
Things you hate.....

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  • dishonesty
  • cold/snow
  • spiders
  • being sick
  • close-minded people
  • intentionally cruel people
  • gossip
  • arrogance
  • manipulative people
  • people who aren't genuine
  • dishes/housework/laundry
  • putrid farts on the plane
  • people who chew with their mouth open

    Think that's about it for the things I dislike/hate.
    Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.
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  • dishonesty

  • people who chew with their mouth open

  • arrogance

  • putrid farts on the plane

  • Had to rearrange your top 4 Cora...;)

    G. Jones

    "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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    # putrid farts on the plane

    Damn did I get a great laugh at Z Hills the other day. As soon as Pip opened the door I ripped a NICE one. Ya know.......been on vacation.......eating CRAP every day.......drinking beer every night. :D This poor student girl asks "Who the hell was that?" and goes on with incessant bitching. I just said "Thanks....that'd be mine. That's what drinking beer every day will do to ya. So don't." :D:D:D

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    I don't like retrieving voice mail,
    ready made salad dressing,
    security lines at the airport,
    ultra commercial music,
    white trash,
    bad education systems,
    ignorance accompanied by fanaticism,
    raw tomatoes,
    bad landings,
    people that believe god is blessing only their ass...


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  • dishonesty
  • cold/snow
  • spiders
  • being sick
  • close-minded people
  • intentionally cruel people
  • gossip
  • arrogance
  • manipulative people
  • people who aren't genuine
  • dishes/housework/laundry
  • putrid farts on the plane
  • people who chew with their mouth open

    Think that's about it for the things I dislike/hate.

  • I was about to start a small list and saw this one...LoL...:D:D:D...Right on Cora...B|...

    Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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    ~Lies, and the lying liars who tell them.
    ~People who have no integrity, or whose integrity has been warped out of any sort of shape.
    ~Betrayal and users.
    ~Gossip and rumormongers.
    ~Believers of said gossip and rumors being mongered, despite them knowing the truth (or deliberately ignoring the truth).
    ~Superior attitudes unjustified by reality.
    ~Theives (espeically theives who once were friends).
    ~Intentional stupidity.
    ~Meanspiritedness and vindictiveness.


    ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
    While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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    who the hell does Al Franken think he is?

    Damn...you beat me to it!:D

    And yes, farts on the plane can be funny as hell...as long as it's not one that completely takes your breath away.:S:o

    Edited for spelling

    G. Jones

    "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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    This is not a hate as much as a fear.

    People in any area with a lane that can be blocked. Grocery stores, K-mart, etc.

    They see you coming down the aisle and then park sideways so that you can't pass. Then you approach and say "pardon me" and they move "sorry, I'm so out of it today, my cat..."

    They start telling a stranger about their life history with all the odd details.

    Those people worry me a lot. I think they are weird and would probably snatch you in the parking lot if they thought you would listen to more. :S

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    They start telling a stranger about their life history with all the odd details.

    It's only because you live in God's waiting room. ;) You know.......I've never had anything against old people but JESUS H were they getting on my nerves over the past couple weeks in Florida. :D

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    ~Lies, and the lying liars who tell them.
    ~People who have no integrity, or whose integrity has been warped out of any sort of shape.
    ~Betrayal and users.
    ~Gossip and rumormongers.
    ~Believers of said gossip and rumors being mongered, despite them knowing the truth (or deliberately ignoring the truth).
    ~Superior attitudes unjustified by reality.
    ~Theives (espeically theives who once were friends).
    ~Intentional stupidity.
    ~Meanspiritedness and vindictiveness.


    WOW you hit the nail on the head. You must know someone I had trouble with too.[:/]
    If I could be a Super Hero,
    I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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    One of those dayz..[:/] <<>>

    -running out of ink in the middle of a huge report

    -adware and creators

    -viruses and creators

    -having a scratch on my favorite CD

    -I absolutely hate stepping in dog poo, especially after it rains, thinking it was mud, then eeew what's that smell*$!!!##!!>:(

    -Cleaning my ferret's litter box.

    -Bathing the ferret cuz, he always needs to make a tiny poo in the water and it grosses me out and I just want to puke

    Okay, I'll stop here.....for now.

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