
talk about dead silence....

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i was at the DZ today inquiring about ground school. a group of three first time tandems from holland were also there, they were speaking to one of the instructors and i was in close proximity just listening in.

instructor: "you guys here on vacation?"
girl: "yeah we're attending ultra." (the music festival for those of you who don't know)
guy 1: "actually we're here to steal a plane"
instructor: "lol, and fly it back to holland?"
guy 1: "lol, no i'm going to fly it into a building."

.... DEAD SILENCE... i sat shocked at what this guy had just said.

luckily just a second later he said "actually, that's not the funny"
girl: "we're in america, you can't make jokes like that."


kinda sucks to know that 911 jokes go around. but i guess it's like anything else (holocaust jokes, tsunami jokes.) [:/]

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Back in the mid 80s some friends joked at LAX about having a bomb. Needless to say they got yanked off of the plane and had to convince the authorities they were not terrorists (and this all before the 911 days). People need to be careful what they say and when they say it. You never know who's listenening.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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com on guys.its long time ago,and i see you guys joking about the Irakies and french all the time..(yeah theyre funny to joke about aint they???)

I do agree its kind of black humor(and not the right place to say it,on a dz that is).

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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yeah that was my first thought.... i was at the airport in florida, and some guy who looked like a millionaire, was bashing the arab nation..... only because he had to wait in line to be let through security/.... finally told the guy to shut up after listening to him for 20 minutes.....

later i found out his seat was assigned next to mine:|

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com on guys.its long time ago,and i see you guys joking about the Irakies and french all the time..(yeah theyre funny to joke about aint they???)

Yeah, we joke about the Iraqi civilians blowing up all the time. [/sarcasm] Thousands of people died....it's not a joke. Nothing about it is funny.

I got a strong urge to fly, but I got no where to fly to. -PF

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com on guys.its long time ago,and i see you guys joking about the Irakies and french all the time..(yeah theyre funny to joke about aint they???)

Yeah, we joke about the Iraqi civilians blowing up all the time. [/sarcasm] Thousands of people died....it's not a joke. Nothing about it is funny.

Right on.

It wasn't that long ago. Certainly not long enough to find any humor at all.

Christians fed to lions in Rome? Joke away. Typhoid Mary? Joke away. The Inquisition? Well, no one expects that, so it's game too.

Events of this magnitude that happened in our lifetimes? Still too soon.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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You don't think Mel Brooks' Inquisition scene is funny? That's what I was referring to. They joked about lions and Christians too.

My point is that it was so long ago that the wounds have healed. That doesn't happen anymore. It's just different.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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what doesn't happen anymore? Persecution??
You are way wrong, sorry. Many people are persecuted everywhere around the world, and there are martyrs too in this day and age.

Ugh! OF COURSE religious persecution is wrong, and there's a lot of it going on, all over. That is not funny in any way - you're right. But you're missing my point.

I'm talking about specific events. The farther back they go, the further removed they are from future generations, the easier it is to accept any humor about them. Specifically the Spanish Inquisition. There is no one alive who was there.

There is no joking about 911, the Tsunami, the OK City bombing, the Holocaust, the civil wars in Darfur, the genocides, massacres and acts of terrorism that have shaped the world into what it is. There will be no joking about them while we are alive, or while our children are alive, because we or our parents were here when it happened. It's too fresh, and too real, and too horrible still.

Time changes our perspective on things.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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In the US, that's not very funny. Of course, when we see videos of attack helicopters shooting down people in other countries we think it's pretty cool.

Perspective depends on where you're standing, whether it's in the present looking at the past (a la Monty Python), whether it's in another country looking at the US (tasteless jokes about 9/11), or in the US looking at other countries (think Ethiopia & starving baby jokes -- yes, I've heard them).

Tasteless & offensive are relative terms, not absolute.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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and if you do make them, don't do it in the company of those it directly offends.....DUH!! :S

i attributed it to first time jitters, so i laughed it off with the instructor, but we both looked at each other like... :S>:(

He surely watched you like saying: We are near relations... right? On same professional level, right?

LMAO reading your posts.

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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The inquisition? Well, no one expects that, so it's game too.



Cardinal Fang!!!!! Briiiing.......the soft cushions!!!!;);)
L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
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and if you do make them, don't do it in the company of those it directly offends.....DUH!! :S

i attributed it to first time jitters, so i laughed it off with the instructor, but we both looked at each other like... :S>:(

He surely watched you like saying: We are near relations... right? On same professional level, right?

LMAO reading your posts.

can anyone translate this?

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and if you do make them, don't do it in the company of those it directly offends.....DUH!! :S

i attributed it to first time jitters, so i laughed it off with the instructor, but we both looked at each other like... :S>:(

He surely watched you like saying: We are near relations... right? On same professional level, right?

LMAO reading your posts.

can anyone translate this?

I absolutely can, but I won't.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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