
INXS: Rockstar

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Jordis last week- probably fair since she seemed to have lost her drive, but I was sorry to see her go. I love her voice and I think she could have been a good fit for them. My money is on Suzie to go home tonight. I'm with you about Mig, but the guys from INXS seem to enjoy the way JD strokes their egos.

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ok, i had some problem sending some of the music to the people that PM'd me, sooooo i got them loaded up on a free site for anybody to access. they will remain there untill they have been inactive for 14 days.


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Tigra, I honestly hope you and monkeyman :P are wrong!! Please, for the love of flan, NO MIG!!! UGH.

I'd rather see JD win (than Mig), although he is somewhat unnerving. My money is that it will come down to Marty and JD. I will admit that JD did a darned good job last week with his INXS song when he was on the chopping block. I still am a Marty fan.

Tigra, don't forget the beer and avatar bet. LOL

I'm with you.....Sweet Suzie's going home. She is a powerhouse but very "norm."


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Well, hasn't JD made a career out of impersonating dead rockstars? :P He just might be exactly what they want, but he creeps me out!

I *think* I remember the bet- if Marty wins, I owe you beer. If JD wins, you change your avatar to a shot of yourself wearing Brooke's tacky outfit from last week. Did I get that right? Was there another part to it?

BTW- I loved Dave Navarro's comment about Brooke's outfit this week-I'm paraphrasing, but.... Porno Wonder Woman??? lol

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Tigra, I honestly hope you and monkeyman :P are wrong!! Please, for the love of flan, NO MIG!!! UGH.

I'd rather see JD win (than Mig), although he is somewhat unnerving. My money is that it will come down to Marty and JD. I will admit that JD did a darned good job last week with his INXS song when he was on the chopping block. I still am a Marty fan.

Tigra, don't forget the beer and avatar bet. LOL

I'm with you.....Sweet Suzie's going home. She is a powerhouse but very "norm."

Susie just got her walking pass. She's really good and I'm sure she'll have a future in the music industry...so as many predicted, we're down to 3 guys: Mig, JD, and Marty...which will it be? I am personally impressed by all of them! This show has attracted amazing talent!


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This is going to be a 'tough' call. I thought Marty or JD, but Mig really did well on his first INXS song! It wasn't a surprise that Suzie went home.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Tigra dammit, I watched it last night - I hate to admit it, but JD is really starting to come on strong. I even enjoyed his performance of Pretty Vegas. Yes, I was sober. Of course, I still prefer Marty. Its just scaring me that JD is looking more like INXS' boy just because he can pull off their songs so well.

Have I mentioned that I still love Marty? And I still prefer any light beer that would not be used for "pouring." I'll give you shipping instructions next week:D

And, no, I can't get the "Trees" song out of my head.


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I love Trees too! I really do like Marty, I just think he's wrong for INXS.

Yeah, JD is coming on strong, but I still can't stand him! And honestly, I though Mig was amazing on the INXS song he did last night. I think the only reason they didn't send him back first was to keep his ego in check! He's the only one who raised his hand when they asked who deserved an encore, and was acting like he was still certain he would NOT be in the bottom 3. Pretty cocky when there were only 4 of them!

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I HATED what MIG wore...it was gross. The theatrics ....blaaaaagh.....he ripped his shirt, oh yippee. :| I thought his performance was weak.

I think we both agree that JD is INXS material , BECAUSE, admittedly he is talented and can deliver and INXS song very close to its original version. Marty, well, I haven't seen him do any INXS but...he's a better artist through and through.

Daisy looked like she actually walked passed a mirror before the show last night too.


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She looked "normal" until you got to the boots! :)
And, sorry, I don't usually go in for theatrics or skin tight leather, but Mig pulled that look off. He was hot! He's a good looking man with a killer bod. And he can sing!

If all INXS wants is a Michael Hutchence impersonator, so they can do one more comeback tour and pay a few bills, JD is their man! Maybe in a few years, he'll find another dead rock star to impersonate!:P

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He can grow his hair out and get a perm! He doesn't look much like Elvis either, but wasn't he an Elvis impersonator in Vegas or something? I wonder if he does weddings too! :P

That's a nice picture of Michael. I remember him being incredibly sexy on stage- great presence. But I also thought he was short and had terrible acne.

I guess you feel about Mig the way I do about JD! eeeewwwww! slimy!

I'll be happy to pay up with the beer if Marty beats both of them, I just don't think its going to happen! :)

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Both songs, "Pretty Vegas" and especially "Trees", I can't get out of my head! JD, does seem to 'fit' INXS, the crowd loves him. Marty is very good, but may want to take INXS to a harder rock and I'm not sure they want that to happen. I'm going with JD or Marty............it's going to be a tough one.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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