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Humans, far as I know, are the only creatures who kill for fun and pleasure.[:/]


I was watching some discovery channel thing on the first hunters.. blah blah and more blah, but it seemed to me, as they were going up the timeline of hunting that the more defenceless the "prey" is, the more pleasurable it is to kill. Me personally, I would think that that's the kind of mindset that would send you directly to hell. Especially when you can shoot an animal while looking it in the eyes. However, this is the kind of mindset that would lead a very healthy corporate career.. this is messing my mind up... in that paradoxical kinda way...

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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O,K. That's human thinking. To an animal who kills for it's meals, you bet! They'll take the weak and sickly. That's one reason, animals like deer, cattle, horses, etc. are able to walk so soon after birth. With a horse, you look them in the eyes... they'll back away or run. That's what a predator does. You put your hand to their face to pat their head... they'll back-off or pull their head back. That hand, looks to them, like a paw full of claws. Make sense?


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AAAAHHHHHH.... Looking at it from that angle I can understand the primal satisfaction... I've never hunted, as a matter of fact I always thought that it wasn't for me.. but I'd like to see what all the huff'n'puff is about. I don't think I could do it... even going to the imagery in my head I can feel remorse.. But Im always up for doing something once so I can form my own opinion.. even if Im against it.

For the hunters out there... what do you think god thinks about game hunting??

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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Personally, I haven't hunted for some time. The first deer I killed, I was 14. It was a good clean shot. He rolled down a hill after being shot. When I approached him, he looked right at me! I pointed my rifle at his head to finish him off but, had to look away. As for God's opinion... WOW! That's a good one... hmmmmm. I don't know what she'd think!


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Humans, far as I know, are the only creatures who kill for fun and pleasure.[:/]


I believe polar bears also kill in this manner.

I believe some dog breeds do too, like pit bulls, for example.
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Humans, far as I know, are the only creatures who kill for fun and pleasure.[:/]


I believe polar bears also kill in this manner.

I believe some dog breeds do too, like pit bulls, for example.

Don't think so. I think all animals kill for either food or to protect themselves from some threat. Or, in the case of pit bulls, because they've been trained to fight.

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Humans, far as I know, are the only creatures who kill for fun and pleasure.[:/]

Bobcats are vicous killers that often will go in a killing spree and NOT eat anything. Biologists feel this is done for amusement. So, there are some animals that kill not for food. not many, but some.

ignorance is not bliss

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Killer whales have been shown to abuse seals for quite a while, seemingly torturing them for fun.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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our mutt and our dalmation fuck with whatever creature is around. There was a turtle walking across our yard, and between the two of them, they got it flipped over and were trying to get inside its shell ...

remember we're animals too, subconsciously we think in very similar ways as other animals. the only difference is that we have devloped awareness and are able to consider whether what we're doing is good or bad. we've also brought religion into the picture (although i'm not trying to get this moved to SC) ....

therefore i would very much expect that other animals also kill for personal enjoyment ...
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Humans, far as I know, are the only creatures who kill for fun and pleasure.[:/]


I believe polar bears also kill in this manner.

Several species are known to killing for pleasure, and all sorts of reasons beyond food that humans would consider ignoble. Moreover when an animal kills for food I'd bet it enjoys the experience immensely.

Ever seen a family cat that killed birds for sport but only ate kittycat?

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Humans, far as I know, are the only creatures who kill for fun and pleasure.[:/]


I believe polar bears also kill in this manner.

Several species are known to killing for pleasure, and all sorts of reasons beyond food that humans would consider ignoble. Moreover when an animal kills for food I'd bet it enjoys the experience immensely.

Ever seen a family cat that killed birds for sport but only ate kittycat?

-That's what I was gonna say...ever watch a cat grab your little brother's pet hamster, then bat it around a whole bunch before going in for the kill, then you have to grab it back real fast before that cat kills it and your mom gets home...

Uh, what were we talking about again? :|

Wanna ride bikes? :|
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