
Snowboarding ROCKS! who knows about skiing?

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Of the 7 times I've been up this season, 5 have been on my skis and 2 on my snowboard. I learned on skis...I can do anything on skis, on a snowboard I can make my way down the groomers and get extremely frustrated on the flats. I also like skis because of their ease of use in backcountry access. Snowboarding is a good fun challenge for me when the conditions aren't powder.

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Snowboarding is a good fun challenge for me when the conditions aren't powder.


powder is what snowboards were made for, why would you bother messing around on skis when you have powder? :S:P

seriously, snowboard + deep powder = big fun

soon to be gone

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powder is what snowboards were made for, why would you bother messing around on skis when you have powder?

Because skiing on powder (while not easy for those who have yet to put the time into the sport) is just as much fun. It's easier to get on the black diamonds through using a snowboard. But skiing (for those of us who have put the time into the sport) absolutely rocks!!! I'm sure snowboarders also have fun (otherwise there wouldn't be so many of them), but skiing is for me. I worked too hard to get to where I am today to start all over and try snowboarding (skiing virtually 7 days a weeks, 117 days in total back in the winter of '90 was my break through year).

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seriously, snowboard + deep powder = big fun

So on a good powder day on a snowboard at a resort, you get what, a few hours of powder before it's all tracked off. You need to get into the backcountry to get days and days of powder. Go on a hut trip or the like....endless powder. Oh, wait, you can't use snowboards on hut trips. [:/] That's why I do both! :)

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Skiing the deep powder is one of the most enjoyable things in life.

Every time I go, I say, "I'll try snowboarding", then I see the vast majority of boarders sitting on their butts on the slope as I pass them on my skis...and I think, "now why would I wanna sit around all day"?

Besides, there's one HUGE advantage of being a skiier: I CAN GO TO TAOS! Nyah nyah nyah!

Actually, my new thing is skiing on blades (the really short skis)...wow, so much fun, and unforgiving as hell. If you want to learn to ski right, get some blades...you have to be perfectly balanced.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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How about the skiers that get to a really steep blue or black section then stand tip to tail blocking the whole trail as the try to figure out how to get down. :D

So far this year looks to have more new/tourist skiers on the mountain than previous years, which makes things quite exciting when they loose control trying to do a jump or just going to fast for conditions.

Hmmm...this debate kind of sounds like the freeflier/RW or MTN Bike/Road Bike debates.

Anyway I only snowboard, but I want to try out those little ski skate things
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How about the skiers that get to a really steep blue or black section then stand tip to tail blocking the whole trail as the try to figure out how to get down. :D

How about the snowboarders that sit down in the middle of said steep sections completely obscured from above :D I've come very close to taking out a number of them.

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I see the vast majority of boarders sitting on their butts on the slope

I have step in bindings, so you won't see me sitting on my butt on the slopes. Annie, I think you are seeing the tourist or "poser" out there. Come ride with me sometime.

I have to admit, the flat places on the board really does suck, but since I have the step in bindings, I just unclick, walk a bit, and click back in. I can even click in while on the move.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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How about the snowboarders that sit down in the middle of said steep sections completely obscured from above

Dave, I'll tell you what I told Annie, it's the tourist and "posers" that sit just any where.

I was on ski patrol for most of my college days. It's not just snowboarders or skiers that make the slopes a danger, it's the people that don't know what the hell they are doing out there. People that are so wrapped up in their little world that don't think about others around them. When ever I see someone doing something stupid, like a wide sweep across the slope, or the people that just stop right in the middle of the run, I wonder to myself, how the hell do they drive?

One other thing that I get pissed about, be it skiers or boarders, when they are walking around with their equipment. Don't these people realize that what ever you are carrying over your shoulder, is extending a couple of feet out, and there are people around you? Hey stupid, be careful when you turn around or are walking around.

I do have to laugh at how the unexperienced people get themselves into different situations. I've had to assist some tourist off the black slopes, cause they couldn't read a trail map or signs.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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When ever I see someone doing something stupid, like a wide sweep across the slope

Not that I like it myself, but don't forget that the downhill skier (or boarder) has the right of way. It's up the uphill skier (or boarder) who wants to pass this person that is responsible to avoid the potential collision.

As far as skycat's comments about using people who've stopped on the slopes as pylons, I do that all the time. After all, it's not everyday that gates are setup and as someone who's done a little racing, it's always fun to run gates (or people). :ph34r:

I tend to ski on the very side of the trails where there is better snow and less traffic. I do run the risk of screwing up and skiing into a tree. But in the 28 or so years that I have been skiing, I've yet to do this. ;)

In closing I have no problems with boarders. I was a volunteer ski patroller for three years and a pro patroller for another year and never really had major issues with them. They do what they do, and I do what I do. It's all good. I don't like to be on their blind side, but when I do find myself there, you'll always see me banging my poles together to make a noise so that they know I'm about to pass them.

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Dave, I'll tell you what I told Annie, it's the tourist and "posers" that sit just any where.

I was on ski patrol for most of my college days. It's not just snowboarders or skiers that make the slopes a danger, it's the people that don't know what the hell they are doing out there. People that are so wrapped up in their little world that don't think about others around them. When ever I see someone doing something stupid, like a wide sweep across the slope, or the people that just stop right in the middle of the run, I wonder to myself, how the hell do they drive?

I used to work at keystone and I ski there alot, and I see this everywhere there. I dont know what it is about that resort, but I see more complete idiocy there than anywhere else I've ever been.

I agree that experienced skiers and snowboarders are both relatively free from these grievances.


One other thing that I get pissed about, be it skiers or boarders, when they are walking around with their equipment. Don't these people realize that what ever you are carrying over your shoulder, is extending a couple of feet out, and there are people around you? Hey stupid, be careful when you turn around or are walking around.

Guilty as charged....I used to be the worst person about walking back to the car in my own world and forgetting about the skis on my shoulders. I got better after almost decapitating a few understandably annoyed people :S


I do have to laugh at how the unexperienced people get themselves into different situations. I've had to assist some tourist off the black slopes, cause they couldn't read a trail map or signs.

Yup. Just several weeks ago I had to help out a guy who skied past at least two "expert only" signs trying to snowplow down a very steep bump run with very thin cover.

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Yup. Just several weeks ago I had to help out a guy who skied past at least two "expert only" signs trying to snowplow down a very steep bump run with very thin cover.

This was a major pet peeve of mine when I patroller up at Lake Louise in Alberta (a resort just as big if not bigger than Vail). There was always some couple who said to themselves at the end of the day "jeez dear, when haven't been to the top yet". And as anyone who's been to Louise knows, the summit of the mountain (only accessible via a poma lift) is expert only terrain. So when joe bloe intermediate skier is stuck at the top of the mountain snow plowing down, they mess up the entire sweep (something patrollers do at the end of the day, to sweep the entire mountain to ensure that no one is left behind) and many times we the patrol would be finishing sweep in the dark. Grrrr ... >:(

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I do both. I've been skiing since I'm 2 1/2 years old, and snowboarding since 1983. Snowboards back then had regular ski bindings, and you had to wear ski boots to ride them! Painfull on the knees to say the least...B|
But to this day, I still put the skis on when there is deeeeeeeeep powder. Going straight down, lean the body back, until the tip of the skis are off the ground and the back of the head is touching the snow... Yeaaaaaahhhhhh!

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Only one problem we have here locally. We're making snow and the half pipe is not yet running.

Some snowboarding kids are on the regular slopes with shovels etc actually digging and making ramps and stuff. Not cool for the entire rest of the clientel.

But these are mostly kids and they are pretty rude at this resort the entire winter (cutting in lift lines, etc). The resort needs to take aaction.

I love skiing and would like to try boarding this winter too. Only doing one is short sided. Just like RW and FF - are you a master skydiver or not? How can you be if you only learn one thing?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Only one problem we have here locally. We're making snow and the half pipe is not yet running.

Some snowboarding kids are on the regular slopes with shovels etc actually digging and making ramps and stuff. Not cool for the entire rest of the clientel.

But these are mostly kids and they are pretty rude at this resort the entire winter (cutting in lift lines, etc). The resort needs to take aaction.

I love skiing and would like to try boarding this winter too. Only doing one is short sided. Just like RW and FF - are you a master skydiver or not? How can you be if you only learn one thing?

There are not many nice places to ski that are close to me, but there is one place that has a single decent run and crappy snow all year long.

It is consistantly infested with 12yr old kids on snowboards who insist on sitting on the whole damn hill and digging the whole trail up to make jumps w/o any consideration for others around them Since they make up at least half the money that is spent there... sorry i mean thier parents do, the little hill won't do anything about it.

That said I do want to learn to snowboard this year, I can ski but I think snowboarding could be more fun and more of a challenge to me personally.
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Uhhhh, the end of the day sweep. Got to love that. It used to be a fight when I was on patrol to be the last ones down the slopes after the sweep had been done. How fun is that, and how fast could we go. The patroller ahead of us would go down the slopes doing their sweep, then radio up to us that the slopes were clear. Down the runs we would race. It was great, never having to worry about anyone else on our mountain.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I'm gonna have to say that snowboarding is a lot more challenging than skiing. I went skiing first and i think i fell twice the whole day. I went snowboarding for the first time and couldn't go to work the next day because i was so sore. I'm not saying that skiing is easy, but snowboarding is definately harder.

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I never spent enough time on skiing to get any good at it so when I decided to get serious, I went for snowboarding.

I think it's harder to get the basics in snowboarding, but once it clicks ... it's much more fun. Those first few days were painful, though! I didn't have quite that level of pain from the few times I went skiing.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I'm gonna have to say that snowboarding is a lot more challenging than skiing. I went skiing first and i think i fell twice the whole day. I went snowboarding for the first time and couldn't go to work the next day because i was so sore. I'm not saying that skiing is easy, but snowboarding is definately harder.

I don't agree. It's like saying that playing piano is easier to play than the clarinet. Piano may be easier to approach at first, but mastering it is as hard as mastering the clarinet. Same goes with skiing and snowboarding.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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