
Ladies Please Help! ** GQ_Jumper **

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Dan, I hate you on principle. :-P

No, I don't really, but it just kills me - I could work out until literally, my arm fell off and my legs rotted away - and I'd still never be at the same body fat ratio you are.

do you only eat protein or something, or is it (and I'm sad to say, I think it is...) just something you were born with? A blast furnace for a metabolism?

Sigh. A boy can dream...
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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From a guy's point of view. If Dan is good looking and takes good care of himself and at the same time treats his female and male friends with respect, I say all power to him.

When I was in my better looking days (early to mid thirties), I got a lot of unsolicited attention. Some was flattering, some was embarrassing and some was downright nasty. I believe most people want to be known for what they are inside and not how good they look in a pair of jeans. A few times I got this line from people after they knew me for a while; "When I first saw you, I thought you would be a complete asshole instead of the nice person you are." The problem is people judge too quickly. Looks fade, your personality doesn't.

Sounds like Dan is keeping it balanced.B|


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I have a joke about good looking guys. "Well I hope he doesn't open his mouth and ruin the fantasy" The majority of hotties unfortunately have an empty space where their brains are supposed to be. :(

Luckily my hottie has tons of brains and is not scared to show them off, much to many people here on DZ.com's annoyance. :P:D
Fly it like you stole it!

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Is he a USAF PJ? He looks vaguely familiar

No, Army SF, I went through MFF with a bunch of PJ's though.

And I do have a decent metabolism but I still have to work my ass off to keep it up. So don't be too jealous.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Oh I forgot to mention, you ladies are posting horrible pics of me:oI still luv ya though. Here try theseB|

All that beer that got poured on me went straight to my ass BTW, i'm still trying to work it all off:P

Umm....Dan, honey....do you really want me to post the GOOD pic that I have of you? >:( Remember the thread that I started specifically because of a body part of yours? I do still have that pic. ;)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Umm....Dan, honey....do you really want me to post the GOOD pic that I have of you? Remember the thread that I started specifically because of a body part of yours? I do still have that pic.

AHHHHHHHHHH, I had completely forgotten you started a thread about my ass:$. Keep that pic to yourself pleeeeeeeeeeease:)

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Oh I forgot to mention, you ladies are posting horrible pics of me:oI still luv ya though. Here try theseB|

All that beer that got poured on me went straight to my ass BTW, i'm still trying to work it all off:P

Dan, it is a cheap trick to throw in a picture of a puppy dog to make you look cute...:P Heck, anyone looks cute with a dog in their photo, just look at my avatar... Wait, I am not even in it.:S

I will talk all the shit I want to about you...:P That is because I like ya!;)

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Skycat, I am stuck in the Springs until I fly out next week. :(

LADYSKYDIVER - You can, you must and you should post that picture.

#1 It gives the guys he works with fuel to bust his chops. This is also known as male bonding.

#2 The women here might appreciate it.

#3 It gives the guys who are feeling inadequate a bit of hope knowing Dan has a chink in his armor.

#4 If I decide to become his pimp and lend him to the women at the DZs for jump tickets, they will know what they are getting.

This is the true definition of a WIN-WIN.

Let me make this really easy, I will reopen that thread so you are exempt.

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A quick recap of what is known about Pretty Boy aka GQ_Jumper from the thread and PMs:

* He is good looking
* He has a great body
* He is really polite
* Dan takes pictures with puppies
* Dan gets harassed at work because waitresses put dollar bills in his g string at Ruby Tuesdays. (GOT IT RIGHT DAN!)
* He owns break-away stripper pants and is not afraid to use them! (Secret is out Dan!)

Thank you for all the ladies who are so helpful. Even Dan was kind enough to explain to me what the hell "vitamins, fruit and working out" was.

~ Matt

PS Dan I reopened the thread and if you got a problem with that ... I will share the story of your skydive with those breakaway stripper pants!

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A quick recap of what is known about Pretty Boy aka GQ_Jumper from the thread and PMs:

* He is good looking
* He has a great body
* He is really polite
* Dan takes pictures with puppies
* Dan gets harassed at work because waitresses put dollar bills in his g string at Ruby Tuesdays. (GOT IT RIGHT DAN!)
* He owns break-away stripper pants and is not afraid to use them! (Secret is out Dan!)

who the hell has been sending you pm's??

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Skycat, I am stuck in the Springs until I fly out next week. :(

LADYSKYDIVER - You can, you must and you should post that picture.

#1 It gives the guys he works with fuel to bust his chops. This is also known as male bonding.

#2 The women here might appreciate it.

#3 It gives the guys who are feeling inadequate a bit of hope knowing Dan has a chink in his armor.

#4 If I decide to become his pimp and lend him to the women at the DZs for jump tickets, they will know what they are getting.

This is the true definition of a WIN-WIN.

Let me make this really easy, I will reopen that thread so you are exempt.

Sorry, hon...friendship with Dan wins out. :D Although I'll admit...the knowledge that Dan might have squirmed just a bit when he remembered that I had the pic was totally worth mentioning it. :D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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