
real women's bodies

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As far as the ultra thin look...it's generally not healthy, and It would worry me that I'm gonna break you if I touch too much. The Calista Flockhart look is bad...she looked sick. Starvation and bulimia are easy ways to look like that, but very unhealthy. But look at Hilary Swank in Million Dollar Baby...not just skinny, but in good shape. She looks like that because she worked out hard and ate a healthy diet...that's a role model!

Now back to the question at hand. I don't have favorite part. Each woman is different. As long as you have one thing that I notice, the rest is pretty much irrelevant. I've known overweight women who had a beautiful eyes or a face that could light up a room. A lot of guys can't get past the weight issue, but I lost many weekends staring into those eyes. I've also women with terrible facial features, but something about that butt...WOW!

If you don't have that one body part that catches my eye, your personality can be so attractive that the rest doesn't matter. FYI, you gotta have a hell of a personality to overcome a 45" waist and a thicker mustache that I have...but I suppose it's possible.

Personality can also be your downfall. Most of the hollywood types are fun to look at, but as soon as they start talking...you might as well pour ice down my shorts. Jessica Simpson falls into this category...she comes across as an idiot most of the time. But Janeane Garafolo...she's the shit! Nothing super attractive about her, but she is smart, funny and don't take crap from anybody...DAMN...gotta take a cold shower now!

If you are looking for tips or suggestions.

1. Avoid bad hairstyles. The wrong hairstyle distracts my attention from your eyes, nose, etc. You might have the best eyes and the cutest nose...but if you have mullet, I'll be too focused on the awesomely bad hair!

2. Be responsible with your clothing. I'm 5' 10" and 250 pounds...I believe it would violate all that good in this world if i walked around in a speedo! I tried one on...it wasn't pretty! Same reason as the bad hair...you have focused my attention somewhere that isn't your best asset. I may never see your adorable smile or sexy little earlobes if i'm staring at you pimply butt because you decided to where a thong today.

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thinness works as long as they still have the curves.

i was talking with a female friend about attractiveness, due to looking at people with no chins (you know who you are!) . I mentioned tummy and face - more specifically the eyes the jaw bone line. She said "jaw line, i've never heard someone say that before".. Is that odd or something? it's a defining feature of the face.

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Men, what really turns you on about a woman's body? ;) So many women want to be ultrathin, is that it? :o What do you think? Share the real truth according to you. >:(

Ass dimples! OMG I wish I had ass dimples. You know what I'm talking about! These are the ones that are just above your ass but below the small of your back. Not fat but dimples.... *sigh*


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Men, what really turns you on about a woman's body? ;) So many women want to be ultrathin, is that it? :o What do you think? Share the real truth according to you. >:(

Curvacious. Veluptuous means pleasuring..in latin
I'm not a real big fan of girl shaped like 12 yer old boys....something icky about that.
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Ass dimples! OMG I wish I had ass dimples.

WTH? What the hell are ass dimples?

Okay...now if you have seen a girl that right above her butt has indentions. It is usually really low on the spin and about 1-2 inches out from the side on each side. (One on each side) Really low down by the tailbone.... At least I hope this is what she is talking about LOL! :P

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Yeah, but guys can get by easier with the no ass thing.

It's haunted me my hole life!

Just an FYI...you know, not all men care. Personally, I like small butts just as much as round ones. I don't like cottage cheese or super saggy, but do like just about any other type.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Men, what really turns you on about a woman's body? ;) So many women want to be ultrathin, is that it? :o What do you think? Share the real truth according to you. >:(

Her hair and skin mostly. Every girl I've ever liked a LOT has been a redhead ;). Maybe it's an Irish thing?

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Men are biologically programmed to like curves on women. it is only the fashion industry that wants women to look like sticks, because a) there are so few straight men in the fashion industry and b) it is easier to design clothes without seams & pleats to accomodate curves.

That's so true. Kristey Alley even looks nice fat (face it she's fat now... she was curvy 5 years ago but it's fat now). She even admits it.. YO GIRL, I'M FAT! :D

Anna Nicole's almost got her curves back from the days when she used to be a stripper. (C'mon you can't tell me she did that on just Trim Spa... she had a trainer)

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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A Woman has to have Curves to really get my attention.
Flabby and cellulite is unattractive but so are BONES.

I used to say that I wouldnt date any woman that I didnt think at least had a chance at taking me in a wrestling match!!

Spinners are fun to look at sometimes but I would rather be with a real woman anyday.

The Olson Twins are f-'in ugly. I'm sorry, they are.

I saw the skinnier one in a backless dress in Las Vegas on TV. YOU COULD SEE HER BRAIN BEATING. It looked like grizzle clinging onto bone meal. B|

Very ugly.

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Men, what really turns you on about a woman's body? ;) So many women want to be ultrathin, is that it? :o What do you think? Share the real truth according to you. >:(

Ass dimples! OMG I wish I had ass dimples. You know what I'm talking about! These are the ones that are just above your ass but below the small of your back. Not fat but dimples.... *sigh*

Yeah those are nice... gotta do squats squats and more squats. I got 'em. :)

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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