
People over 35

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rearranging all the flowers in the cemetary

You did that too? Me and my friends would "distribute" the flowers from funerals to those graves around it, making sure everyone had "at least one." And we made sure the girls got the roses and the boys got all the other flowers.

Man, does that bring back memories.

I also lived near an airport, and would "chase" the planes on my bike (with no helmet). I got a speeding ticket on my bike going downhill...seems I passed a cop car. Uh, no, actually, I didn't know how fast I was going. But it was fun! Until he "took me home" and my Dad got to me. My brother was in awe of me, though.

LOL, yes, Sparky, we shouldn't have survived by today's "rules and standards!"


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Not true, really. Cellphones were invented in 1947. Just because they weren't affordable until the 1980s doesn't mean that they weren't around.

Like I said, there were no cell phones around.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Like I said, there were no cell phones around.

Hey now, if you couldn't afford it, all you needed was 2-meter capabilities and a license...thats how it all got started anyways.;)

(I think I just revealed my geekness...):o;)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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You go to another country and you just might see all what you say does still exist ....

And their kids can kick our kids butts! :S I hate that our young generation has gotten so fat and lazy that all they know how to do is sit in front of the tv/computer game/x-box and click buttons! [:/]


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I hate that our young generation has gotten so fat and lazy that all they know how to do is sit in front of the tv/computer game/x-box and click buttons!

Hey now!

I'm only 24 and although I'm good at computers and console games, I do a lot of other things.

Skydiving, weight lifting, jazz trumpet, guitar, blues harmonica, rebuilding cars, welding, fabricating, weight lifting, martial arts, motorcycles...well, you get the idea.

Generalizing and sterotypes are wrong...unless done for humor, then they're usually funny.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I thought to all of yall old people I was a kid...>:(:P:P

Actually, since you replied to Bigway who apparently is about the same age as I am, I thought you were grouping us under 25'ers all into one group of "kids."
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Well, I work in the medical industry and see alot of obesity in kids. It makes me sick.

Where are the dirt and sticks...the toy tanks and plastic soldiers...the trikes and bikes?

What I see is a generation of kids who aren't creative nor physically fit. They want their fast food and sit-at-home entertainment. Things handed to them. And their parents are too busy and wrapped up into their own desires to notice.

That is the group to whom I was referring to.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I hate that our young generation has gotten so fat and lazy that all they know how to do is sit in front of the tv/computer game/x-box and click buttons!

Hey now!

I'm only 24 and although I'm good at computers and console games, I do a lot of other things.

Skydiving, weight lifting, jazz trumpet, guitar, blues harmonica, rebuilding cars, welding, fabricating, weight lifting, martial arts, motorcycles...well, you get the idea.

24 usually ain't no kid it just means your younger and grew up with all the techno stuff:)

I'm guessing you had some real good role models. IMO you all did good.


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What a great post. (I'm 35)

I'm also about 5 months away from having a little boy. And I've been thinking (dreaming) about what he'll be like, who he'll be, etc.

I guess my question is for all of you who have kids (or anyone really) how do you balance the desire to nurture a free, courageous spirit and the need to protect your kid? How do you combat the junk food, the peer pressure, the Xbox, the sheep mentality?

The best advice I've gotten so far is "The first time your kid wants to ride his bike over that ravine in your backyard, let him. He'll learn alot."

Then I guess I just cheer his road rash, too. :)

Action expresses priority. - Mahatma Ghandi

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You go to another country and you just might see all what you say does still exist ....

And their kids can kick our kids butts! :S I hate that our young generation has gotten so fat and lazy that all they know how to do is sit in front of the tv/computer game/x-box and click buttons! [:/]


Reminds me of a bumper sticker, "My kid can kick your honor student's butt" Heh...

People are getting fat and lazy, but my 7 y/o is neither fat nor lazy, and neither are his friends. They ride their bikes to each others' houses. I do make him call me though, and let me know where he is. He hates to call, so I got him walkie talkies--that's much more suitable to him. They play football and baseball in the yard and on the playground like we did when we were kids. They climb trees and sometimes fall out. They ride mini-bikes and 4-wheelers (since Santa Claus came, my kid gets to join in that fun). They're skinny and fit, and I bet my kid (who is also an honor student) could kick YOUR (not yours lt....just any-ol' body's) butt!!!

He does play x-box, watches cartoons on cartoon network, and just got his first laptop....so maybe there is a place for these things....
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I guess my question is for all of you who have kids (or anyone really) how do you balance the desire to nurture a free, courageous spirit and the need to protect your kid? How do you combat the junk food, the peer pressure, the Xbox, the sheep mentality?

.... VOTE!!!!

oh wait... one party runs 3/3 sections of the government.... nm, your child is doomed to be a
product of environment....

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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Hey, now! WV isn't that bad if you stay out of the "hollers"!!

And the Folks in some of those "Hollers" are good folks too ( I'm originally from WV, Back when it was WVa). There are probably places where you can still go on vacation and leave your doors unlocked and still have all your stuff when you get back.

Back when I was teaching and they got into the "No wrong answers", "no losing team" , "no one fails", no one could ever tell me how the child was supposed to learn to deal with failure. Success is sweeter if you know the sting of failure.

BTW I still drink out of the hose when I'm working in the yard.

Let me live in my house by the side of the road and be a friend to man- Sam Walter Foss

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Getting old is a bitch, eh Sparky ? ;)

Sparky is like good wine. The older her gets, the better he gets:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I am very happy to read that there are some parents out there who take an active interest in their kid's fitness, creativity, and health. :)
I was talking with some (grand)parents this week (my patients at the time) who reported that schools had taken away P.E. (Physical Education classes) from their curriculum! The news just did a story about how those schools had just "discovered" the physical needs of their students and were doing an experiment on if getting out of the classroom helped them. :S

Take a look at these statistics.


"The prevalence of obesity among adults is well-known, with an increase of 75 per cent since 1991. So is the problem with school-age children, reaffirmed by new statistics showing that nearly four million children ages six to eleven and 5.3 million young people ages 12 to 19 were overweight or obese in 2002."


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I am in total agreement. It's bad. I got a notice from Jay's school yesterday that they'll be doing BMI checks on all the kids soon. I think that's a good idea, myself. There's no excuse for no PE in school, for heaven's sake. And do you see what they serve in the cafeteria??? My kid carries his lunch....
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Don't wig out over BMIs though...BMI is utter bullshit.

I wasn't ever an obese kid, but I never fit in the chart. Even as an infant I wasn't in the chart, I was too big for the chart.

If you really care, get a body fat test done and go by that.

BMI is the most worthless bullshit known to man.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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BMI is not always predictive of obesity, but it's a good starting place....a screening tool. While you can pretty much look at a person and tell if they're obese, we're getting too complacent with a few extra pounds. It's a good idea for the schools to make some effort to open parents' eyes....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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