
Do you use travel agencies?

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Are they worth it? Do they just steer you to stuff that will get them a commission, and could you save more money just arranging your own vacation?

I'm making a trip to Juneau, Alaska, & surrounding places soon, & I'm wondering if people find travel agents helpful or do you just make all your own plans when you go on vacation.
Speed Racer

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The ones I used to use were friends so I had lots of faith in them. Anymore, I do my own so it fits in my schedule. Besides, it easier and faster for me to book my own than it takes to pick up the phone and call a travel agent.
if you're doing something complex, use a travel agent. If you're looking for plane tix and a hotel, you're probably just as well doing it yourself.

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I am in the hospitality industry and I can assure you that usually you won't get that much of a deal going through a travel agency. They have become more of a "luxury" of having not to make your own reservations. The best way to save on hotels is going through online services such as priceline, etc. That is generally the cheapest you will get at any hotels. ;)

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I am in the hospitality industry and I can assure you that usually you won't get that much of a deal going through a travel agency. They have become more of a "luxury" of having not to make your own reservations. The best way to save on hotels is going through online services such as priceline, etc. That is generally the cheapest you will get at any hotels.

What Ashtanga said. I work in Hotels, for the most part you can get better deals on the Hotel direct sites. All the big chains offer lowest rate guarantees. Sidestep.com and betterbidding.com might help.

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Are they worth it? Do they just steer you to stuff that will get them a commission, and could you save more money just arranging your own vacation?

I'm making a trip to Juneau, Alaska, & surrounding places soon, & I'm wondering if people find travel agents helpful or do you just make all your own plans when you go on vacation.

One of the local TV Stations around here di a test by giving a travel itenerary to several local Travel Agencies and then using a few online sites. Their conclusion was that for a simple trip ie. Airfare and Hotel in a single location, you are better off booking online. For a more extensive and complicated trip, they concluded you are better using a Travel Agency. In fact Travel Agencies were able to book the more complicated trip for less over 75% of the time.

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I use a guy for business flights now. He is an ex Air Canada reservation agent who worked inside the industry for 15 years, so he does know all the tricks to get better fares on the airlines.

But for hotels, cars, simple persoanl flights (ie no stopovers) I use expedia.

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I buy mostly on the net.
Travel agents do have their perks. They know about a lot of places and therefore can give good suggestions. I have also been able to change my arrangements with no added cost where as on the net they screw you almost always.

just my $.02
HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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They know about a lot of places and therefore can give good suggestions.

This was definetly true before the internet but now you can find out as much about a particular location as the travel agency can. Where do you think they get their information on hotels? The internet just like you do. :|

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for business travel yes... for personal travel I am likely to set up travel and hotel arrangements on my own. (probably through something like AF travel which is technically a travel agent...)

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I'll usually only use a travel agent if I'm booking an Apple vacation since they will only deal with travel agents. And that's usually after researching airfare and hotel options and determining that Apple is offering the best price for what I want.

BUT, with amore ocmplicated vacation and maybe fewer budget constraints, I *might* go with a travel agent if I thought it would make things easier.

When I went to Mexico in February, I booked an Apple charter flight through a travel agent but made my own hotel arrangements. Not all inclusive, not right on the beach, but clean and airconditioned and near a really nice beach- much nicer than the beach the big resorts were located on! Of course, it helps if you know a little about the area you are visiting when you are making your own hotel arrangements and not going with a large resort!

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A travel agent is more likely to book at a large hotel or chain. If you are looking to save money and want something smaller or privately owned, you need to do more research. Still the internet- but you may need to go to travel forums and message boards for reccommendations.

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