
medical question

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how come you can eat three times a day and only take a dump once a day? does breakfast wait for lunch and dinnerso they can all leave together? or does lunch and dinner rush to catch up so they don't get left behind? i know this is gross, but i really am curious.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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how come you can eat three times a day and only take a dump once a day? does breakfast wait for lunch and dinnerso they can all leave together? or does lunch and dinner rush to catch up so they don't get left behind? i know this is gross, but i really am curious.


Don't tell me... you also check it out to see how fast corn goes through?:D:D


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Do you know that if you eat a steak it stays in your body for about a week? If you put a steak on a plate and leave it on that plate for a week it will look the same as it does in your body. It molds, etc. in your body. That is why you should eat a lot of fiber to get it out as quick as possible.

It's gross but I still love my steak.

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if you eat a steak it stays in your body for about a week

LOL. I hope you're kidding. Please tell me you don't actually believe that.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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Peanuts? I've never had peanuts come through whole. Probably because swallowing them whole seems like a choking hazard. Do not, I repeat, do not, let this thread degenerate into a discussion of how a straight woman ought to be able to manage her gag reflex better.

Corn, on the other hand, is easy and safe to swallow whole. But you might see 4 or 5 of them go through whole, when chances are you ate a whole serving of corn. So you're clearly chewing most of it!

However, I did find this if you'd like to share your problem with the world.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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>how come you can eat three times a day and only take a dump once a day?

What you take in is primarily water; an apple is something like 80% water by weight. Your body reabsorbs most of the water, and also extracts the sugars, starches and other nutrients. A lot of those nutrients end up as urea (which you pee out) or CO2 (which you breathe out.) You eliminate what's left.

Useless fact #4 - your body uses e. coli, a bacteria, to help break down certain kinds of food. In return your body provides a safe place for e. coli to grow, using the otherwise-unusable parts of our food. Thus what you poop out is something like 75% e. coli (bacteria) by weight, depending on what you eat. Since e. coli is happy just about anywhere, and is facultative (i.e. can metabolize with or without oxygen) it can cause problems if it gets other places.

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KJ, I have a question for you..why is it that men have their most profound thoughts while they're in the restroom? :D

because we spend so much time there. although when my son wants to find mommy, the first place he looks is in the bathroom.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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KJ, I have a question for you..why is it that men have their most profound thoughts while they're in the restroom? :D

because we spend so much time there. although when my son wants to find mommy, the first place he looks is in the bathroom.



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