
Freakiest Movie Scene

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What's yours? I was just watching Bravo's 100 scariest moments...and they had my favorite as #32.

Dunno about scary, but the freakiest film ever is Eraserhead.

You can't watch that film without becoming unsettled. The whole thing is just a psychotic nightmare.

One of my favorite movies though. I can watch it again and again.

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That was an old Twilight Zone.



Nop wait .....that Alfred Hitchcock when they take off that woman's bandages and she looks normal but everyone else looks like pig people......

Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

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At the end of 'Don't Look Now', where the 'child' in the red raincoat that Donald Sutherland has been pursuing turns around...

That's quite an old film. Was made in the 70s, I think. I first saw it as a teenager and it freaked me out!

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"Fire in the Sky" when they have him on the table and are preparing him for experimentation. B|

The entire movie "Fire In The Sky" scared the crap out of me! Everyone knows how I am about aliens. That movie did not help one bit.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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When the little girl crawls out of the TV in The Ring


From the first movie. Then she raises her head to look at the guy.....just for a split second you see her face!! :o That made the hair on the back of my neck stand up!!!!


Here's to friends!

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The twins in the Shining saying "come play with us Danny."

No, I'd have to say that it's the old lady in the tub. Especially since my babysitter let me watch this when I was 5 years old. I don't recall taking a leak without checking the bath tub until I was in college.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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That and some other scenes in"Saw" were freaky.. a little uneven at times, but an under your skin movie.

In 'Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte,' the boyfriend (?) gets his hand cut off in the first 5 minutes of the movie. I think I wasn't even old enough to change channels when I saw it.

In the movie 'Blue Velvet,' Kyle McLachlan, looking for Isabella Rosellini, walks through Frank Booth's house (Dennis Hopper) to find the detective dead and standing in his livingroom..dead and standing in his livingroom..dead and stan.. free...ee..kee.

In 'Dawn of the Dead' a SWAT team moves through a house swarming with living dead when they kick open a door and shoot a guy's head off. With his spouse screaming you realize he's not a 'living dead.' The special effects guy who did that scene was an Army photographer in Vietnam whose assignments were to record 'what happened.' For the movie he filled a prosthetic head with blood filled condoms and they actually shot it off with a real shotgun blast. Real Free-kee.. could be, freekdeeky.

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the ball bouncing down the stairs to George C. Scott in The Changeling. or damn near any scene from The Haunting - the old Robert Wise 1962 one, not that remake piece of shit.
or anyone ever seen Spirits of the Dead? the Fellini story (last of the three) with Terrance Stamp in it is FREAKY :o

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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the ball bouncing down the stairs to George C. Scott in The Changeling.

OMG, that one totally gets to me too. I can't remember much else about the movie but that damn ball.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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