
Arghhh....can't concentrate...the suspense is killing me....

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Watiing impatiently for my yearly review, along with my raise and bonus amounts. Should be getting the call any minute now (For the past two hours). I'll know today if I'm buying a house or not based on this meeting. I work all year for this day.

Either way, I'm getting drunk tonight, either in celebration or depression. The way it works around here is you're either doing a great job or shitty job. There is no in between....anything less than great is considered shitty. You either get a big ass bonus and raise, or if you don't, start looking for a job becasue you're not long for the firm. And this is all based upon the perception of the man in charge, who while a great guy, and a genius in his field, has no concept of what my job entails.

stress.... :|

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Watiing impatiently for my yearly review, along with my raise and bonus amounts. Should be getting the call any minute now (For the past two hours). I'll know today if I'm buying a house or not based on this meeting. I work all year for this day.

Either way, I'm getting drunk tonight, either in celebration or depression. The way it works around here is you're either doing a great job or shitty job. There is no in between....anything less than great is considered shitty. You either get a big ass bonus and raise, or if you don't, start looking for a job becasue you're not long for the firm. And this is all based upon the perception of the man in charge, who while a great guy, and a genius in his field, has no concept of what my job entails.

stress.... :|

"Hey! I said 'bonus', NOT 'Bone-Us'!"



"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Same story here (except for the "genius" and "great guy" part).... although I don't know when it's going to be. "Sometime in the next 3 weeks... hopefully" is the current response. Pretty much sucks - my "target bonus" is about 20% of my salary. [:/]
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Hehehehehee.........I guess that's one good thing about being a Federal Employee. If they haven't fired me yet my raise is a given. B| Unfortunately, I get my last HUGE raise in Feb. After that I make about the same except the small standard raises for the rest of the time I work there. Hmmmm........wonder why I'm taking a new job next year. :S Good luck!

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Good luck! I hope it goes well!
I have a meeting in just a few minutes to hear about our new Compensation. They brought in outside consultants to review positions in the company to see if we are gettng paid competitively, and to restructure our pay scale. So I guess I will know soon if I should celebrate or be depressed too.

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My target is 100%. An ok bonus is 20%. If I get 10% I know it's time to dust off the resume.

Wow! And maybe I should clarify - here, my "bonus" isn't really a bonus, it's 20% of my salary they can dick with if they want.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Fuckin A Right!!!

40% bonus....20% raise.

I love this fucking place!!!

2 hours to Christmas party....it's gonna be a barn burner tonight!!!! YEE HAww!!!

SWEET...I'm glad you got what you wanted. It is nice when someone actually recognizes your efforts.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Fuckin A Right!!!

40% bonus....20% raise.

I love this fucking place!!!

2 hours to Christmas party....it's gonna be a barn burner tonight!!!! YEE HAww!!!

DUDE any need for programmers there? I work in the medical billing field. :P:)

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Well Done!!! :)
I just finished going over my review with the big guy... won't know my raise until the end of December, but am getting a 10% bonus!!! YEEHAW! B|

ciao, g

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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The review was nothing. I get no feedback, that's why it was so unnerving. No idea where I stand until I get the dollar figures. Basically I got....good job, you're great at what you do. We would have liked you to evolve into this other role but you haven't, but that's ok, we don't really need it anyway. Oh yeah, and my biggest downfall....keep the play hard aspect of my work hard/play hard personality out of the office. Guess I've been corrupting my work mates.

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Congrats, Kev!

At my job we just get like 3 to 4% raises every year. I'm a biologist, and it's been that way everywhere I've worked.>:(

And we don't get overtime, even though we work it (sometimes you gotta come in on the weekends to continue the experiment). We are exempt employees, so we just get paid a flat salary for 40 hrs.

And we don't get a bonus (we just get boned!).:P
Speed Racer

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Well, I get paid well, but I do work at least 50 hours a week. Plus pull a 16 hour day once a month and one weekend day a month. And I'm on call 24x7, but that's rarely invoked.

Problem with maintaining a complex, vital computer network is there's not much besides planning that you can do while people are using the network. Have to wait until the workaholics in this place leave so I can do the real work. Hence, my post whoring ability.

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