
Where has all the romance gone?

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I think first, you have to understand your man's definition of "romance" or showing you he loves you.

My boy-toy is not about candles & moonlight---but he's amazing at all the little things--like automatically checking my tires and oil before I go on long trips, or noticing how I put things away and just putting it their for me the way he knows I like it--or paying attention to details, like if he orders for me, he knows to say "she doesn't want bacon on that". From the sound of it, you might think I "trained" him well, but actually he just does these things. And, though he's not great at surprises, though they do come once in a while---he's amazing at occassions, never forgetting my b-day or our anniversary and always gives the gift that I didn't know I wanted, but suddenly find myself can't living without, makes special surprise plans, etc.

I used to think it was important to have the guy come home for no reason with flowers, or surprise you with a candlelight dinner, blah, blah, blah, then I realized, some of the guys I know who do these things are actually jerks and forget everything else--only doing that to "stay in good" with their girl or to get laid.

Romance isn't dead, I don't think anyways. I think it's just different and not so traditional anymore. Some traditions are worth keeping like opening doors, etc., but I'm so glad some have gone out the window.:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Clay....careful what you wish for....my bet is you wouldn't survive through Friday with her much less the entire weekend.

Ummmm...........I have been pent up in Iraq for the last 3 months and I still have a bit to go before vacation. Call out the national guard cause I'm about to burn some shit down and break a lot of hearts! B|;)

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Where have all the gentlemen gone?

We got wise to the fact that you girls don't really want a gentleman... Actions speak louder than words. [:/]


lol.... no shit..

there is a lot of pickings in the skydiving social area, but i wouldnt even date a chick unless i thought they were somone good enough to marry...

and well those are in SHORT supply... maybee 1 in 100, and usually picked out and snapped up real quick!...

being single is lonely. but not bickering or wondering if your being cheated on is worse.

one of these days, maybee i will take a chance again, but it would have to be somone that had my trust. and you dont get my trust untill ive know you for a year or two. and by then you cant stand me anyways..:D

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Been a little hurt then?

Please don't get me wrong, I am climbing the walls with sexual frustration from being single, and guys say, "Hey Bev, you just have to ask!" Well thanks for nothing. Humph.

To me sex is SOOO important in a relationship, va va voom is the critical factor.
But have all the little things gone?

I know when someone cares, 'cause they do the little things for you that other people don't know about, or know you like.

MMM, drivel.
Maybe I should stop expecting so much.

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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important but farrrrrrrrrrr from everything.


But have all the little things gone?

i'm beginning to think so.
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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important but farrrrrrrrrrr from everything.


But have all the little things gone?

i'm beginning to think so.

you see some of these threads some girls start and the things they do or say. dont you think that might be a little intimadating to some guys. and if it wasnt intimidating, dont you think that it would make the "right guy" look elswhere..

im not the nicest guy on this planet, but i know who i am and what i want and where im going

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you see some of these threads some girls start and the things they do or say. dont you think that might be a little intimadating to some guys. and if it wasnt intimidating, dont you think that it would make the "right guy" look elswhere..

im not the nicest guy on this planet, but i know who i am and what i want and where im going

I am not sure that this would be intimidating to guys. It is a general thing.
I had lunch with a guy friend who was willing to throw in the towel of his year long marriage, and I started him on the discussion of the little things.

Initially he was quite adamant that his wife was lazy and did not do anything for him, until I explained the points system differences between guys and girls.

I asked him to humour me for a month, to do things unexpectedn of him.

Things like organising a bay sitter, dinner and a bubble bath for her, and not expecting to get laid.
Sending "I Love You" text messages.
Telling her how stunning she was and how lucky he was to have her.
Etc etc, He thought about it and called me 2 weeks later, to say that the marriage has never been better, and 6 weeks later I got a call to say she was pregnant - again.

So 18 months later, they are very much in love.

But. and it is a big but.
It comes from both sides. Not necessarily at the same time and not always when you expect it.

It is almost, like keeping on being nice to maintain the love even when the other person seems to have given up.
Not to the point of being a doormat or being emotionally abused.

But it should be a two way street.
Partners in every sense of the word.

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important but farrrrrrrrrrr from everything.


But have all the little things gone?

i'm beginning to think so.

It usually gets darkest before the dawn.

If you're looking for it, you'll never find it. You just have to be yourself and it will find you...trust me :)
Scars remind us that the past is real

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Going on a first date with a lady this weekend. Talked to her on the phone yesterday about picking her up, where we're goin and such and she asks if its gonna be "dutch". I was kinda taken aback that someone would think I would ask her out, then expect her to help pay. I dont know, maybe its the norm now but I sure didnt expect that question. I realize it may just be the "norm", and she's just making sure, but WTF happened to dating???


Well...I'll usually ask if it's "dutch" just 'cause I want the guy to know I like him and not what's in his wallet.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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