
Emergency school alert notification (Yes I'm freaked out)

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DAMMIT!!! I can't find anything on the freaking internet. >:( Does ANYONE know what happened in my neighborhood this morning?! :S I can't find a news station on long enough to explain!!

Sorry, the sex offender discussion has been lovely, but I'm wondering if the roads are clear from the damn shooter down the road so I can get to class...:S

I searched 'Covington, Washington' standoff police schools -and got nadda. >:(
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My childhood is what it was, I have no comparison, to me it is normal. It isn't sad to me, it just 'is'.

I wan't going for the sympathy thing, only wanted to make the point that I'm not defending the privacy of a sex offender without experiencing the other side of it.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I find it good to know of someone like this guy in my neighborhood:

Offense 11990004 Aggravated Sexual Assault Child
General Offense Code
Counts 1
Victim's Sex Female
Victim's Age 3.0
Disposition Date 04/23/1990
Time 10Y
Status PAR/DIS

I'm glad I KNOW exactly where this predator lives.

Why? What does that change in the way you raise your child(ren)? I am asking as the father of a young boy.

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HOORAY!!! :)
Man Surrenders To Deputies In Covington

POSTED: 7:29 am PST March 14, 2005
UPDATED: 10:22 am PST March 14, 2005

COVINGTON, Wash. -- A five-hour police stand-off has ended at Covington where a man has surrendered to King County sheriff's deputies.

They are seeking a search warrant to enter his home and seize the weapon he fired a couple of times. No one was injured.

Spokesman John Urquhart says the stand-off began about 4:30 after the despondent man had been drinking.

A SWAT team surrounded the house and evacuated neighbors while a negotiator talked with the 23-year-old.

The incident closed two nearby schools and put another school into lock-down.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I guess I didn't make myself clear, I would sit outside of a persons house that had a DUI also. IMO they should never be allowed to drive again.

i sure would hate to live in your perfect world, i got a dui several years ago. come on and sit in front of my house. you will be arrested for harrassment. we have a system set up to deal with people when they break the law. a person's rights cannot be taken away without due process. our system is set up so that the rights of the individual outweigh the good of the whole and it has to be that way in order to have a free society. some rammifications of this type of system are undesirable such as sex offenders living in your neighborhood or the guy next to you at a traffic light having a prior dui, but they have to live somewhere. the reality is that if all sex offenders were locked up for life for first offenses, who would pay for their incarceration, food, medical treatment, and appeals? that bill would be astronomical. the fact is that life isn't fair and we can't eliminate all danger or potential danger from our lives. do your best to protect yourself and your children and stop condemming everyone for life because eventually you become the condemmed and no one will be left to stand up for you.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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No. It doesn't change the WAY I've raised my children. It's good information to know - so you can talk with your kids about "strangers" - and 'if Mr. So & So down the street ever wants to talk with you, just keep running.'

I know that if this guy happened to live right next door to me, I wouldn't be very friendly AND my children would be kept clear of him at all times. So, in this way - of course, its a good heads up. I certainly hope you'd feel the same way if you found out that your neighbor hurt a 3 y/o child.... Wouldn't you be just a little more paranoid?

I know I can't know everything about everyone - but, I will do my best to protect my family from known child predators if that information is readily available.

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No. It doesn't change the WAY I've raised my children. It's good information to know - so you can talk with your kids about "strangers" - and 'if Mr. So & So down the street ever wants to talk with you, just keep running.'

I know that if this guy happened to live right next door to me, I wouldn't be very friendly AND my children would be kept clear of him at all times. So, in this way - of course, its a good heads up. I certainly hope you'd feel the same way if you found out that your neighbor hurt a 3 y/o child.... Wouldn't you be just a little more paranoid?

I know I can't know everything about everyone - but, I will do my best to protect my family from known child predators if that information is readily available.

I don't think it changes anything for me. I wouldn't want my child to be raised in a way where he thinks it is okay to shun people. He will be aware of all safety information he will need to know. He will need that information regardless of whether a convicted rapist lives next door or not.

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*** I find it good to know of someone like this guy in my neighborhood:

Offense 11990004 Aggravated Sexual Assault Child
General Offense Code
Counts 1
Victim's Sex FemaleMale
Victim's Age 3.0
Disposition Date 04/23/1990
Time 10Y
Status PAR/DIS

Does that make a difference to you now?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I almost completely agree with Eric. If you want to make a change, harassing will do almost nothing. Like Eric said, one of the bigger problems is how unreported sex crimes are. If you want to make a difference, try to change that. Give talks on rape at colleges, etc. Try to spread the word about who to call, where to go, how to say "no," etc. Give people information about their rights. Don't infringe on anyone's rights, though.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Why the hell would the gender make a difference Turtle?

The man hurt a baby.[:/]

This is what I read . . .



I find it good to know of someone like this guy in my neighborhood:

Offense 11990004 Aggravated Sexual Assault Child
General Offense Code
Counts 1
Victim's Sex Female
Victim's Age 3.0
Disposition Date 04/23/1990
Time 10Y
Status PAR/DIS

I'm glad I KNOW exactly where this predator lives.


Why? What does that change in the way you raise your child(ren)? I am asking as the father of a young boy.

So I changed a few parameters and asked if it made a difference.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I almost completely agree with Eric. If you want to make a change, harassing will do almost nothing. Like Eric said, one of the bigger problems is how unreported sex crimes are. If you want to make a difference, try to change that. Give talks on rape at colleges, etc. Try to spread the word about who to call, where to go, how to say "no," etc. Give people information about their rights. Don't infringe on anyone's rights, though.

Well said. On a skydiving note... if you want to make a difference, get involved with Operation Freefall. If your DZ doesn't participate, sponsor me for Operation Freefall :)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Damn that pisses me off. I'd be in front of his house with a crowd and I'd bully him everyday till he moved.

Well i'm not a child, but does this apply to adults too? Will you be willing to picket in front of someone's tent at a DZ or rantoul? Or even still be freinds with someone after knowing what he did to a mutual friend?


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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i sure would hate to live in your perfect world, i got a dui several years ago. come on and sit in front of my house. you will be arrested for harrassment.

Not if I'm not on your property and I'm just sitting and watching.

BTW, no one put a gun to your head and made you drink and then drive.


the reality is that if all sex offenders were locked up for life for first offenses, who would pay for their incarceration, food, medical treatment, and appeals? that bill would be astronomical.

Well, since it is my perfect world that's the offender's problem to worry about.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Actually I do. Nice assumption there Mar. I've had a handful of close friends that I've had that have suffered that fate. I know exactly what its like to be able to do nothing to help, wanting to help but not being able to do anything but simply be there for them.

So go ahead with your assumptions, they're not true...although we've met a couple of times I think you still have a LOT to learn about me.

And you have a lot to learn about me. I was wrong to assume that you had no idea what it was like to receive that late night call. But you were also wrong to assume that I do not volunteer my time to help victims.

Do volunteer work to help out the victims, etc. ***

I guess we will see different in this situation. After you have become a police and a parent, get back to me and let's see if you have a different view.

I will do what ever it takes to protect my children.

And yes Sunny, that means adults too. Let it be know who did something to you, and I think you will see more people rally to support you then you could dream.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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i sure would hate to live in your perfect world, i got a dui several years ago. come on and sit in front of my house. you will be arrested for harrassment.

Not if I'm not on your property and I'm just sitting and watching.

BTW, no one put a gun to your head and made you drink and then drive.


the reality is that if all sex offenders were locked up for life for first offenses, who would pay for their incarceration, food, medical treatment, and appeals? that bill would be astronomical.

Well, since it is my perfect world that's the offender's problem to worry about.


you do not have the right to harrass or intimidate someone on or off their property.

you are right, no one forced me to drink and drive, i did it of my own free will. it was wrong. am i now a bad person for the rest of my life because of this? are all of my positive accomplishments in my life negated by this one act of indiscretion?

as far as the cost of incarceration being the offenders' problem, where are they going to earn the money while in prison? you are living in a dream world and are way too judgemental of other people. i'm happy that you have been able to lead a perfect life and have never made any poor choices, but the rest of us aren't so divine. if you knew all of the indescretions of all the people around you at all times, you certainly wouldn't be a skydiver, in fact you would probably sit at the entrance of your local dz appalled that so many infadels were allowed to gather in one spot.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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Thanks... There's a list of these I found that live in our subdivision and a couple subdivision's over, we have a high school, 3 elementary schools and two middle schools all within this area...

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -- Helen Keller

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you do not have the right to harrass or intimidate someone on or off their property.

How is my sitting in a lawchair across the street reading the newspaper harassing you?

It's my perfect world, and there are a few things I will not put up with, two of them being:

Drunk Drivers
Sexual Offences


i'm happy that you have been able to lead a perfect life and have never made any poor choices,

Oh, I've made poor choices in life, they just haven't been drinking and driving or sexual assault. I never said everyone was perfect. But please do not lump poor choices with a DUI or sexual assault.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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st because someone is on a sex crime registry does not mean the crime was against a child. The problem with the registry is that there is no information about exactly what happened. There's a difference between a serial child molester and the 19/17 year old sex example, but there's no way to differentiate it based on a web page.

Here's an example of someone eronously ending up on the list. It happened in Canada, but that list is shared with the US.

From : http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20050317.wscoc0317/BNStory/National/

Student unfairly labelled child abuser gets day in court


Thursday, March 17, 2005 Updated at 6:43 PM EST

Canadian Press

Ottawa — A Newfoundland woman suing Memorial University for $800,000 for wrongly labelling her a sexual abuser of children will get her day in the country's top court.

The Supreme Court of Canada agreed Thursday to review the case of Wanda Young, who was forced to abandon her dream of becoming a social worker after the allegations were levelled in 1994.

The incident has dogged Ms. Young ever since and put an “enormous strain” on her life, said her lawyer Gillian Butler, who expressed hope that the high court will finally remedy the situation.

Ms. Young was a 23-year-old undergraduate at Memorial when she wrote a paper on sex abuse for one of her classes.

She attached an appendix — taken from a textbook that was duly noted in her bibliography — in which an anonymous young woman gave a first-person account of how she had abused children in her care.

Ms. Young's professor thought she might be describing herself and reported her to the provincial child protection service.

The university later maintained the professor had acted in good faith and was only respecting provincial law, which requires anyone who suspects child sexual abuse to report it to authorities.

Ms. Young's lawyer contended the report was reckless, negligent and made without just cause.

“It was scandalous the way they treated her,” Ms. Butler said Thursday. “And all of this was going on behind the scenes, with her completely in the dark.”

A spokesman for Memorial declined to comment, and lawyers representing the university could not be reached.

After the 1994 incident Ms. Young was denied permission to continue her studies to become a social worker, but was never told why.

She was informed only that faculty members at Memorial didn't think she “had what it takes” to be successful in the profession.

No charges were ever laid after the case was turned over to child protection officials. But Ms. Young's name was passed on to the RCMP and was entered in a database of suspected sexual offenders.

She later discovered she had been turned down for at least one job because she had been red-flagged as a potential sex abuser.

Ms. Young won a damage award of $839,400 from a civil jury in 2003, but the award was overturned the next year in a split decision by the provincial appeal court.

The key issue at the appeal level was not whether Memorial had been mistaken in its allegations against Ms. Young, but whether it was immune from legal liability under child welfare law.

Following the appeal verdict the university's insurance company took action to try to recover the part of the jury award — about $300,000 — that had already been paid to Ms. Young.

That effort was put on hold pending the further appeal to the Supreme Court. A date has yet to be set for a hearing there.

end quote.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I wasn't aware there was a list of "suspected" sex offenders, I just thought that the lists contained only people who were convicted of sex crimes.


That might be only in Canada.

Yeah, that would SUCK!
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