
Question for the Ladies

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I think the basket thing is a little too much... You don't want to creep her out... Do you even know if she's single? Any rings on her fingers?

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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I get real nervous around someone I like too. To the point where I have been told several times that I don't talk enough or I am too shy. Sometimes I would actually let them know that happens....it helps ease the nerves and breaks the ice.

Call her....ask her to get some coffee or drinks. If you don't....you will always wonder. Plus, you never know...she could be trying to figure out how to ask you out for drinks. ;)

Good luck

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Do you even know if she's single? Any rings on her fingers?

She is definetly single. No rings. She moved here recently to take this job. Very much a very sweet, attractive girly, girl. You know she wears summer dresses and all that.

She was an intern for a friend of mine when I met her. She told my friend she thought I had nice eyes and was cute. :)

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Hmm.. Sounds like she MIGHT like to get to know you... Informal lunch or drinks. The worst thing that can happen is she could say no... Right? :(

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Maybe I should call her and sing Stevie Wonder to her...

I just called
to say
I Like You

Noooooooo!! Just call her and ask her for coffee, somewhere nuetral. The worst that could happen is that she would say no.
Take a chance boy...take a chance.
But forget the flowers.

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I think it's a little odd sending flowers first. This is especially since it's intra-company, even if it is a different location. Bosses have to be careful about what they allow.

I'd start a little more slowly. If she's expressed interest, then take her out someplace for lunch or after work. Let things go from there.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>She was an intern for a friend of mine when I met her. She told my friend she thought I had nice eyes and was cute.<

Oh you have So got to ask for a date, Couldn't you engineer an accidental bumping into her (not physically)
Talk about the weather, compliment her on her dress or something, then add a "would you like to have a coffee/drink
with me,

But what ever happens you have to keep us informed,
I'm such a sucker for a romantic story.

Gone fishing

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Send some anonymous roses to her with the initial of your first name. Then no one at her work will know it's from you and she will only have a suspision. It will drive her crazy for about a week and she will get all kinds of respect at work from her female co-workers for having a secret admirer. She will probably end up calling you. If she doens't like you now then she will when she finds out and at least go out with you for dinner.
Boboso Rodriguez

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especially since it's intra-company

Ok, since lawrocket played the serious card.... check with your company's policy on employee dating. Even if you do date her, be very careful with email, voicemail, etc.. If she goes psycho on you at some point, those emails may get you fired, even if she was receptive at the time. Keep work professional, and you should be ok.

Cute little teddy bears sent to her are sure to get coworkers talking, in both your offices. Besides, that'll tell her you're a nice guy, and we all know where nice guy's finish! ;)

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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Take a chance boy...take a chance.

I agree... If you are going to go, go big... Rent a motel room and invite her for a lunchtime quickie. She either says no (and you're not worse for the loss), or she says yes! What have you got to loose? >:(

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I agree... If you are going to go, go big... Rent a motel room and invite her for a lunchtime quickie. She either says no (and you're not worse for the loss), or she says yes! What have you got to loose

Bwahhhhhhhhh! Do Not listen to Remi he obviously has been in the sun too long...or will be;)

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