
My dog is better than your snake!

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I thought it was only women who couldnt let things go :S jeesh men cant live with them, cant bash there heads like feeder rats :P

BTW there is a difference between domesticated pets , and tame wild animals.....
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Yeah, but you can leave a snake alone for a couple of weeks while you are on vacation with no problem and also, there are snakes that can fly all on their own
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And all my dogs are better then yours:P

Oh my God, Mar's dogs can pose for group pics, hold paws and wear matching bandanas!

Hey! My dog can do tricks too!
I finally taught her to shake for treats. Now she runs up to everyone and sticks out her paw to shake...:D:D:D:D:D
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Thanks Rosa and Jim, my dogs are my babies. As you both know I travel most places with at least Rose, and having to leave her and the other two behind for a week killed me.
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Steve, the picture of you with your dog is awesome. You both look great! I have to take more pics with my own doggie, who is also multi-talented with doggie tricks. ;)

Mar, you are welcome. It's a great picture. I know how you feel about leaving your furry friends behind. Congrats again on being on another JFTC record jump, Mar! B|

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Not a dog, but she plays like one! Can jump more than 3 feet in the air chasing a ball on a string. If Daisy gets bored and I'm not playing with her, she brings the ball to me. ;)
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