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Here's an adventure for ya...

My name is Dave. I'm a regular at Skydive Chicago. I'll be driving my bus to Florida. Leaving sometime next week. I'm going to take about six days to do the trip. No hurry for me.... Anyone interested in a roadtrip? Ass,Gas or Cash as the saying goes..LOL

I've attached a pic of the vehicle. I'll be leaving from SDC. You could leave your car here. No house to house pick-ups. Going thru Alabama 'cause I never have...
My screening rules apply. If you got the time, this will be fun.

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I have a beard and a beer gut, do I qualify for Pops yet?:P

Sheesh, Dave.. The requirements for POPS is to be 40 and have made at least one skydive.. Those other traditional signs of being old are optional..
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Not all POPS have beerguts..
Not all POPS have beards..
Not all POPS have creaking joints..
nor do all POPS yell at kids..
Not all POPS have wrinkles..
or gray hair or memory loss..
Not all POPS drive in the slow lane..
or fly Spectres..
Not all POPS are belly fliers..
but some are fat cranky wrinkled Spectre-flying belly fliers with gray hair and beards with creaky joints that drive their Caddys slow in the fast lane while trying to remember what the name of that exit was.. ;)

All POPS have two things in common..
they were born on or before 1964.. and have made at least one skydive.. Any more questions, youngun? :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Not all POPS have beerguts..
Not all POPS have beards..
Not all POPS have creaking joints..
nor do all POPS yell at kids..
Not all POPS have wrinkles..
or gray hair or memory loss..
Not all POPS drive in the slow lane..
or fly Spectres..
Not all POPS are belly fliers..
but some are fat cranky wrinkled Spectre-flying belly fliers with gray hair and beards with creaky joints that drive their Caddys slow in the fast lane while trying to remember what the name of that exit was..

You know, if you took out all the 'nots' and changed 'caddy' with 'dodge ram' you would have described one of my JMs...seriously. Well, except for the beard.

Ok, well, I guess I'll have to wait another 16 years to join Pops. Man, yall aint any fun.:P:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Here's an adventure for ya...

My name is Dave. I'm a regular at Skydive Chicago. I'll be driving my bus to Florida. Leaving sometime next week. I'm going to take about six days to do the trip. No hurry for me.... Anyone interested in a roadtrip? Ass,Gas or Cash as the saying goes..LOL

I've attached a pic of the vehicle. I'll be leaving from SDC. You could leave your car here. No house to house pick-ups. Going thru Alabama 'cause I never have...
My screening rules apply. If you got the time, this will be fun.

That's an awesome offer... might want to post it in a different thread so it gets looked at by folks who haven't already made their plans. The kids here already have quite the bantering going on.;)

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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Here's an adventure for ya...

My name is Dave. I'm a regular at Skydive Chicago. I'll be driving my bus to Florida. Leaving sometime next week. I'm going to take about six days to do the trip. No hurry for me.... Anyone interested in a roadtrip? Ass,Gas or Cash as the saying goes..LOL

I've attached a pic of the vehicle. I'll be leaving from SDC. You could leave your car here. No house to house pick-ups. Going thru Alabama 'cause I never have...
My screening rules apply. If you got the time, this will be fun.

That's an awesome offer... might want to post it in a different thread so it gets looked at by folks who haven't already made their plans. The kids here already have quite the bantering going on.;)

And it's one hell of a bus! I've only seen a few decked out as nice as this one.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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so.. how about a dz.com POPS record attempt..

how many old fucks farts do we need for that? :P

I am totally down with a dz.com POPS record. Bring it.

edited to add list:

Scotty Carbone

I'd be in that, but like the other record it's probably going to happen before I arrive[:/][:/][:/]( * ):P
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Not to worry. There is a huge number of Z-hill dz.commers.

Also, during January all the dzs in the Great White North send us their Otters. Usually there are 4 plus maybe a Porter.

We can always do a bigger record when you get here

Well my work officially sucks. I can't take any time off at the holidays. Sooo, i'm hoping theyll be nice and let me take off for my bday toward the end of january.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Yeah, I turn 25 in March. Which kinda gets to me, but atleast my insurance will go down.

Shut up Dave...Shut up.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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here ya go....sorry, forgot 'bout the attachy thingy...wait is that thumping from the auditorium? are the jungle drums beating? Yawser, time for drinky in the SDC aud....

thanks for the kind words, Bo.

Remember to lock your doors at night before going to sleep!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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