!?!?!!!!! :o

people in cali are sooooo sensitive about they're age,
ESPECIALLY the "old maids". and texas!?, Texas don't count,
they can break off and form their own country, probably
do well too...

------------------STOP READING HERE--------------------

k, here's how I see it, LA, Miami, NYC, Dallas, etc... all the hotspots
your going to get the big fish.. there is going to be
*oOooOO* so beautiful sweet glitterati yum-yum there.
and that's usually the type of yum-yum that lie about their
age cause they think the we (guys) really give a sh*t.
It's when the skin starts doing that thing it does when
collective tissue starts to deteriorate, then we're forced
to be like, "hey babe, I'm going to need you to strap that
back on and turn the lights out." So these scene WHORES! try EVERYTHING (they'd sell their 1st born)
just to keep their youthful looks that makes all the
boys mouths drop cause that's all they know howto do
to keep them in the "circle" (I'm not explaining the "circle" if I have to, I will). So they continue to run
around doing god knows what with no foundation for commitment
whiches forces us guys to re-prioritize, old women vs young women. which leaves the old women single. What
could you possibly want from a old single female has-been?
money...? She probably can't even cook! blah blah blah... point being, your right
it's not just in cali, it's everywhere even without the
plastic surgery. I guess that's just the way it is until
proven wrong...

Im assuming your going to want to factor in the cheating
males that are in a relationship (hence "cheating"), all I could say to that is, keep your man in check and don't
worry about it..... cause your probably too good for him anyway. We're the lucky ones... At least I consider myself lucky

*This is also based on the assumption that the people
your talking about you met at bars/clubs/restaurants*

--------------------START READING AGAIN-----------------

Im such an asshole....

I'm sorry ladies, you know I luv you :)

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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when i was 20 and in the AF, I had a brief thing with a 36 y.o.

with -1- exception, every woman i've ever dated has been older than me. i don't think that was a conscious decision though, i think i just ?gravitated? toward older women.

for the ladies who (tend to) date older men... (or men who date older women)

  • why?

  • is it a maturity thing? stability?

  • a different kind of look & sexiness in older men?

  • do you find a general age range (IE, 5-15 years older than yourself) to be consistently attractive, or is it just "older".

and of course: so where are the 27-35 y.o. women that are looking for a mid-40's kinda guy? :)

interestingly enough, my buddy in the next cube and i have recently been having in depth conversations about this exact topic. I'd love to get others' opinions ("others" especially being younger women who date older men), but i don't wanna hijack the thread.

(if anyone or enough pm me and indicate interest in continuing said topic in a semi-serious thread, i'll start a new one... )

Sundays' mission: 5 jumps! woohoo!!!

Michael Hart

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sup homie,
I'd really luv to get into it, but my head is kinda fuzzy
right now, and I really don't like talking about it all that
much. It's that damn MTV I tell you, telling everybody
buy this, you get laid... buy that.. you get laid, get laid???
buy something.... not just MTV either.... I'd for one, would
like to put out a public message to everyone ( like the
anti-drug commercials and presidental campaign commercials
, etc...) telling everyone to "SAVE their money..., you'll
still get laid." Not like that exactly, but some kind of
wake-up call to let everyone know that "freedom" is
becoming nothing more than a 7-letter word.

I'm going to continue to drink my juice and vodka now...
Hurricanes are the suck...

hey homeslice, in retrospect, happiness is everything, age is superficial....

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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