
Post your quirks!!! (The talk about yourself thread)

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OBSSESS over whether food is ok or not, and if I'm going to get food poisoning.

Just a suggestion..........Don't EVER come to Iraq. :D

One of my guys is leaving to go to Camp Liberty... the first time he quit, he went to FL to open a restaurant...hurricanes screwed them up pretty good and they sold out....

...with the recent restaurant experience, he's gonna LOVE it over there, huh? :D:D:D
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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hmm here's a few.. i'm sure there is more.

*the task bar on the computer always needs to be along the right.
*I prefer smaller forks than larger forks
*Clocks need to be set and not flashing... It's ok if they have the wrong time tho.
*Those stickers on stereos/electronics saying what it is needs to be removed. (why dont people remove them?)

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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- I constantly check/pat my pockets, even when I don't have any
- If I swallow toothpaste it makes me gag
- I LOVE chocolate ice cream with Pineapples
- Any tune that is whistled, I will eventually start singing. (which is a problem when your techs figure that they can get you to sing 'If I Only Had a Brain" all day long) [:/]

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chocolate icecream with PINEAPPLES?!?!?!:o:o:o
that's not a quirk, that's just freakish:|:P

You could upset Kelly with that talk!
She hates pineapple. Pineapple killed her family.:S:D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I like smaller spoons too but not forks

I take off all stickers when i buy electronics and tend to take these sitckers off wherever I see them

I put my feet on a stool (6") when I crap

I stare at my alti on the climb up untill somebody talks..

I always get my haircut from the same barber, otherwise I just let it grow

My last quirk... I hate the person who farts and stinks up the whole plane, I want to throw them out regardless of altitude...

Blue Skies
HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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She hates pineapple. Pineapple killed her family.

and her dog.. It may have stolen her car once or twice too.

sheesh. Id hate pineapple if it stole my car. Especially if my gear was in it.
Death to pinapple! B|
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Lets see...

Dipping french fries in my Windys Frosty
Hit snooze for like an hour in the morning
Like sitting in the otter door for the climb to altitude w/ the door open
Drive fast, I cant stand doing 60mph on the interstate or 30 in town... :S
Always keep my cash in a mess inside my pocket, even though I have a wallet I could put it in
I tend to do my laundry, and just keep it in the laundry basket.. Rarely do I put it in the drawers

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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all my shirts must be facing the same way in the closet. long sleeves on the left, short sleeves on the right. separated by pants.

I always put my right shoe on first. always.

I cant stand a car windshield to be dirty, and dirty inside is even worse than outside.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I always eat asado or beans with a tortilla... no fork.
NEVER allow my hat to be put on a bed!
Always sit by a window in a cafe.
Won't sit with my back to a door.
I like a fan going while I sleep (summer or winter).
I'm sure, there's a few more... just can't recall them all.


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...with the recent restaurant experience, he's gonna LOVE it over there, huh?

Oh he won't have too much trouble there. That's the START of the supply line in Iraq. That place is like Shangri La, Big PX, etc. :D Now if he wants to come out to the boonies where I am..............:D

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-I always sort my bills in chronological order as to when they are due, even though I pay all my monthly bills at the same time.
-I always eat my salad after I have eaten my entire dinner.
-I refuse to read owners manuals when I purchase something, then get pissed if something is screwed up after I put everything together.
-The inside of my car always has to be spotless, but I'll let the inside of my home get really messy before I clean it.
-The clothes in my closet are always sorted in a specific order. Also, my shirts must all face the same way.
-I am computer retarded, yet I refuse to use the tutorials that are already programmed on my computer.
-I inspect all dishes, glasses, silverware for any baked on crusties from the dishwasher. If I discover a crustie, I just put it back into the dishwasher for a second chance.
-I refuse to eat the ends of a loaf of bread.


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Uumm, let's see...

-I always need a window open. Even if it's -30 out.
-I have 2 piles of clothes. Clean and dirty.
-Toiletpaper has to go on the seat 1st. Even my own.
-Once I get a clock to the real time, I look away and set it to something randomly above it. Then I use it as the real time to *try* and keep me from being late, until I manage to figure it out. But I never switch it back. Just take the minutes off.
-I write myself so many post-its I never read em all.

"Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"

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Uumm, let's see...

-Once I get a clock to the real time, I look away and set it to something randomly above it. Then I use it as the real time to *try* and keep me from being late, until I manage to figure it out.

LOL... :D
I do the same thing, my clock is always some random time ahead of real time... and it actually works, I'll look at it and be "crap, I need to get up" and start rushing everything only to realize that I have a few minutes to spare :D

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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1. My alarm clock is set 20 minutes fast. Yes, I know this every a.m. when I wake up, but I hit snooze 3 times before getting up.
2. I also dig in the silverware drawer for the smaller spoon... hmmm weird...
3. Same goes for the second piece of bread in the loaf.
4. I was addicted the weather channel, but since I don't have that channel anymore, I can't watch it. My whole family is the same way.
5. I always go to the refrigerator first at my family and friend's (close friends) houses and open it up to see what they have.
6. I sleep with a fan or something that has white noise...
7. I bite the inside of my mouth all the time, one of my brothers does the same thing.
8. I pop my knuckles (doing it right now).
9. Before I go to sleep, I find the cold spot in the bed and put my feet there. (I do the same with my pillow, I flip it until I find the coldest side)

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*My cereal all has to be covered with milk before I can take a bite


I check and recheck my alarm about 3 or 4 times before sleep, even if i checked it and laid down,


If I swallow toothpaste it makes me gag


I have constant road rage


I am computer retarded, yet I refuse to use the tutorials that are already programmed on my computer.

Thank you all....I'm not nearly as twisted as I thought I was. :)
My closing pin necklace has to point to my right.
I always mount and dismount my bike on the high side.
When I use a colon, semicolon, or exclamation mark, I always have to leave a space between them and the end of the preceeding word.
I can't wear the same shirt more than once every two weeks.

Thank you for the intervention, I feel much better now.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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Fun reading,

I'm not sure I ever do anything the same way twice, even if I meant to.

One thing I try to do is say, "It's good to be flying again after every takeoff"

I mean it, I love flying and feel quite content there.

I don't say it when I'm jumping though, only from the front seat.

Must think if there are other things.

Any fork is fine.

I don't like pineapples, but I don't hate them either.

Fan on, fan off, don't care.

cereal with milk, yogurt, dry, whatever.

If a girl wants to suck on my nipple I just want equal time on hers.

Money goes in the wallet any way at all. Sometimes it does go in with the largest on the outside and the smallest on the inside, but not always.

Laundry, OH WAIT, here's one. Laundry is still folded in the drawer the same way they told us to do it in basic training. No demerits that way.

Imagine if we were all the same?

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