
How I spent my New Year's (ie, don't get lost in Cabrini Green)

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One of my best friends Jim invited me to a classy party at a fantastic wine bar in the city. He made us a fantastic, fancy dinner before going out, and we hung out in his apartment for awhile. He read the boys stories by the fireplace. Okay, not really. But they had to kill some time while the girls got ready (and, yes, Mindy and I had matching outfits! :D)

The party was one of those deals where you buy a ticket beforehand, and it's all you can eat/drink. They had some fantastic wine (you can tell by the boys' faces here), and I even drank red wine! (I have never found a non-fruity red wine that I've liked.)

When you combine lots of wine, people unfamiliar with the city, and cabbies not stopping, bad things happen. Shane's little sister got separated from the group (after handing Jim her purse with her cell phone and money), and he freaked out. We hopped on the free trolley because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Shane, still freaking out, ran off the trolley at a stop, so the rest of us followed so that we didn't lose even more of our group. For those of you who don't know, Cabrini Green is a very bad place to get off of a free trolley. So, we stood on the side of a street waiting for cabs...which few were passing us. If they did pass us, they didn't stop. Shane, still freaking out, goes to a gas station. We eventually get in touch with his sister indirectly, and she's fine (because, as I predicted, she was with the huge group of her friends that all disappeared at the same time. They wandered off to a cab stand.) So, Shane pays some guys $40 to take us back to Jim's. They were going to throw one of their friends in the trunk so we all could fit, but they decided to sit on one another's laps. Shane ranted about his sister the whole way back, and the rest of us worked up an appetite. Mike walked and got us all Mexican food to end the evening! :)
A classy beginning with a very unclassy ending! :D Jim's such a fun guy to know!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Sounds like a memorable evening, with no real harm done.

Yeah, that sounds like most weekends with Jim! :D

And, Clay, they weren't hot. They were gorgeous, intelligent women who had class. ;) Hot doesn't come close enough to how awesome some of these women were.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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For those of you who don't know, Cabrini Green is a very bad place to get off of a free trolley.

thank you so much for the story val! i really enjoyed reading it! your friend Jim, has really pretty green eyes B|* i'm so happy you enjoyed some nice red wine, yaaay!

when i think of Cabrini Green ~ i think of the movie CandyMan B| ~ YIKES!

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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Val you look awesome! You are very pretty in pink!

Yes, Val, you look so incredibly BEAUTIFUL...actually, the whole group is beautiful! :)
I really, really enjoy these stories, sweetie. I hope that you continue to post them. (The pictures are a WONDERFUL and personal touch!) Btw, the story WAS a little funny! :D Because of your personality, Val, I know that anywhere that you go and anything that you do, you were having FUN, SMILING and LAUGHING!!! B|

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Gee, so sorry i missed a trip to Cabrini Green. It's such a fun place to be. :D Next year i'm gonna drive around the ghetto looking for classy people that got lost. I can make some money!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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when i think of Cabrini Green ~ i think of the movie CandyMan B| ~ YIKES!

Man just thinking of that movie creeps me out:S I'm a scardy cat but hey, I wouldn't want to be stuck there[:/]
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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is Cabrini Green still in bad shape? I thought they razed the buildings and put in mixed income townhomes? Or is only part of it like that? Have they torn down all the Taylor Homes yet?

I used to live in CHicago about 10 years ago... what a GREAT city.. if it wasn't for those darn winters!!!

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Man just thinking of that movie creeps me out :S I'm a scardy cat but hey, I wouldn't want to be stuck there [:/]

me too paige! the first Candyman was scary :o! it's in Cabrini Green that the 'bathroom scene' took place ~ ~ aaaaaaah! B|

i know it's just Hollywood exaggerating the area, but it still freaks me out when i hear Cabrini Green [:/]. poor val, she was lost in Candyman-Land [:/]*

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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They did. Its not the same Cabrini Green it once was, but still not a great area for "Suburban White Folks" to be wandering around in. (Sorry Val!:P) That part of Chicago is very much "block to block" with $500K townhomes just steps away from the old Cabrini Green. I'm not sure about the Robert Taylor homes, but I read an article that said the city was about halfway done and right on schedule with their low income housing plan.

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They did. Its not the same Cabrini Green it once was, but still not a great area for "Suburban White Folks" to be wandering around in. (Sorry Val!:P) That part of Chicago is very much "block to block" with $500K townhomes just steps away from the old Cabrini Green. I'm not sure about the Robert Taylor homes, but I read an article that said the city was about halfway done and right on schedule with their low income housing plan.

taylor homes and stateway gardens have gone gone GONE.:)
Putting the new police HQ at 35th and State is what did it. First bullet through a HQ window was followed about 2 days later by the announcement that the projects were coming down.
If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

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