
As a Kid, As you are Now.

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It always cracks me up the transformation people make from bein' little crumbsnatchers to bein' all growed up. If ya got 'em, post 'em. There's always time for a good laugh. Here's me unemployed as a kid, then overworked now...

You're always the starter in your own life!

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Not I, said the little red hen.
One is from when I was about 6 (I have my arm around one of my brothers). The other is a little more recent. See if you can figure out the difference.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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That Santa shot cracked me up--"Look Santa, Beer Clouds." When kids pose together, one of them always mugs another.
I read a study that was done where they asked graduating high school seniors what their outlook on life was and then took their photo. The researchers caught up with them 30 years later and asked them the same question and took another photo. Guess what changed? Nothing! Their expressions tended to match their photo. If you were a happy kid you were most likely going to be a happy adult. I guess there's not a lot of happy kid pictures out there (ha, ha, ha.)

You're always the starter in your own life!

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When kids pose together, one of them always mugs another.

That was me. My mother for years would have to take at least three of every picture.

The first one I would make a face, the second one I would give rabbit ears.

The last one.....well I was hardly ever smiling in the third picture. To busy holding my ass fromt he smak she had just given me across my ass. B|

Sorry Mom, I thought it was funny.:D

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