
Soul Mate?

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Frenchy is my soul mate. and i am his stalker.

Welcome Frenchy. But you, young lady...stalkers must report to a different thread!!! ;)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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and a little bit of herb.

And a jump to the left...

...But it's the pelvic thru-u-u-u-ust
that really drives you insa-a-a-a-ane!! :D


Let's do the Timewarp agaaaain!

OMG we still need to have a Rocky Horror Picture Show Boogie.
I know every song by heart with add libs. It's awful.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Nope- the eyes are the window to the soul.

[B]WOW!! How [B] YOU doin'? ;)

And just like that, she's got a soul mate!:D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I think a soul mate understands you. I've learned that a soul mate probably can't be known until after age 25 because the soul changes between adolscence and adulthood.

The soul mate can see what nobody else sees. The soul mate is the artist who sees the masterpiece inside the boulder. But for a soul mate, it must also be reciprocated.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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But let's say you've "met" someone through some other device than bodily. But you never meet in person. Do you think they could still be your soul mate?

I believe in the concept of a soulmate but don't know if they can be or actually are truly one's soulmate. It's not inconceivable.

But it's also not inconceivable that we just make ourselves believe that someone is our soulmate. Sometimes, in my most despondent times (romantically), I find myself feeling that there really is no true love, because the best we can do, relating to another person, is still very very indirect, communication-wise. I mean, everything that another person knows about you, no matter how hard you try to let yourself be known, is no more than the sum total of what you have communicated to that person, either verbally or nonverbally. This quote by Rush, from the song "Entre Nous," sums up how it all seems, to me:

"We are strangers to each other
each one's life a novel no one else has read
Even joined in bonds of love
we're linked to one another by such slender threads..."

Think about it. Take as an example the one person in the world who you think knows you best. There are still many many thoughts, experiences and truths about yourself that have never been expressed to that person. We all keep secrets; we need to. It helps us contain and possess our own identities. We have to have at least something about ourselves that is private and guarded, in order to feel like ourselves.

Think about a specific experience. How about a really good skydive, one where you accomplished every goal of the dive exactly as planned. You get on the ground and try to express, to your lover, how it was. Trying to convey what's in your mind (in this case, the jump experience, but also it could be your love, or other emotions) is like trying to put terrabytes of data through a 14.4kbps modem. It just won't happen. It's like trying to put a 1,000 page novel into a 2 hour motion picture. ALL kinds of details and data get stripped out.

I want a soulmate, believe me. I fantasize about having one. But I just take each day as it comes and wait, and think, "Maybe today's the day I find her."

But you have to be prepared to live life without one -- as most people probably end up doing -- because you just can't will a soulmate into your life! You can't stop your life while you seek one, either. You still have to do your day-to-day living.

To finally answer your question:
If a person really is built to be your soulmate, I don't think it makes a difference if they're living somewhere else and have never met you or heard of you, or if all you've ever done is chatted on the phone or the internet. If they're right for you, they're right for you. I mean, is it really any different from someone creating a jumpsuit that is exactly the perfect dimensions to fit you, even though they did it in the blind without ever measuring you? It's RANDOM, but it's possible. And hopefully some day it will happen to me. :P

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I have always believed in soul mates. I don't think that there is only one specific soul mate for someone. My views on it have changed throughout the years, but I believe that there can be many levels. I have met many people that I connect very well with, some more than others. Maybe that connection is what is felt in the next life.....

Perhaps I could be totally wrong...but I trust that one day I will find someone that fits me best in the soul mate department.

I had been thinking the same thing: "Why would there have to be only one soulmate made for any given person? What if your soulmate got hit by a bus before you two ever met? Would you just be out of luck?" :P

What if your soulmate is someone you saw at the supermarket, but you just didn't have an "in" to spark up an introduction/conversation. "There she goes... *sigh*."

I'll keep lookin'...

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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[RED]DAMN!!![/RED] And who says skydivers are just adrenaline junkies with no brains? Normally in this forum, we tend to joke and play and poke fun.

I am so impressed by your answer. I asked a serious question and you gave me some amazing insight.

When you find your soul mate, I encourage you to use this same sort of wisdom and deep thinking in the relationship. It will undoubtedly help make it last.

Thank you so much. You've given me a lot to think about.

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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ya know this is bugging me

How do you know if you are just kindred spirits and not soul mates?
What if you were kindred spirits and realize you are also soul mates?

Maybe thats what brings soul mates together.........

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ya know this is bugging me

How do you know if you are just kindred spirits and not soul mates?
What if you were kindred spirits and realize you are also soul mates?

Maybe thats what brings soul mates together.........

Don't let it bug you.

Life continues to go on even when you don't have a given answer you were hoping to work out. If you don't manage to come to understand all the mysteries you have found about "soulmates" today, there will still be a tomorrow, and a new day in which you might figure out more.

I think the difference between kindred spirits and soulmates is that soulmates find what they want in each other, and kindred spirits are just both looking for the same thing. That doesn't mean that kindred spirits provide for each other what they are looking for.

You know how they say if you're trying real hard to remember something, the trick is to NOT try hard, but to forget you were even thinking about it, and then some time later it will magically just come to you? I think that kind of relaxation about it is what you need to do with searching for your "soulmate" answers.

Don't feel alone. I'm wondering and waiting to see if I'll ever find one, myself. Hell, I wonder even if I'm ever gonna find a girlfriend again. [:/]

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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...but it's possible.

Yes it is.

BTW, great post....you gave some good insight, and now I have more to think about. Thanks :)

Once again, you're welcome, and thank you for the compliment. It's flattering. :$

I'm glad you got something out of what I said.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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