
I'm going to the Dr.

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I don't need to go. They are making me.

Cause I'm over 40.

"This will be a little uncomfortable"

I want to come up with a nifty comeback line, like "Don't sweat it, Doc, I did 5 years in Soledad, you got nothin' "

Maybe "Could you please just kiss me first" (I have a female GP)

Or right after "Just hold me"

I should be grateful they don't put my testicles in a vice like they do for women's mammamanaonograms.

-Oh crap! I gotta change out the gerbil!


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Wah wah wah. You should be glad that there is a doctor willing to go anywhere near that thing. If I feel sorry for anyone it's him/her. Maybe you could try to make it a bit easier on them by dumping your core first and then squirting a little Binaca up there.

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"While you in there...see if ya can find the TV remote...I haven't seen it since I switched from 'Desperate Housewives' to ESPN on the ole lady!";)


"---and every time I fart, the channel changes!":$

The Pessimist says: "It can't possibly get any worse!"
The Optimist says: "Sure it can!"

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I don't need to go. They are making me.

Cause I'm over 40.

"This will be a little uncomfortable"

I want to come up with a nifty comeback line, like "Don't sweat it, Doc, I did 5 years in Soledad, you got nothin' "

Maybe "Could you please just kiss me first" (I have a female GP)

Or right after "Just hold me"

I should be grateful they don't put my testicles in a vice like they do for women's mammamanaonograms.

-Oh crap! I gotta change out the gerbil!


I think you should go in wearing a rubber ball gag.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Now be nice to the docs. Get an enema and clean yourself before you go :D

And it might be a good time for some anal bleaching:S

I already suggested that! And maybe some glitter or happy faces on your cheeks, you know, just to shake things up for the doc...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I don't need to go. They are making me.

Cause I'm over 40.

"This will be a little uncomfortable"

I want to come up with a nifty comeback line, like "Don't sweat it, Doc, I did 5 years in Soledad, you got nothin' "

Maybe "Could you please just kiss me first" (I have a female GP)

Or right after "Just hold me"

I should be grateful they don't put my testicles in a vice like they do for women's mammamanaonograms.

-Oh crap! I gotta change out the gerbil!


Why don't you tell me what I'm Thinking!, because you're touching my brain!

Blog Clicky

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I'm glad to read that you don't have to go, as it something is wrong. I'm glad you are going in for a check up.

BTW, if you need any one to sooth the pain away that those mean ole doctors caused you, you know where to find me;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I'm glad to read that you don't have to go, as it something is wrong. I'm glad you are going in for a check up.

BTW, if you need any one to sooth the pain away that those mean ole doctors caused you, you know where to find me;)

Gonna pat him on the butt and tell him everything will be ok? ;):D

You could tell him "This too shall pass"...but then he'd be all paranoid that the Doc left something up in there!! :D:D:D
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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There is more then just physical pain that needs to be sooth. There is also emotional;)

Besides, it's okay to give a good looking guy a nice butt rub:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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