
She's got a boyfriend ...

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... but we get along so well. She came over last night we watched the Yankees game together. But, I'm thinking I'm going have to stop seeing her all together. We have been in some pretty comprimising situations and I'm not gonna let her be that girl and I'm not gonna be that guy. I'm at work and all I'm thinking about is how much I wanted her to spend the night last night, and how much it'll suck not to even see her anymore.
Oh well I'm venting.

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I started to say "....but you don't want his number"

I know what you mean bro. Been there, done that, on both sides. In the end you will never be happy if you are that guy. I used to think you could if you were both the right people. But I think it is very much against the odds. My advice would be just be her friend. If her relationship is not meant to last, then wait for it to end for that reason and act as a friend. While that sounds good, it can be very hard to do. So, if you feel you must back off to protect yourself, I totally understand, and know why you are venting.
If she asks about it, just be honest. In the end whether anything happens or not, she should respect you more for being a man of integrity.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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Run far away....if she is getting involved with someone trying to build something before she has finished something else...that is bad.

If she dumps him for you, will you be able to trust she wouldnt do the same thing to you???
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Hmm. I guess it depends. I liked a guy all through college. I absolutely LOVED hanging out with him. If he was around, I always had a blast. We had a lot in common, and he was one of the three guys that I actually liked while in school. He had a girlfriend, and that sucked. But, it didn't keep me from hanging out with him. While it sucked that he had a girlfriend who cheated on him all the time, it would've sucked more to not hang out with him. He was a great guy, and I enjoyed hanging out with him. I liked him so much as a person that I wanted to hang out with him no matter what.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Because there is to much intrest on both sides not just from my side.

He was interested in me, too. We ended up making out after his gf broke up with him. I don't know. I just couldn't imagine not hanging out with him.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Good for you! This is a move to be very proud of, though it may suck right now.

She calls or comes over tonight and you say, "I've been thinking, (speech), which is why I can't see you anymore."

Then she says, "I've been thinking too, and (long story short), I'm going to break up with him, because I want to be with you."

How would you react? Is that even a remote possibility?

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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She calls or comes over tonight and you say, "I've been thinking, (speech), which is why I can't see you anymore."

Then she says, "I've been thinking too, and (long story short), I'm going to break up with him, because I want to be with you."

How would you react? Is that even a remote possibility?

Not gonna happen, but if she did, I wouldn't date her right now. She would have to have time to get over her relationship. Not a smart move dating someone after they broke up especially since they been together for quite awhile.

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Ah, I see. Just wondering, because if she's equally as interested in you, then she and her boyfriend already have problems.

Your plan is sound and wise. Proceed. :)

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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... but we get along so well. She came over last night we watched the Yankees game together. But, I'm thinking I'm going have to stop seeing her all together. We have been in some pretty comprimising situations and I'm not gonna let her be that girl and I'm not gonna be that guy. I'm at work and all I'm thinking about is how much I wanted her to spend the night last night, and how much it'll suck not to even see her anymore.
Oh well I'm venting.

You're an adult; do what you will; but recognize that by definition it will end badly for someone...
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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Not gonna happen, but if she did, I wouldn't date her right now. She would have to have time to get over her relationship. Not a smart move dating someone after they broke up especially since they been together for quite awhile.

i totally agree with you here and think you are doing the right thing. IF you want something more than just a fling then you should wait and just be her friend. If she is going to break up with her boyfriend, then you need to give her time to get used to being on her own and move forward. You don't want to be rebound guy.

I have been on both sides -- once I was the girl who broke up with my boyfriend to be with another guy -- but realized a month into it that I wasn't fully emotionally separated yet and ended up breaking up with the new guy. Recently I got involved with someone who is just single -- and its a nightmare because he is so not ready for a new relationship no matter what he says...and boy, does it hurt.

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sounds like some strong feelings, make good and sure both ways, it may be a strong urge. but if not you may be letting the rest of your life pass you by.


And if there ain't no ring on the finger it's fair game. It won't make you a bad person.:ph34r:fatones:ph34r:

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